That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER ALERT)


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN that movie sucked big-time :lol:
Actually this was a film for the concious who overstand the connection we share with the earth. "White" people have no spirit so it is almost impossible for them to have the sensitivity needed to share the earths pain when they jack it up with pollution and terra forming. The Earth in essence, being the biological entity that it is was, responded to "pain" by instructing some of her children to remove her "troublesome" kids. All get punished for the misdeeds of the few.


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


this movie made no damn sense :smh::smh:

Beloved made a lot of sense: The house was possessed by the dead spirit of the child she killed to keep from becoming a slave. That spirit manifested as the female that appeared and was acting bizarre. The pregnancy was actually the anger and feelings of betrayal growing in her womb-Hate waiting to be born.
Oprah redeemed herself when she attacked the white man she thought was coming to take her kids again. That's when hate was aborted and the spirit found peace. This is a very simplified explanation.



Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Man I'm amazed at how lazy the minds of you folk are. This was the easiest to overstand. Prerequisite know-ledge: The story of Adam and Eve- Adam sat by and watched Eve take lead on messin with the "fruit" which was actually some misdeed. The husband didn't want to hit the button the "womb-man/wife did. Homey said the women always hit the button for the "money" even though they know someone will die. Her heartlessness cost her her own life-she was tested and found wanting.


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


The Usual Suspects (1995)
Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey) is being interrogated by Dave Kujan, US Customs (Chazz Palminteri) and Jack Baer, FBI (Giancarlo Esposito) about an exploded boat on a San Pedro pier where they discovered 27 bodies and $91 million worth of drug money. The only survivors are a severely burned and very scared Hungarian terrorist and Verbal Kint, a crippled con-man. Reluctantly, Kint is pressured into explaining exactly what happened on the boat. However, my question is what part(s) of his story were true and what was contrived (Remember, many of the names used came from the bulletin board and some if not all of the events were made up)?
The gimp was Kaiser Sozer and his account of events was false.
He used information in the very office he gave testimony to make up his story. He was a double crossing drug kingpin/hitman. He was good at disguising himself as a helpless person when necessary.


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

OK the movie i need help with is Shutter Island..


Was Dicaprio really a patient on the crazy island, or were they really doing experiments on people? was he imagining everything? its never explained and then it just ends.
He was a cop whos wife was a nut job- she killed all of their kids and it drove him over the edge. He was a patient on the Island he somehow got off the Island after they tried to "fix" him it apparently didn't work, this was one of many attempts and he wanted to be lobotomized to forget what happened.



Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

He was a cop whos wife was a nut job- she killed all of their kids and it drove him over the edge. He was a patient on the Island he somehow got off the Island after they tried to "fix" him it apparently didn't work, this was one of many attempts and he wanted to be lobotomized to forget what happened.


how the fuck does a person NOT get this???
the shit was all unraveled during the last 10 mins of the movie.
thats a type of muthafucka to ask, "how he get his legs to start working?" (which is what i heard some fucktard say in the theater when i saw it. :hmm:)


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

And this shit made no sense either...

I second that notion sir....lamest, most retarded, non-directional, where da fuck is this going, why am I wasting my life movie EVER!!!!!!!!:smh::smh::smh:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

This thread just proved that BGOL houses some of the simplest, coon asses this side of the internet.


Glad to see brothers helping other brothers out. A confusing movie will fuck with you for a long time.
Now if someone can explain the ending to the "Planet of the Apes" remake, I'd appreciate it.

Manny Styles

BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


i'm noticing a recurring theme - movies that you have to sit down, stop what you are doing, and pay attention to; niggas hate

C'mon man, some of these I can understand (David Lynch...he's just over there with it!).

But some of these are easy.

Man I'm amazed at how lazy the minds of you folk are.:hmm:

Thank you all, because I was getting frustrated reading some of these.

I've seen almost all of these movies, understood them, and liked them as well.

After everything I've read (not just on BGOL), I started to believe I was the only person who liked The Happening; yes a lot of the acting was less-than stellar, but the overall movie was good.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The Departed...

you mean to tell me that the crux of the story was that Leo Dicaps character was afraid of having his file on computer deleted so that people wouldn't know he was really a cop??? Cuz periodically in the flick someone would threaten him with that and he would back off..:lol:

soooo going to the academy, his classmates and all the hard copy info he had to fill out wouldn't matter??? not birth certificate or SS card or credit history...nothing..really??:rolleyes::rolleyes:


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

I was confused as a kid as to why all the white people weren't killed at the end of this...:dunno: