The Fat Acceptance EPIDEMIC.....


Rising Star
Lizzo's not my type, but I like big women. Certainly wouldn't boo or shame somebody for being a little fat.

But you got to treat them like jump offs. Even if you love them.

Otherwise you have to give up your life to wait hand and foot on someone dying of preventable illness. Give up that New York City vacation because your partner can't walk more than three blocks without getting winded. Have your partner throw a temper tantrum every time a skinnier woman so much as smiles at you. Or have them take every health goal you have as a personal insult.

I dated one fat woman who lived in a second story walk up apartment. One day she asks me to take out the trash. We've been seeing each other for a few months and she certainly done some things for me so it wasn't an unreasonable request.

I asked her for the bags and she told me they were already outside. Get back there and find out that she's been tossing trash bags off the balcony into the back yard. The bags are split open and there's garbage falling out.

I go to her like WTF. She shrugs her shoulders and says "I've never had one break before."

That's the reality of being so unhealthy you can't take a week's worth of garbage down the steps by yourself.

Y'all can accept that if you want, but I won't.
That is your single experience though breh and it is a very biased one.

It's also disingenuous to loop in your fling as the overall experience.

Again, at the core men are upset because they can't treat them as jumps off as easily. Thats just weird behavior and borderline jealousy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Most Americans are fat not because we accept being fat. Most Americans are fat because of the food we eat. So you being judgmental or non-judgemental about someones "fatness" has very little affect on the number of fat people.

Of my priority list of qualities for a chick having a certain BMI is down the list. It's beneath being broke, or having bad breath or being funky. lol I'd fuck a fat chick before I'd fuck a funky chick. I'd fuck a fat chick before I would fuck a broke chick.

I really don't give a shit about anybodies weight but mine. Like I literally don't give a shit if another human being is fat or not. I don't see how it affects me one way or the other.

You anti-fat bitch terrorists are very serious about your anti-fatness and I never get a good reason why. Like why really should I give a shit. I like fat titties and fat asses more than I like skinny stomachs so I would fuck a fat chick before a boney chick as well.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Health should be encouraged in our community and sometimes it is annoying seeing fat broads flaunting it, but there are way more things to worry about than fat broads.There are still plenty of skinny, medium, athletic, thick, etc women available. It ain’t like all the women are fat with nothing else left.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lizzo's not my type, but I like big women. Certainly wouldn't boo or shame somebody for being a little fat.

But you got to treat them like jump offs. Even if you love them.

Otherwise you have to give up your life to wait hand and foot on someone dying of preventable illness. Give up that New York City vacation because your partner can't walk more than three blocks without getting winded. Have your partner throw a temper tantrum every time a skinnier woman so much as smiles at you. Or have them take every health goal you have as a personal insult.

I dated one fat woman who lived in a second story walk up apartment. One day she asks me to take out the trash. We've been seeing each other for a few months and she certainly done some things for me so it wasn't an unreasonable request.

I asked her for the bags and she told me they were already outside. Get back there and find out that she's been tossing trash bags off the balcony into the back yard. The bags are split open and there's garbage falling out.

I go to her like WTF. She shrugs her shoulders and says "I've never had one break before."

That's the reality of being so unhealthy you can't take a week's worth of garbage down the steps by yourself.

Y'all can accept that if you want, but I won't.
Co-sign. I’m all for body positivity but it’s gotten way out of hand. We used to acknowledge that people were fat. You can be talented and fat. Even big people like comedians and actors used to be accepting of their condition. And we never had debates like this because it was understood. This “movement” is about denying reality. It’s the same with transgender crap as well but back on topic. At the end of the day it’s a health issue. Obesity leads to serious issues. You will be laid up in a hospital all the way up to the end of your short life. And like u said, I don’t know why big people get all mad because they can’t do skinny people shit. Being fat limits your life. And I’m not even talking bout goin to the gym or hiking and doing outdoor stuff together. I grew up with fat people in my family. It’s a struggle to walk up stairs or even TIE shoelaces! The list of basic every day things that are difficult or impossible to do due to excessive weight is long. I’m not fat and I know I never will be. It’s not even about keeping a 6 pack or whatever anymore it’s all about longevity. I want to be around for as long as I can for my folk. Especially my kids. You would think everyone could agree on this but instead we have to cater to people’s stupid little fantasies and emotional shortcomings.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
That is your single experience though breh and it is a very biased one.

It's also disingenuous to loop in your fling as the overall experience.

Again, at the core men are upset because they can't treat them as jumps off as easily. Thats just weird behavior and borderline jealousy.

Dude, I've been through far worse dealing with overweight women. That experience was just the most recent of many.

Try dropping everything in your life to take care of a wife who's suffering from the after effects of a gastric bypass surgery then talk to me about fat acceptance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think this is where the issue lies.

Can we be honest and say that at the core, the issue is that men where used to treating bigger women like jump offs and are annoyed/upset because they can't as easy anymore?

Ask yourself why a big girl like Lizzo should be booed off stage when she's actually talented and pretty?

Like, yall can't be mad because these girls are being propped up lol

Just saying I've seen men legit get angry because a big girl they have no intent on dating or even fucking is getting attention from other men

You said Lizzo is pretty?


Rising Star
Me and most of the dudes in my family or friends that were fat all could "move" as they used to say.
Meaning, we weren't morbidly obese (we were def overweight), but could still do things athletically/normally.

I can't remember a time in history when we weren't proud of losing some weight. Or trying to get "cut up" by lifting.

This new wave of encouraging the idea that it's ok being fat (and most times, lazy and content being lazy) is just insane to me.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Co-sign. I’m all for body positivity but it’s gotten way out of hand. We used to acknowledge that people were fat. You can be talented and fat. Even big people like comedians and actors used to be accepting of their condition. And we never had debates like this because it was understood. This “movement” is about denying reality. It’s the same with transgender crap as well but back on topic. At the end of the day it’s a health issue. Obesity leads to serious issues. You will be laid up in a hospital all the way up to the end of your short life. And like u said, I don’t know why big people get all mad because they can’t do skinny people shit. Being fat limits your life. And I’m not even talking bout goin to the gym or hiking and doing outdoor stuff together. I grew up with fat people in my family. It’s a struggle to walk up stairs or even TIE shoelaces! The list of basic every day things that are difficult or impossible to do due to excessive weight is long. I’m not fat and I know I never will be. It’s not even about keeping a 6 pack or whatever anymore it’s all about longevity. I want to be around for as long as I can for my folk. Especially my kids. You would think everyone could agree on this but instead we have to cater to people’s stupid little fantasies and emotional shortcomings.

Obesity is a lot like debt.

When you meet a girl at the club and take her home it doesn't matter how much money she owes. It's not your problem.

However, if you wife up a woman with lots of debt it might as well be yours.

You're trying to go on a vacation, go to a concert, weekend getaway, whatever but your lady can't go because her check got garnished too hard. Now you either have to pay for her or go alone

Or maybe she gets evicted from her apartment now she wants to move in with you at a time when you're really not ready.

Her car breaks down, she needs a new one, now she's putting the pressure on you to cosign.

You want to buy a house together but get denied a mortgage because of her credit history.

People going to debt for all kinds of reasons many of which are not fair. That's why I don't believe and ridiculing women for being broke. Especially if they're doing everything they can to dig themselves out of the hole.

However I'm not trying to curtail my own financial goals and activities because of my partner's situation. Especially if they're doing things to make it worse!

Can you imagine if our society pushed debt acceptance the way it pushes fat acceptance? People bragging about being bankrupt. You tell someone to seek out credit counseling and they accuse you of debt shaming? Compulsive gamblers talking about how they lost money "like a boss". People flossing on Instagram with the bills in their mailbox instead of the bills in their wallet.

I really hope that's not where this is going.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
OG Investor
I'm one of those guys, but at least my lady cute in the face with a nice shape. My wife was a stunner when I met her, and even after our 1st baby. After the 2nd she stopped giving a damn, and after the 3rd I lost hope. I still enjoy her tho. :dunno:

That might be true but yeen never been in these threads bitchin' and moanin' about these heauxs and their weight or acting as if they're all that's wrong with da world or da Black community, so there's that. Besides that, at least you'll own da shit. :dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That might be true but yeen never been in these threads bitchin' and moanin' about these heauxs and their weight or acting as if they're all that's wrong with da world or da Black community, so there's that. Besides that, at least you'll own da shit. :dunno:
I dont mind owning it, because while she has decided not to give a fuck, I am in pretty good shape for a mf about to be 40 in December. Me and her went out to my homeboy wife birthday party, and I saw they homegirls eyes on ME.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor

Ummm does stress stop you from working out also? Also with this logic kats in jail should weigh a ton!


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Lizzo's not my type, but I like big women. Certainly wouldn't boo or shame somebody for being a little fat.

But you got to treat them like jump offs. Even if you love them.

Otherwise you have to give up your life to wait hand and foot on someone dying of preventable illness. Give up that New York City vacation because your partner can't walk more than three blocks without getting winded. Have your partner throw a temper tantrum every time a skinnier woman so much as smiles at you. Or have them take every health goal you have as a personal insult.

I dated one fat woman who lived in a second story walk up apartment. One day she asks me to take out the trash. We've been seeing each other for a few months and she certainly done some things for me so it wasn't an unreasonable request.

I asked her for the bags and she told me they were already outside. Get back there and find out that she's been tossing trash bags off the balcony into the back yard. The bags are split open and there's garbage falling out.

I go to her like WTF. She shrugs her shoulders and says "I've never had one break before."

That's the reality of being so unhealthy you can't take a week's worth of garbage down the steps by yourself.

Y'all can accept that if you want, but I won't.
Obesity is a lot like debt.

When you meet a girl at the club and take her home it doesn't matter how much money she owes. It's not your problem.

However, if you wife up a woman with lots of debt it might as well be yours.

You're trying to go on a vacation, go to a concert, weekend getaway, whatever but your lady can't go because her check got garnished too hard. Now you either have to pay for her or go alone

Or maybe she gets evicted from her apartment now she wants to move in with you at a time when you're really not ready.

Her car breaks down, she needs a new one, now she's putting the pressure on you to cosign.

You want to buy a house together but get denied a mortgage because of her credit history.

People going to debt for all kinds of reasons many of which are not fair. That's why I don't believe and ridiculing women for being broke. Especially if they're doing everything they can to dig themselves out of the hole.

However I'm not trying to curtail my own financial goals and activities because of my partner's situation. Especially if they're doing things to make it worse!

Can you imagine if our society pushed debt acceptance the way it pushes fat acceptance? People bragging about being bankrupt. You tell someone to seek out credit counseling and they accuse you of debt shaming? Compulsive gamblers talking about how they lost money "like a boss". People flossing on Instagram with the bills in their mailbox instead of the bills in their wallet.

I really hope that's not where this is going.

You actually make some very good points. It seems like you have put some thought into the issue and have experience as well. I think this is a subject that requires more than superficial thinking, which I don't often see around here, as there are many facets to consider. Every situation is unique.

I was there for most of the fat acceptance movement. I was still a kid when BBW mag launched in 1979, but it was all within my life time. Basically what women wanted were fashionable clothing, including active wear, and to not be thought less intelligent, less worthy of promotions at work, confidence to pursue and accept romance, not to be accept poor treatment because of their weight, and the ability to basically live their lives out in the open without shame. The message was that personal worth and your value as a human being didn't go down as your dress size went up. Women wanted to escape a life of polyester pants and muumuus. Women had money to spend and no place to buy what they wanted. Active healthy lifestyles were always emphasized, but it was hard to find someone that catered to large women. If they wanted to get in shape, workout clothes may not be available in their size. If they go to the gym they'd get looks of disgust. They go for a walk they'd get looks of and disgust, possibly ridiculed. People are often willing to comment on weight the way they won't comment for anything else. There was no place modifying exercises for larger bodies so women didn't get injured. Fat women eventually put out their own content like Yoga for Round Bodies etc. The initial message was basically not to stop living your life, not to go into hiding, disappear or be erased. It was about a quality life, mental health, self esteem, self worth etc. Keep in mind often women had tried for YEARS to lose weight. If you have insulin resistance, the diets recommended at the time were actual sabotaging women. Aktins was around but it wasn't seen as medically sound. Women had experienced weight going up and down, so being able to make the best of the situation after they had tried and failed to change was the solution they came up with to keep engaged in life. The emphasis was on an active lifestyle, healthy eating that didn't involve starving, and letting the weight settle where it may.

