Tennessee Cops , Married female officer fired for sex romps


Rising Star


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dem brothas dumb as hell for participating. Just dumb as rocks.

Should have had a BGOL night. Now you fucked and it's bout to get a lot worse.


Rising Star
Platinum Member



Damn that bitch is ugly !!!:smh:


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Yep, it's gonna be:
"The big mean black guys took advantage of me and told me I had to have sex with them. They put something in my drink. I didn't know what I was doing. I think Bill Cosby was there too" :smh:
This is where the power dynamics come in, if you are in a position of power you cant be fucking your underlings.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And the dumb ass black men?

You guys are weird.

They were stupid for sure.. but there is a not so subtle racial issue thats underlying here.

That said..OJ aint taught this niggas NOTHING!!! :smh::smh::smh:

This is where the power dynamics come in, if you are in a position of power you cant be fucking your underlings.

So every secretary that fucked their boss and married them was under duress of some sort??


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
So every secretary that fucked their boss and married them was under duress of some sort??
Have you been in a coma these past 10 years? If the relationship went bad yes.

You are trying too hard to defend these idiots, or do you want pretend that you didn't know that if are in a supervisor position and you fuck someone you are in charge of you are putting your job on the line?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Have you been in a coma these past 10 years? If the relationship went bad yes.

You are trying too hard to defend these idiots, or do you want pretend that you didn't know that if are in a supervisor position and you fuck someone you are in charge of you are putting your job on the line?

thats the issue and distinction. I'm no defending anyone. But her defense basically relies on white women tears.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
thats the issue and distinction. I'm no defending anyone. But her defense basically relies on white women tears.
It's not a issue. It's simple, don't fuck people you work with especially if you are in a supervisory position.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's not a issue. It's simple, don't fuck people you work with especially if you are in a supervisory position.
its simple but its not how human behavior works. Especially in a female/male sexual attraction dynamic. People in general women in particular are and can be attracted to people in positions of authority, power and leverage.

In many cases its a criteria for their attraction. One of the main reasons she's fucking that guy IS because he has a position of authority.

I understand why its incumbent upon people who have that position to resist temptation but we're talking about human behavior.

Theres a huge difference between how harvey weinstein used his position to force an actress to fuck him and how bill clinton hooked up with an intern at the white house. In fact one the things clinton WASNT charged with was his abuse of authority in hooking up with monica lewinsky. she was a 22 year old intern and he was POTUS and at NO POINT during that year long investigation did she or anyone say he used his leverage to force her to blah blah...

Youre right things changed in the last decade but there really needs to be a distinction between force and pressure used vs free will decisions and regret/revenge because shit didn't work out.