That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER ALERT)


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

this is why i hate posting on black message board sometimes..

niggas are lazy or don't (maybe can't) read..


the first post automatically gives you an example.

For all you dumbasses who just posted a poster what do you expect for someone to just break down the whole goddamn movie?

For example (again) I GOT that they were trying to get michael douglas fired in Disclosure what I didn't get was WHY? All I'm looking for is one simple explanation on WHY they were tying to fire him.

They were trying to get rid of becuz of he was to expensive to keep, slept with the bosses wife, feet stink?

if your going to post a movie then state WHAT CONFUSED YOU SPECIFICALLY ABOUT IT.

And if its the whole damn movie then fuck it youre just a confused motherfucker
the only way this isn't coonery is if you aren't black.


Rising Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Y'all some ignant non-paying attention ass niggas. With no imaginations, no context clues, no nothing. But I bet you niggas loved Janky Producers and other ghetto fare. NIGGAS!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

the only way this isn't coonery is if you aren't black.

then explain why its so hard to get people to post correctly?

[movie poster]

this movie confused me because..

or what I didn't get in this movie was...

people are willing to clarify but its hard when its something like.

"this flick was fucked up:confused::confused::confused:" ooookay how do we answer that?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

I really didn't get the ending. How did she end up going back to save him? Was she a cop? And Denzel had been in her place in a time line before he went back the first time:dunno::dunno::dunno:


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

This thread just proved that BGOL houses some of the simplest, coon asses this side of the internet.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

then explain why its so hard to get people to post correctly?

[movie poster]

this movie confused me because..

or what I didn't get in this movie was...

people are willing to clarify but its hard when its something like.

"this flick was fucked up:confused::confused::confused:" ooookay how do we answer that?
i get your beef but could that kind of thing not happen on a board full of other ethnic (or non) groups? c'mon geech...

and mind you, i HATE nigg*r shit. most of it, anyway lol...but ignorance is not exclusive to splibs, b
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

i get your beef but could that kind of thing not happen on a board full of other ethnic (or non) groups? c'mon geech...

and mind you, i HATE nigg*r shit. most of it, anyway lol...but ignorance is not exclusive to splibs, b

sometimes you gotta splash cold water in people face to get them to wake the fuck up.

its just frustrating when people do dumbshit:smh:


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


the flick has a bunch of flashbacks and shit. you never know whats real and whats not.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

First up:


SO WHY THE FUCK WERE THEY TRYING TO GET RID OF MICHAEL DOUGLAS TO BEGIN WITH?? It was never established (at least not in a way that I could pick up) what firing him would have achieved. And they went thru ridiculously complicated (tho the sex scene was hot) ways to do it.
They were trying to fire him because he was over the department that made the defective parts. Even though, he would have been fired for sexual harassment, they could use him as the scapegoat, should the other company find out before or even after the merger. Someone had to take blame, and his hire ups set him up, because it was either them or him.


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

This movie was based on a very short fucking short story, with no room to expand AT ALL. This movie was destined to suck donkey balls the minute some greasy idiot in Hollywood decided to green light it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

They were trying to fire him because he was over the department that made the defective parts. Even though, he would have been fired for sexual harassment, they could use him as the scapegoat, should the other company find out before or even after the merger. Someone had to take blame, and his hire ups set him up, because it was either them or him.


thank closed



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

sometimes you gotta splash cold water in people face to get them to wake the fuck up.

its just frustrating when people do dumbshit:smh:



Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Anti-consumerism. Listen to what he says in the beginning and if you didn't pick up the clues throughout the film listen to what he says about the building they blow up in the end. :cool:


Potential Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


This is probably the only movie I truly did not understand.

After the airplane engine kills dude in the beginning WTF is going on. Did the movie revert back to a different time line where it missed him and he ended up dying in the end anyway or was he dead and the events that took place in the movie never happen?? I've watched this flick like 3 times and I still don't fully understand it.


Rising Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


Soon as she opened that box. your head exploads in confusion.

November 17

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


The Usual Suspects (1995)
Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey) is being interrogated by Dave Kujan, US Customs (Chazz Palminteri) and Jack Baer, FBI (Giancarlo Esposito) about an exploded boat on a San Pedro pier where they discovered 27 bodies and $91 million worth of drug money. The only survivors are a severely burned and very scared Hungarian terrorist and Verbal Kint, a crippled con-man. Reluctantly, Kint is pressured into explaining exactly what happened on the boat. However, my question is what part(s) of his story were true and what was contrived (Remember, many of the names used came from the bulletin board and some if not all of the events were made up)?


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


The Usual Suspects (1995)
Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey) is being interrogated by Dave Kujan, US Customs (Chazz Palminteri) and Jack Baer, FBI (Giancarlo Esposito) about an exploded boat on a San Pedro pier where they discovered 27 bodies and $91 million worth of drug money. The only survivors are a severely burned and very scared Hungarian terrorist and Verbal Kint, a crippled con-man. Reluctantly, Kint is pressured into explaining exactly what happened on the boat. However, my question is what part(s) of his story were true and what was contrived (Remember, many of the names used came from the bulletin board and some if not all of the events were made up)?
I think Keyser Soze was a drug kingpin/killer ala Pablo Escobar and master liar. The incident at the pier was just a drug deal gone bad. I honestly think "Verbal" made everything up. It was a drug deal gone bad, a lot of cats got killed, police rolled up and he had to come up with a story. The guy who played "Kobayashi" was probably his partner in crime.

CT's Finest

Tar Heels/Lakers/Giants
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


I gotta think about films that confused me, but if/when I do, I hope someone can break things down for me...


Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

Yeah I saw that movie too. I could not understand that movie but both of those broads were hot.

i didnt understand either, i only watched it cause i used to always pass that street on my way to work


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


This is probably the only movie I truly did not understand.

After the airplane engine kills dude in the beginning WTF is going on. Did the movie revert back to a different time line where it missed him and he ended up dying in the end anyway or was he dead and the events that took place in the movie never happen?? I've watched this flick like 3 times and I still don't fully understand it.

The plane engine that crashed into Donnie's (Jake Gyllenhaal's) room came from a portal in the future. After the engine goes through the portal (at the end of the countdown), the whole world rewinds back a month to the beginning of the movie. This time, Donnie gets killed by the plane engine, instead of being led away from it.

A simple explaination of the movie and it's ending based on the DVD commentary is that Donnie had to make sure, with Frank the rabbit's guidence, that the chain of events that caused the engine to go through the portal occurs. And if he failed, the portal would have caused the end of the world (like Frank said)


Rising Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


i'm noticing a recurring theme - movies that you have to sit down, stop what you are doing, and pay attention to; niggas hate

1) Memento (not even confusing, it just goes backwards)
2) Usual suspects
3) Fight Club

all three of these films are considered to be modern cinema classics; and usual suspects has been referenced in hip hop tracks for YEARS now...

but co-sign on mulholland drive and Donnie Darko - neither of these movies made any sense, period....mulholland drive has the best lesbian on screen sex scene, and that was about it.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

First up:


Michael Douglas works for a computer hardware firm thats about to merge with another firm. At one point he gets caught up in a sexual harassment suit brought on by the headhunter (Demi Moore)hired by the company. The lawsuit fails and Douglas is exonerated. THEN he's set up to look incompetent at a board meeting by the same woman and again he beats her. All the while he and few others are being considered for a promotion and theres some men vs. women back and forth while people are being considered. In the end a woman gets the promotion, Douglas keeps his job and all's well that ends well.

SO WHY THE FUCK WERE THEY TRYING TO GET RID OF MICHAEL DOUGLAS TO BEGIN WITH?? It was never established (at least not in a way that I could pick up) what firing him would have achieved. And they went thru ridiculously complicated (tho the sex scene was hot) ways to do it.

Anyone pick up on WHY they were trying to get rid of him in the first place?



Tom Sanders (Michael Douglas), a Seattle software executive, learns that a promotion he'd been expecting has, instead, been given to Meredith Johnson (Demi Moore), a former girlfriend of his from long ago. Later that evening, Meredith calls Tom into her office, ostensibly to discuss the project he is working on. Once Tom arrives, Meredith aggressively tries to resume her romantic relationship with him. Tom resists (although with difficulty) as he is now a married family man.

The next day, Tom discovers that Meredith has filed sexual harassment charges against him. His colleagues refuse to believe his protestations of innocence and the company pressures him to accept reassignment to a new location. Tom does not want to do this as it would destroy both his career and his family. However, since no one believes in his innocence and Meredith is now his boss, he appears to have no choice but to accept reassignment or be fired.

Just as all seems hopeless, Tom receives an e-mail from someone identified only as "A Friend", directing him to a Seattle attorney (Roma Maffia) who specializes in sexual harassment cases where men are the victims. With the attorney's help, Tom counter sues, alleging that Meredith harassed him. After Tom successfully makes his case before a court mediator, the company backs down and gives him a large pay raise. As Tom is celebrating his apparent victory, however, he receives another e-mail from "A Friend" warning him that the affair is not over and that all is not what it seems.

Tom eventually realizes that Meredith and the company president (Donald Sutherland) are setting him up to take the fall for defects in the product that Tom is responsible for in order to cover up their involvement in changing the quality control specifications at the plant. They plan to pin the blame on him at a conference the next day announcing a merger with another firm at which Tom will be made to look incompetent, thereby giving them a reason to fire him. Tom cannot access the company computer to prove the existence of the plot because Meredith has locked him out of the system. He spends a tense and frantic night getting the information through a demonstration machine left in the hotel room of the executives of the merging company and from a colleague at the plant who owes him a favor. Armed with this information, he manages to turn the tables on Meredith at the meeting, expose her involvement and get her fired instead of him.

