Shut entirely the fuck up. An innocent child was murdered by a documented unfit cop. It doesn't matter if he was holding a replica rocket launcher. What crime did he commit that warranted being executed in the street?
Cursing is the best you can do?
Get off your high moral horse, kiddo.
As I said earlier I certainly do not agree with how the police handled the matter, endorse the cop, nor the end result.
I can however, as a rational human, understand why if a police office is called in to address an emergency distress 'a man holding and pointing a gun at people' dispatch, that police officer would think their life is in jeopardy if upon arrival the suspect begins drawing a weapon from under the jacket (or performing the motion) whether given proper warning or not.
No one has to wait for an "armed" assailant to get a bead on them first if they can prove their was a reasonable expectation of loss of life or grievous bodily harm.
The Supreme Court has upheld this basic premise without predjuice.
Hindsight is 20/20. Perfect information isn't available to anyone until after events transpire.
This doesn't excuse anyone's actions or nullify the pain of the loss of a child.
But to proffer that the kid had a toy gun - as some are suggesting - as if he has a big neon orange Nerf pop dart and was just minding his business, and the cop woke up with a mindset to mow down a child, it is a reach on all accounts.