I get what you're saying Picasso but if this were THAT big of an issue, he could've been put on notice welllll before graduation approached.
They said that they had NO prohibition of cornrows, locks, or any other ethnic hairstyle but the length of his hair hasn't come up in all of the years that he's been growing them.
If this is only the FIRST time it's come up, they should take THIS opportunity to put the rest of the District and it's students on notice moving forward.
Imagine how rigid the Army and other Branches have been on Wear and Appearance of a Soldier's hair, both head and facial. Before females were allowed to wear cornrows and locs now, accommodations were made for Sikh military members. CACs lost their SHIT too.
The military kinda had to deal with that on the fly and made Sikh headdresses allowable AND full beards...freedom of religion that Faketriot folks loved to as long as it only meant THEM.
I was an E.O. Rep/SHARP when it came about and had to brief my Battalion's queasy snowflakes about the coming changes to AR 670-1.
I had more than half a dozen muhfuckas red with rage...precursors to the Trumpsters of today. They were frightened to death and livid AF!
I had to talk them muhfuckas off of ledges and shit.
CAC Soldier: WTF! What if
'I' wanna wear a Turban, is the Army gonna accommodate
Me: Absolutely...as soon as you convert to Sihkism.
Observant Sikhs and conservative Muslim women are now able to wear religious head coverings, thanks to a directive issued Tuesday that updates the Army's grooming and appearance regulation. Sikh soldiers also are allowed to maintain their
beards, according to the update.
In a move to better accommodate religious minorities serving in the military
A U.S. Army captain who follows the Sikh faith will be allowed to keep his long hair, turban and beard.Captain Simratpal Singh is the first active-duty soldier to receive permission to do so.Long hair and beards are one of the five articles of faith for Si
*Sidenote: I've NEVER seen a Regimental Crest placed near the shoulder like this either.