After Meredith leaves, the company president gives her job (the one Tom had originally expected to get) to the company's low-key Chief Financial Officer (Rosemary Forsyth). Tom then learns that the CFO was behind the "A Friend" e-mails. In the end, Tom is left in the same position he was at the beginning of the film, but only after having narrowly escaped losing both his career and his family. He is also left musing over the fact that three women (his wife, the attorney and his new boss, the former CFO) were responsible for saving him.


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


I understand the foundation of the movie. But the end had me like :confused: When he thinks of some shit and goes to that place or time period, does he really go or is he really crazy, imagining the shit. When they showed his father in the movie, he was in a crazy house. At one point of the movie, he was in a crazy house also. But at the end of the movie, he goes to the beginning and set shit straight. Now was he fucking time traveling or was it all in his head(like his father). Cause when it ended, he was walking with the chick of his dreams. Now if the movie was on some "crazy in the head shit", then the movie should have ended the way it did, but then showing him strapped to a bed in the crazy house drooling or some shit. Was the muhphucca time traveling, or was he crazy?!


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


I understand the foundation of the movie. But the end had me like :confused: When he thinks of some shit and goes to that place or time period, does he really go or is he really crazy, imagining the shit. When they showed his father in the movie, he was in a crazy house. At one point of the movie, he was in a crazy house also. But at the end of the movie, he goes to the beginning and set shit straight. Now was he fucking time traveling or was it all in his head(like his father). Cause when it ended, he was walking with the chick of his dreams. Now if the movie was on some "crazy in the head shit", then the movie should have ended the way it did, but then showing him strapped to a bed in the crazy house drooling or some shit. Was the muhphucca time traveling, or was he crazy?!

The movie basically is like, the littlest things in the past can have a big effect on the future....thus the butterfly effect which states that a butterfly's wings can turn into a hurricane.

He made a journal while growing up and whenever he reads it as an adult, he goes back to the incident he reads about and he can change the events in that moment in time. However, each time he does that,something has changed in the present day.

In the director's cut, he realized that everyone would be better off if he never existed, so he went back to when he was still in his mother's womb, and he choked himself to death with his umbilical cord.


Potential Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The plane engine that crashed into Donnie's (Jake Gyllenhaal's) room came from a portal in the future. After the engine goes through the portal (at the end of the countdown), the whole world rewinds back a month to the beginning of the movie. This time, Donnie gets killed by the plane engine, instead of being led away from it.

A simple explaination of the movie and it's ending based on the DVD commentary is that Donnie had to make sure, with Frank the rabbit's guidence, that the chain of events that caused the engine to go through the portal occurs. And if he failed, the portal would have caused the end of the world (like Frank said)

Good explanation.


Support BGOL
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

The movie basically is like, the littlest things in the past can have a big effect on the future....thus the butterfly effect which states that a butterfly's wings can turn into a hurricane.

He made a journal while growing up and whenever he reads it as an adult, he goes back to the incident he reads about and he can change the events in that moment in time. However, each time he does that,something has changed in the present day.

In the director's cut, he realized that everyone would be better off if he never existed, so he went back to when he was still in his mother's womb, and he choked himself to death with his umbilical cord.

Yeah, I get the plot of the movie. So what you're saying is, he was actually time traveling & he's not crazy like his father?


Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

anyone seen this? please explain it to me.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL

In the director's cut, he realized that everyone would be better off if he never existed, so he went back to when he was still in his mother's womb, and he choked himself to death with his umbilical cord.
damn i didn't know that. just youtubed it...mildly disturbing, lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


The Usual Suspects (1995)
Roger "Verbal" Kint (Kevin Spacey) is being interrogated by Dave Kujan, US Customs (Chazz Palminteri) and Jack Baer, FBI (Giancarlo Esposito) about an exploded boat on a San Pedro pier where they discovered 27 bodies and $91 million worth of drug money. The only survivors are a severely burned and very scared Hungarian terrorist and Verbal Kint, a crippled con-man. Reluctantly, Kint is pressured into explaining exactly what happened on the boat. However, my question is what part(s) of his story were true and what was contrived (Remember, many of the names used came from the bulletin board and some if not all of the events were made up)?

I think Keyser Soze was a drug kingpin/killer ala Pablo Escobar and master liar. The incident at the pier was just a drug deal gone bad. I honestly think "Verbal" made everything up. It was a drug deal gone bad, a lot of cats got killed, police rolled up and he had to come up with a story. The guy who played "Kobayashi" was probably his partner in crime.

i don't think it was a drug deal gone bad or that verbal lied about EVERYTHING. There were no drugs on board IIRC BUT there was a witness on board who could identify kobayashi. I think he set up those guys to do the job and just told the story from verbals POV

Green Starbuck

Rising Star
Re: That makes no DAMN sense! Films that confused the hell out of you GO! (SPOILER AL


This is probably the only movie I truly did not understand.

After the airplane engine kills dude in the beginning WTF is going on. Did the movie revert back to a different time line where it missed him and he ended up dying in the end anyway or was he dead and the events that took place in the movie never happen?? I've watched this flick like 3 times and I still don't fully understand it.

You took the words straight out of my mouth. lol:hmm::lol::hmm: