That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER ALERT)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First up:


Michael Douglas works for a computer hardware firm thats about to merge with another firm. At one point he gets caught up in a sexual harassment suit brought on by the headhunter (Demi Moore)hired by the company. The lawsuit fails and Douglas is exonerated. THEN he's set up to look incompetent at a board meeting by the same woman and again he beats her. All the while he and few others are being considered for a promotion and theres some men vs. women back and forth while people are being considered. In the end a woman gets the promotion, Douglas keeps his job and all's well that ends well.

SO WHY THE FUCK WERE THEY TRYING TO GET RID OF MICHAEL DOUGLAS TO BEGIN WITH?? It was never established (at least not in a way that I could pick up) what firing him would have achieved. And they went thru ridiculously complicated (tho the sex scene was hot) ways to do it.

Anyone pick up on WHY they were trying to get rid of him in the first place?


Okay so Sam Jackson is a special forces DI who gets killed. John Travolta plays a CID cop asked to investigate. They go thru the typical Roshamon story retold thru several POVs ploy and come up with like a BAZILLION suspects since jackson is the typical hardass DI everyone would want to kill. Thru out the movie it becomes clear that everyone is lying and even the flashbacks aren't true and in the final scene we find out that not only is Sam Jackson not dead but he works on the same team as John Travolta as well as Taye Diggs (the guy he hazed the hardest) and pretty much all the people we see in the movie.

So the wrap up by Travolta was that Jackson and his team were infiltrating some drug crew in the military and they were close to exposing Jackson so his death was faked in an effort to extract him or something i dunno I lost interest when I found out that absolutely nothing was true in the flick.

So WHY did they go thru all that?
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Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Shutter Island had me like WTF for a minute. Memento was easier to digest than that. When I first saw Evil dead, then Evil Dead two and Ash was alive, I was like WTF?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Mulholland Dr. I was pissed after watching this bullshit spent over 2 hrs watching some shit that didnt make sense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

please post WHY it was confusing to you (maybe someone can explain it) rather than posting a title and saying i didn't get it...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Mulholland Dr. I was pissed after watching this bullshit spent over 2 hrs watching some shit that didnt make sense.

Yeah I saw that movie too. I could not understand that movie but both of those broads were hot.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Happening, I think it was called, with Mark Wahlberg.

Synopsis: Some kind of gas in the air, making everybody kill themselves, people evacuate the city, everybody dies except Mark's wife and kid, next thing you know everything is okay, people have repopulated the city, no explanation of what happened, shit might happen again. The End. What the fuck happened?


International Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Happening, I think it was called, with Mark Wahlberg.

Synopsis: Some kind of gas in the air, making everybody kill themselves, people evacuate the city, everybody dies except Mark's wife and kid, next thing you know everything is okay, people have repopulated the city, no explanation of what happened, shit might happen again. The End. What the fuck happened?

The plants did it.:(


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Mulholland Dr. I was pissed after watching this bullshit spent over 2 hrs watching some shit that didnt make sense.

That movie i dont think was suppose to make sense... it was more like a dream... or a beautiful dream. It had some classic scenes and momements... great acting and very well shot... it was an awsome movie.

and as for Memento... it's very good also, you just cant watch h!gh, at least not the first time :D


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

okay what was confusing about Mulholland Drive..where did it lose you??


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

I see that David Lynch is a recurring theme here.


Chopping it up
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Happening, I think it was called, with Mark Wahlberg.

Synopsis: Some kind of gas in the air, making everybody kill themselves, people evacuate the city, everybody dies except Mark's wife and kid, next thing you know everything is okay, people have repopulated the city, no explanation of what happened, shit might happen again. The End. What the fuck happened?

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN that movie sucked big-time :lol:


Potential Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


this movie made no damn sense :smh::smh:


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Happening, I think it was called, with Mark Wahlberg.

Synopsis: Some kind of gas in the air, making everybody kill themselves, people evacuate the city, everybody dies except Mark's wife and kid, next thing you know everything is okay, people have repopulated the city, no explanation of what happened, shit might happen again. The End. What the fuck happened?

The trees did that shit. . . .btw that movie was extra dumb


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

please post WHY it was confusing to you (maybe someone can explain it) rather than posting a title and saying i didn't get it...

They dont know why they didnt get it, after the beginning credits they were lost.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Good stuff.

Waits for Cunt to come in here like the useless, annoying, condescending troll it is to wax poetic about absolutely nothing while adding zero to the thread.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Good stuff.

Waits for Cunt to come in here like the useless, annoying, condescending troll it is to wax poetic about absolutely nothing while adding zero to the thread.

any minute now:D


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

this is why i hate posting on black message board sometimes..

niggas are lazy or don't (maybe can't) read..


the first post automatically gives you an example.

For all you dumbasses who just posted a poster what do you expect for someone to just break down the whole goddamn movie?

For example (again) I GOT that they were trying to get michael douglas fired in Disclosure what I didn't get was WHY? All I'm looking for is one simple explanation on WHY they were tying to fire him.

They were trying to get rid of becuz of he was to expensive to keep, slept with the bosses wife, feet stink?

if your going to post a movie then state WHAT CONFUSED YOU SPECIFICALLY ABOUT IT.

And if its the whole damn movie then fuck it youre just a confused motherfucker


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

how did he shoot himself and act like nothing happened

He was CRAZY.. He also had a second personality that he thought was real and conversed with..even in front of people. In his head he wasn't shooting himself he was shooting Tyler Durden.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

this is why i hate posting on black message board sometimes..

niggas are lazy or don't (maybe can't) read..


the first post automatically gives you an example.

For all you dumbasses who just posted a poster what do you expect for someone to just break down the whole goddamn movie?
For example (again) I GOT that they were trying to get michael douglas fired in Disclosure what I didn't get was WHY? All I'm looking for is one simple explanation on WHY they were tying to fire him.

They were trying to get rid of becuz of he was to expensive to keep, slept with the bosses wife, feet stink?

if your going to post a movie then state WHY CONFUSED YOU SPECIFICALLY ABOUT IT.

And if its the whole damn movie then fuck it youre just a confused motherfucker

yes break lost highway down.
shit is crazy:angry:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Good stuff.

Waits for Cunt to come in here like the useless, annoying, condescending troll it is to wax poetic about absolutely nothing while adding zero to the thread.

Jeopardy theme.


Chopping it up
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Matter of fact all the movies yall posted sucked (never saw memento so can't speak on that)

Fight club - :hmm: Ass :hmm:
Beloved - :puke:
Watchmen - :yawn:...................3hrs later :sleep: