That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER ALERT)


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Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


Soon as she opened that box. your head exploads in confusion.

Betty (Naomi Watts) and Rita (Laura Elena Harring) are figments of Diane Selwyn's imagination. Diane (also played by Naomi Watts) is cracking up because her lover Camilla Rhodes (also played by Laura Elena Harring) has rejected her for film director Adam Kesher (Justin Theroux). In the end, Diane puts out a contract for Camilla's murder. When she gets the blue key confirming that Camilla is dead, she goes over the edge and commits suicide on her bed. But as she dies, she provides the plot for the first 5/6ths of the film by imagining a fantasy world where she (as Betty) is the Hollywood rising star; Camilla (as Rita) is a glamorous amnesiac in peril, and Adam (still Justin Theroux) has no control over any aspect of his own life


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Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Memento is actually a good movie, if you're the type of person who likes to watch a movie with a plot. Alas, some people prefer mindless, plotless movies and so if you have to actually THINK, then they won't watch it. Here's what happened...

First of all, the movie is in reverse.

Teddy (Joe Pantoliano) did not murder Leonard's (Guy Pearce's) wife (Jorja Fox); he was using Leonard to rip off the drug dealers. It was Leonard himself who accidentally killed his wife. You see, Sammy Jankis (Stephen Tobolowsky) was real, and Leonard *did* investigate his claim, but Sammy wasn't married. Leonard used the Sammy story to block out the memory that it was *his* wife who had diabetes. She actually survived the rape, and died of insulin overdose later, while trying to test Leonard (who developed his "condition" during that assault). Leonard, with the help of Teddy, had already killed the rapist John G. over a year ago. When Teddy reminds Leonard of all these facts, Leonard, in a fit of pique, records Teddy's license plate number, flags it as the killer's, and adds the "Don't believe his lies" note to the Polaroid, thus setting the wheels in motion for Teddy's eventual demise.


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL



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Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Shutter Island had me like WTF for a minute. Memento was easier to digest than that. When I first saw Evil dead, then Evil Dead two and Ash was alive, I was like WTF?

I'm sure that you have figured this out by now, but Evil Dead II was no so much a sequel to the first Evil Dead movie as it was kind of a "do over" for director Sam Raimi... he got a much larger budget to do the 2nd movie.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

C'mon man, some of these I can understand (David Lynch...he's just over there with it!).

But some of these are easy.

The Happening: Trees got tired of humans fucking it up for everybody, released spores or pollen that acted as a hallucingoen (sp?).

Donnie Darko: Because this guy didn't die the first time, it creates a divergent universe in which people who have died are able to get the guy to see the truth & kill himself before he becomes a paradox that destroys both universes.

Usual Suspects: Dude tried to handle some business on a boat, got caught up in a shootout & used his intelligence & anonymity to avoid capture. BTW, he was a famous drug dealer.

Cut: Never seen it.

Butterfly Effect: Dude used the journal of his life as a focal point to time travel, an ability he inherited from his father. However, changing something that was already preset changes everything, ofttimes for the worst. He finally gets the hint & stops fucking around with the universe & the universe falls back. Alternate ending is him realizing that he's corrupted so much of the timeline that the only solution is to off himself, so he does.

Disclosure: Never seen it.

The Box: Never saw it & probably never will, from what I heard.

Jacob's Ladder: I've seen this but it was decades ago. I don't remember it at all.

Deja Vu: Never seen it.

Memento: C'mon, son...

Beloved: I refuse to watch it! Fuck Oprah!

Watchmen: Super heroes get outlawed & the Cold War is at a fever pitch, with only the USA holding a trump card preventing complete destruction. One hero, being the smartest man, figures out a way to get everyone to come together, the other hero, unable to see shades of gray, sees the plan for what it is as it is slowly revealed.

Fight Club: Fight Club? C'mon, you just don't want to think for yourself. The last 25 minutes is the reveal. That's like being confused about the Sixth Sense. You can't be serious!


2009 & 2010 POY!!!
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Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

i don't think it was a drug deal gone bad or that verbal lied about EVERYTHING. There were no drugs on board IIRC BUT there was a witness on board who could identify kobayashi. I think he set up those guys to do the job and just told the story from verbals POV


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


This is probably the only movie I truly did not understand.

After the airplane engine kills dude in the beginning WTF is going on. Did the movie revert back to a different time line where it missed him and he ended up dying in the end anyway or was he dead and the events that took place in the movie never happen?? I've watched this flick like 3 times and I still don't fully understand it.

The simplest reading of the film is that Donny dodged a bullet, thereby creating an unstable pocket universe that would unravel and destroy the real world in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes and 12 seconds. Most of the film takes place in said pocket universe. In the end, Donnie returns to the real world before the event that created the pocket universe. Of course, there are other ways to interpret the film, but that is what literally happened.

* I was intentionally vague so as not to give too much away in consideration of those who haven't seen it.


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


Soon as she opened that box. your head exploads [sic] in confusion.

This is the literal interpretation, which ignores David Lynch's previous work as an auteur. It is not the one to which I subscribe. Also: this is in chronological order, not the order in which the scenes appeared in the movie.

In brief, Diane came to Hollywood in order to become an actress. Things didn't work as she had planned. She had a lesbian romance with a fellow actress named Camilla. Camilla became caught the attention of a movie director, Adam Kesher, and her fortunes began to rise. She left Diane and entered into a relationship with Kesher. Eventually, she calls Diane and invites her to a dinner party on Mulholland Dr. (up in the Hollywood hills.) Diane imagines that Camilla is going to take her back. What actually happens is that Camilla and Adam Kesher announce their engagement. Diane hires a bungling hitman to kill Camilla for $50K (the money most likely was left to her by an aunt.) He tells her that he will leave a blue key on in her apartment when the deed is done.

Diane goes home and goes to sleep. She has a phantasmagorical dream wherein she is a much more wholesome girl from Canada named Betty. In the dream Camilla is a stranger who shows up at her apartment suffering from amnesia after a car wreck up on Mulholland Dr. Camilla is thereafter called Rita, after a Rita Hayworth poster in Betty's aunt's apartment.

A bunch of weird shit happens (some of which is left hanging because Mulholland Dr. was supposed to be a television series.) Betty and Rita eventually become lovers in the dream (I believe this is after Betty sees herself lying dead in her own real life apartment.) However, the dream can't last. Rita now puts on a blond wig, making herself look like Betty/Diane (Everyone in the dream is, after all, really just a manifestation of Diane's psyche. She insists that they go to a very lynchian club, Club Silencio. At this point Diane's mind is rebelling against her dream. The M.C. pointed tells the audience at the club "No hay banda" (there is no band.) By that he is indicating that this isn't real.

When they go back to Betty's aunt's apartment, Rita vanishes. Betty finds a blue box in her purse. She puts Rita's blue key (a stylized version of the hitman's blue key) into the box and She and everything else vanish.

Then a character named they Cowboy (who I believe is something akin to something akin to a Lodge spirit... but that's another story.) Tells Diane that it's time to wake up. She wakes up, sees the blue key and suffers a psychotic break. She is tormented by a wild hallucination, and runs into the bedroom and blows her brains out.

That is the conventional reading of the move. The way that I read it (and I'm not really going to go into this here because I'd be writing all night) is that Diane/Betty was dead when the movie started... and that she had been dead for quite some time, firewalking and failing over and over again.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Happening, I think it was called, with Mark Wahlberg.

Synopsis: Some kind of gas in the air, making everybody kill themselves, people evacuate the city, everybody dies except Mark's wife and kid, next thing you know everything is okay, people have repopulated the city, no explanation of what happened, shit might happen again. The End. What the fuck happened?

This is for folks like me. Plants are able to release a pheromone to warn other plants of danger. What is the biggest danger to plants bt people. It was a little far fetched and ill though out, but it is semi-plausible. The way it just faded away was silly, but that's hollywood.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Day The Earth Stood Still

Besides the fact that Keanu Reeves must be the worst actor in the history of acting, the first hour or so was good, believable. The ending just went to shit. It was like they had a limit of 200 pages to write it and at page 198 they realized they were goin to run over if they did it right so they just bullshitted the last two pages.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Yeah, I get the plot of the movie. So what you're saying is, he was actually time traveling & he's not crazy like his father?

About Butterfly Effect

I think what he is saying is that his father never figured it out. In the end he learned to leave well enough alone. His father never could get it right and it tore him to pieces.


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Surprised no one said this yet.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The wikipedia pages for most movies pretty much break it down.


International Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

This thread just proved that BGOL houses some of the simplest, coon asses this side of the internet.

:lol: funny but true :smh: Thanks BCAA for your explanations . BTW some scenarii are dumbs as f*ck ...


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

OK the movie i need help with is Shutter Island..


Was Dicaprio really a patient on the crazy island, or were they really doing experiments on people? was he imagining everything? its never explained and then it just ends.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

This one is easy the main character was just crazy and didnt do any of the killing.

Are you certain? I thought the point was something about yuppies & how nobody stood out. That's why everyone thought he was somebody he wasn't. I like this move but they never actually let you know if he did or didn't kill anyone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Everyone pretty much that was in the team with Jackson in the jungle were all working together except for the dude Travolta was interrogating and his cohorts. They did the damn thing to get the dude they was interrogating to give up his peoples in the drug ring. Just so happened they got lucky and recruited ole girl in the end.

Joe's character started fucking with dudes head and memories after he made a mistake. Someone already explained it but he was a product of his own fucked up head.

My old psych book said you can't be shitzo and have MID at the same time, but here you do. Dude shot himself in the head to kill Tyler Durden. Lucky for him the bullet 'missed' him but not Tyler. Resee the opening scene when he talking about everyone being the same and doing what you think you are supposed to do, not what you want to do. I understood this, but now moreso since I've actually been inside an IKEA. To take this further notice how Edward Norton's character doesn't have a name, we only know the name of Tyler Durden.


this movie made no damn sense :smh::smh:

Ghost of a dead child. Think of past sins manifesting itself and you'll be good.

Read the comic.

But as for the movie Ozy was gong crazy with a plan the seemingly would never work. But it did.

Anti-consumerism. Listen to what he says in the beginning and if you didn't pick up the clues throughout the film listen to what he says about the building they blow up in the end. :cool:

Something along the lines of you have to start over. Said he couldn't start over as a new person until his debt was removed. So he blew up all the buildings of the credit card companies.

I had always wanted to see this movie and when I finally got the chance to see it, dammit if I don't want to pull off a job like Soze.

I think Keyser Soze was a drug kingpin/killer ala Pablo Escobar and master liar. The incident at the pier was just a drug deal gone bad. I honestly think "Verbal" made everything up. It was a drug deal gone bad, a lot of cats got killed, police rolled up and he had to come up with a story. The guy who played "Kobayashi" was probably his partner in crime.

Kobayashi was his partner in crime; he picked him up outside the police station. Verbal only made up the scenarios and people that no one saw...since the group never really knew who they were working for and all that kind of good stuff. But everything that happened was all Verbal/Keyser's doing. Remember the group met Verbal in jail. That shit took balls just to get your plan rolling.

This was sad to me. Someone already did a good explanation on this one...not gonna add.

Surprised no one said this yet.


Are you certain? I thought the point was something about yuppies & how nobody stood out. That's why everyone thought he was somebody he wasn't. I like this move but they never actually let you know if he did or didn't kill anyone.

He killed, (remember the chainsaw with the prostitute?). Thing is he was getting lost. The people he partied and worked with thought he was someone else...dude was just looking for attention. He was doing shit so someone would notice him. Dude killed, tried to cover some shit up, told on himself, even the police if I am not mistaken, and in the end he got away with it all. I think every time no one took him for what and who he is he got a little bit crazier.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


The Firm

not so much confusing as frustrating..

In the movie Tom Cruise is trapped in a law firm that kills its own employees among other things. In trying to find a way out he meets a client (black man) who complains about over billing. The black guy then says that because the bogus bill was mailed it constitutes mail fraud which is a federal offense. TA DAA!! Tom now has a way out of the firm.

In the end of the movie he's explaning his plan to the federal agent who isn't so impressed because its not an exciting thing to charge the firm with 500 acts of mail fraud..but it is effective and he asks Tom how did he come up with that angle.

Cruise looks at him and was on the BAR EXAM!!! WTF??
A black man can't get credit for shit..


True Fist of the North Star
OG Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

And this shit made no sense either...

The plane engine that crashed into Donnie's (Jake Gyllenhaal's) room came from a portal in the future. After the engine goes through the portal (at the end of the countdown), the whole world rewinds back a month to the beginning of the movie. This time, Donnie gets killed by the plane engine, instead of being led away from it.

A simple explaination of the movie and it's ending based on the DVD commentary is that Donnie had to make sure, with Frank the rabbit's guidence, that the chain of events that caused the engine to go through the portal occurs. And if he failed, the portal would have caused the end of the world (like Frank said)

yeah, he laid down where he was supposed to have died so everyone else could live right?

watched it a few times, the regular and directors cut but still thrown off times

i should get the dvd

the problem with twin peaks is that the director left half way through, they brought him back toward the end and the entire series would have been a big fail had it not been for the prequel movie they made..


the flick has a bunch of flashbacks and shit. you never know whats real and whats not.

:confused::confused::confused: didn't he die at the war? he never made past that.. i think this one was on some ole LOST ending where others were trying to bring him to his point of death so he could move on


Without a fucking doubt..........:smh:

i dont want to watch it again to figure it out :smh:

Surprised no one said this yet.


This one is easy the main character was just crazy and didnt do any of the killing.




True Fist of the North Star
OG Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

here is one that is confusing


first.. wtf? cant believe he actually lost all that weight for that role


i dont think i ever got the why? part to this movie
Last edited:


鋼鉄の人 - より似たチタン
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Terminator


if kyle reese is john connor's father .. then how is john connor born in the original space-time continuum...

because the only reason kyle is sent back in to protect sarah connor from the first terminator ... so she can give birth to john ... the leader of the resistance..

so if the machines never send back the original terminator then the humans won't send back kyle (john's father) and john will never be born...


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

I watched Muholland Dr. a few weeks ago, that was a wierd ass movie.


Dinner is now being served.
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

never understood the ending


Ba Weep Granah Weep ni-ni bong
BGOL Gold Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


this movie made no damn sense :smh::smh:

The daughter she killed as n infant came back to haunt her. Hence the speech patterns and behavior of a child in a woman's body.

The underlying theme was what would we sacrifice for world peace. In order for the nations to stop warring, and come together on a common good, there had to be a main target. Dr. Manhattan was that target, OZY knew that in staging events that made it seem as if Dr. Manhattan was a threat to mankind, all the nations would end the warring and focus on him. In doing so, millions of people were killed.

OK the movie i need help with is Shutter Island..


Was Dicaprio really a patient on the crazy island, or were they really doing experiments on people? was he imagining everything? its never explained and then it just ends.

Yep, He was a patient who went crazy and concocted a story where he was a detective. In Hopes of curing him, the entire prison played along. I figured this plot out in the first 45 mins and was ready to go on this one.

I consider myself a pretty smart guy, but I just did not get this one


I know the underlying tone was love can survive through the ages, but seriously WTF???


Rising Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

i'm almost afraid of posting this movie since i never read the book but 'The Shining' goes way over my head. the different rooms or scenes w/ the weird scenes such as the person in a bear costume giving the guy head (i guess that's what he's doing), the twins (who i'm guessing are the guys little girls who "try to burn it (the hotel) down", etc. i'm also guessing the reason why Jack goes crazy is just out of boredom of being in this huge hotel w/ just his wife & son. but the main thing that confuses me in the picture at the end. what does this mean????



Cantankerous Bastid
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


i didn't get it the first time,
but after a second watch now i understand that it is basically an exploration
of how rationalism, not chaos, can destroy the world. i imagine i could wiki
the 'real' meaning of it, but i like my analysis.


Rising Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

also, Pulp Fiction. 1 thing i've noticed about Tarrentino's movies are whatever the movie is based around, you never see it. Reservoir Dogs, you never really see the bank robbery & w/ Pulp Fiction, we never find out what's in the case

whatever it is, it catches everyone off guard to where they're just in shock. & Marcellus w/ the band aid that they clearly want you to notice.

now i've heard what's in the case is Marcellus's soul & Vincent & Juelz are to get it back......what??? anyone know the deal on this 1?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


The Usual Suspects (1995)
Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey) is being interrogated by Dave Kujan, US Customs (Chazz Palminteri) and Jack Baer, FBI (Giancarlo Esposito) about an exploded boat on a San Pedro pier where they discovered 27 bodies and $91 million worth of drug money. The only survivors are a severely burned and very scared Hungarian terrorist and Verbal Kint, a crippled con-man. Reluctantly, Kint is pressured into explaining exactly what happened on the boat. However, my question is what part(s) of his story were true and what was contrived (Remember, many of the names used came from the bulletin board and some if not all of the events were made up)?

I think Keyser Soze was a drug kingpin/killer ala Pablo Escobar and master liar. The incident at the pier was just a drug deal gone bad. I honestly think "Verbal" made everything up. It was a drug deal gone bad, a lot of cats got killed, police rolled up and he had to come up with a story. The guy who played "Kobayashi" was probably his partner in crime.

i don't think it was a drug deal gone bad or that verbal lied about EVERYTHING. There were no drugs on board IIRC BUT there was a witness on board who could identify kobayashi. I think he set up those guys to do the job and just told the story from verbals POV

One of my favorite movies of all time, very easy to understand first you must let go of what you believe you know and stick with cold hard facts.
McManus - real and dead
Keaton -real and dead
Fenster- real and dead
Hockney - real and dead
Kint/Keyser soze - real and alive
Kobayashi(not his real name) real and alive
Finneran -real and dead
These are the only people who knew what happened or part of in some form or another and most are dead, when kint sits with Kujan its tell me a story time and he dose just that tell him a story, long twisted and wild but still just a story. whos left to call him a liar? Kobayashi? his partner/friend/employee ?. we know the truck heist was real the diamond run not too sure bout the rest between then and the docks who knows other than that fenster is killed at some point and so is finneran. the docks is not about drugs there never were any was about a witness. and all kint wanted was to make bail and then just like that hes gone............................


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

i'm almost afraid of posting this movie since i never read the book but 'The Shining' goes way over my head. the different rooms or scenes w/ the weird scenes such as the person in a bear costume giving the guy head (i guess that's what he's doing), the twins (who i'm guessing are the guys little girls who "try to burn it (the hotel) down", etc. i'm also guessing the reason why Jack goes crazy is just out of boredom of being in this huge hotel w/ just his wife & son. but the main thing that confuses me in the picture at the end. what does this mean????


his spirit was there the whole time
At the end of the film, the camera zooms slowly towards an at first distant wall in the Overlook and an obscure photograph, which is revealed at the end as one including Jack Torrance taken in 1921 at the Overlook hotel. In an interview with Michel Ciment, Kubrick overtly declared that Jack was a reincarnation of an earlier official at the hotel.[46] Still, this has not stopped interpreters from developing alternative readings, such as that Jack had been absorbed into the Overlook hotel. Film critic Jonathan Romney, while acknowledging the absorption theory, wrote "As the ghostly butler Grady (Philip Stone) tells him during their chilling confrontation in the men's toilet, 'You're the caretaker, sir. You've always been the caretaker.' Perhaps in some earlier incarnation Jack really was around in 1921, and it's his present-day self that is the shadow, the phantom photographic copy. But if his picture has been there all along, why has no one noticed it? After all, it's right at the centre of the central picture on the wall, and the Torrances have had a painfully drawn-out winter of mind-numbing leisure in which to inspect every corner of the place. Is it just that, like Poe's purloined letter, the thing in plain sight is the last thing you see? When you do see it, the effect is so unsettling because you realise the unthinkable was there under your nose – overlooked – the whole time."