This has morphed a bit. There are militants in the community that see any suggestion of losing weight as being anti-fat people. They have IMO, distorted the message of body positivity. One of my favorite bbw fashion bloggers CeCe had always been physically active. When she started losing weight some of the body positivity community came for her, said she wasn't being supportive and causing harm.

She did another video also about losing weight and staying "body positive"

Lizzo is a mixed bag. I love her confidence, tho you can tell she still struggles with her self esteem. I think she is pretty and I love her smile. I only watched the first one or two episodes of her Amazon show, but she emphasized fitness. When one of the contestants was out of breath performing, that was something that was addressed and one of the reasons they were eliminated. Keep in mind they are exercising when doing stage shows and for hours in rehearsals, and Lizzo has to be able to move and sing at the same time in an hour+ show. So whatever is going on with her weight it is not due to lack of activity. As she gets older tho, the weight will become an issue. You can't stay young forever. Now things she does like showing up ass out at a sports game, a family gathering basically, was in poor taste. BUT, IMO, it would have been in poor taste for a skinny woman, too. The push back she got on that, should have been given, but people wanted to levy insults about her weight when the focus should have been what is classy vs uncouth regardless of size.

One thing I've learned from watching 600 lb life is that most people with weight problems are using food for some sort of coping mechanism. Many were sexually, mentally or physically abused. They had some sort of trauma they never got over. Stress eating. Depression. Black people in general and black women specifically, are some of the most unprotected in this country. It's no wonder we have more issues than most to overcome. Single motherhood, money woes etc. People can be in depression for years and when they come out of it and realize what they have done to their lives or the bodies, it can be something that overwhelms and sends into another bout of depression. I think black people have higher obesity rates because of the stress and struggles that we have to deal with in general and with the added stress of racism. Some people turn to alcohol, drugs, food, sex or any number of habits to compensate. Food is not like drugs or those other habits. You HAVE to eat. I never thought I had an emotional trigger because aside from stress or depression, I didn't have any of those issues. Nothing seemed to trigger me. I don't eat much in one sitting. I'm not eating 9 pizzas at a time, 5 times a day. I get full on regular sized meals. I can go hours or all day without eating with no discomfort. On the rare occasion I had just eaten, was full and still hungry I would stop and ask myself why. Initially I thought I was just eating poorly and missing nutrients so I would take my vitamins etc, but I did discover I have a couple of triggers also. I may also eat multiple times a day, or right before I go to bed when I'm not going to burn the calories.

Other things women have to deal with is the change in attitude from others when you do lose weight. You may have been getting pressured to do so for years, but in some relationships, others self worth is based on the fat person being beneath them, so when they start to lose weight, especially if it results in getting more positive attention, it is often seen as a threat. (Yeah so and so is pretty and has money and has xyz, but they are fat.) I've been on discussion forums where boyfriends and husbands start buying sweets, telling the woman she is losing too much, accusing them of getting ready to leave them. Planning dates when they know she works out, etc. Just straight sabotage. Family members and friends may become less friendly. Women trying to lose weight are made to feel problematic if they do special food orders to avoid something they can't have or if they turn down a dessert (One bite won't hurt you). Or they turn into the food police every time you take a bite (Are you supposed to be eating that.) People may SAY they want XYZ for you, but their actions speak otherwise and even things said and done with good intention can cause added stress.

All that aside, we also have to deal with chemicals in foods. Hidden carbs etc. Advertising is designed to have you buy and eat more. Stuff I've covered elsewhere.

I will say I really felt the point you made about vacations etc. My stamina isn't exactly what it used to be. However, you could have an accident or knee injury that puts you in the exact same position in an instant. That said, making a decision not to get involved with someone because of those considerations is a perspective I hadn't considered before, and has given me food for thought. I think that scenario of what amounts to being a "burden" on someone is there simply because of aging and illness in general, regardless of weight involved. I've had to care for loved ones though. I know how it can reduce your ability to be mobile and carefree, as you basically have to structure your life around being available to see to their needs. It's not easy, but if I had to do it all over again I would. Anyway it was nice to see a perspective about obesity that didn't simply come down to women being lazy or not giving a damn.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I think this is where the issue lies.

Can we be honest and say that at the core, the issue is that men where used to treating bigger women like jump offs and are annoyed/upset because they can't as easy anymore?

Ask yourself why a big girl like Lizzo should be booed off stage when she's actually talented and pretty?

Like, yall can't be mad because these girls are being propped up lol

Just saying I've seen men legit get angry because a big girl they have no intent on dating or even fucking is getting attention from other men

There is a subset of men that rely on women who are damaged or who believe they have no other options when it comes to dating. Scenarios can vary but when it comes to fat women they would be called bottom feeders or going for low hanging fruit. These women often accept poor treatment and often believe they deserve it. You don't see many men advocating for whole health including mental health, because the benefit from the damage to get their physical and sometimes financial needs met.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I just have a hard time figuring out why some dude on YouTube cares...Oh that's right a controversial video what will get views. Does this country have a weight problem? Most def! Does this country produce a lot of shytty, cheap food all the while keeping people too tired to actually eat healthy. 40 years ago people looked totally different than they do now. We also had to do shyt everyday. You just couldn't get EVERYTHING delivered to you. All of your entertainment wasn't in your pocket. There is so much more than just telling someone to eat right and exercise. These people don't have drive! This shyt isn't instilled in them as children. I remember as a kid having to ride my bike to my friends house like 3miles away to play video games. Now kids hop online and play with their friends. As an adult I would purposely ride my bike to work, so I can get that "workout". And now this work from home shyt's got me fcuked up! The more conveniences we give ourselves the harder it's going to be to have that drive.

40 years ago people were a lot smarter too! These YouTube and Twitch folks wouldn't make it back then. Reading a newspaper to get your more fact based news instead of this 24hour news cycle where everyone is in a rush to be the first so they can keep you glued to the TV and sell ads. People reading at a 3rd grade level is INSANE! Major cities that have a almost 50% illiterate rate. You don't have to read a manual, you just watch a video on how to do something.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
You actually make some very good points. It seems like you have put some thought into the issue and have experience as well. I think this is a subject that requires more than superficial thinking, which I don't often see around here, as there are many facets to consider. Every situation is unique.

I was there for most of the fat acceptance movement. I was still a kid when BBW mag launched in 1979, but it was all within my life time. Basically what women wanted were fashionable clothing, including active wear, and to not be thought less intelligent, less worthy of promotions at work, confidence to pursue and accept romance, not to be accept poor treatment because of their weight, and the ability to basically live their lives out in the open without shame. The message was that personal worth and your value as a human being didn't go down as your dress size went up. Women wanted to escape a life of polyester pants and muumuus. Women had money to spend and no place to buy what they wanted. Active healthy lifestyles were always emphasized, but it was hard to find someone that catered to large women. If they wanted to get in shape, workout clothes may not be available in their size. If they go to the gym they'd get looks of disgust. They go for a walk they'd get looks of and disgust, possibly ridiculed. People are often willing to comment on weight the way they won't comment for anything else. There was no place modifying exercises for larger bodies so women didn't get injured. Fat women eventually put out their own content like Yoga for Round Bodies etc. The initial message was basically not to stop living your life, not to go into hiding, disappear or be erased. It was about a quality life, mental health, self esteem, self worth etc. Keep in mind often women had tried for YEARS to lose weight. If you have insulin resistance, the diets recommended at the time were actual sabotaging women. Aktins was around but it wasn't seen as medically sound. Women had experienced weight going up and down, so being able to make the best of the situation after they had tried and failed to change was the solution they came up with to keep engaged in life. The emphasis was on an active lifestyle, healthy eating that didn't involve starving, and letting the weight settle where it may.

This has morphed a bit. There are militants in the community that see any suggestion of losing weight as being anti-fat people. They have IMO, distorted the message of body positivity. One of my favorite bbw fashion bloggers CeCe had always been physically active. When she started losing weight some of the body positivity community came for her, said she wasn't being supportive and causing harm.

She did another video also about losing weight and staying "body positive"

Lizzo is a mixed bag. I love her confidence, tho you can tell she still struggles with her self esteem. I think she is pretty and I love her smile. I only watched the first one or two episodes of her Amazon show, but she emphasized fitness. When one of the contestants was out of breath performing, that was something that was addressed and one of the reasons they were eliminated. Keep in mind they are exercising when doing stage shows and for hours in rehearsals, and Lizzo has to be able to move and sing at the same time in an hour+ show. So whatever is going on with her weight it is not due to lack of activity. As she gets older tho, the weight will become an issue. You can't stay young forever. Now things she does like showing up ass out at a sports game, a family gathering basically, was in poor taste. BUT, IMO, it would have been in poor taste for a skinny woman, too. The push back she got on that, should have been given, but people wanted to levy insults about her weight when the focus should have been what is classy vs uncouth regardless of size.

One thing I've learned from watching 600 lb life is that most people with weight problems are using food for some sort of coping mechanism. Many were sexually, mentally or physically abused. They had some sort of trauma they never got over. Stress eating. Depression. Black people in general and black women specifically, are some of the most unprotected in this country. It's no wonder we have more issues than most to overcome. Single motherhood, money woes etc. People can be in depression for years and when they come out of it and realize what they have done to their lives or the bodies, it can be something that overwhelms and sends into another bout of depression. I think black people have higher obesity rates because of the stress and struggles that we have to deal with in general and with the added stress of racism. Some people turn to alcohol, drugs, food, sex or any number of habits to compensate. Food is not like drugs or those other habits. You HAVE to eat. I never thought I had an emotional trigger because aside from stress or depression, I didn't have any of those issues. Nothing seemed to trigger me. I don't eat much in one sitting. I'm not eating 9 pizzas at a time, 5 times a day. I get full on regular sized meals. I can go hours or all day without eating with no discomfort. On the rare occasion I had just eaten, was full and still hungry I would stop and ask myself why. Initially I thought I was just eating poorly and missing nutrients so I would take my vitamins etc, but I did discover I have a couple of triggers also. I may also eat multiple times a day, or right before I go to bed when I'm not going to burn the calories.

Other things women have to deal with is the change in attitude from others when you do lose weight. You may have been getting pressured to do so for years, but in some relationships, others self worth is based on the fat person being beneath them, so when they start to lose weight, especially if it results in getting more positive attention, it is often seen as a threat. (Yeah so and so is pretty and has money and has xyz, but they are fat.) I've been on discussion forums where boyfriends and husbands start buying sweets, telling the woman she is losing too much, accusing them of getting ready to leave them. Planning dates when they know she works out, etc. Just straight sabotage. Family members and friends may become less friendly. Women trying to lose weight are made to feel problematic if they do special food orders to avoid something they can't have or if they turn down a dessert (One bite won't hurt you). Or they turn into the food police every time you take a bite (Are you supposed to be eating that.) People may SAY they want XYZ for you, but their actions speak otherwise and even things said and done with good intention can cause added stress.

All that aside, we also have to deal with chemicals in foods. Hidden carbs etc. Advertising is designed to have you buy and eat more. Stuff I've covered elsewhere.

I will say I really felt the point you made about vacations etc. My stamina isn't exactly what it used to be. However, you could have an accident or knee injury that puts you in the exact same position in an instant. That said, making a decision not to get involved with someone because of those considerations is a perceptive I hadn't considered before, and has given me food
for thought. I think that scenario of what amounts to being a "burden" on someone is there simply because of aging and illness in general, regardless of weight involved. I've had to care for loved ones though. I know how it can reduce your ability to be mobile and carefree, as you basically have to structure your life around being available to see to their needs. It's not easy, but if I had to do it all over again I would. Anyway it was nice to see a perspective about obesity that didn't simply come down to women being lazy or not giving a damn.

You gave me a lot to think about too. Right now I'm about 5 lb overweight according to the BMI chart, but I've never had a serious weight problem. It can be difficult to put myself in the shoes of someone who does.

In general I don't like to think of anybody as a burden, however I live a pretty active lifestyle and prefer girlfriends who can keep up. If she can't it's not a deal breaker, but she needs to accept that I'm going to be doing long walks, bike rides, and planet fitness time with or without her.

In general, I love seeing people become the healthiest versions of themselves. If a 200 lb woman goes down to 190 I'm happy for her. If she wants help losing weight I'll give it, but she got to ask first.

I can't fathom what big women, especially big black woman, go through. Based on what you and others have told me I could see why people might resort to unhealthy habits, but there's another side to it as well.

Bigger women often can't depend on their looks to get ahead so they develop other traits. Career ambitions, pleasing personalities, empathy, hobbies, talents etc.

Don't get me wrong, plenty of fit women have these same positive qualities, but when they don't need them to get what they want a lot don't bother working on it. I've noticed that Barbie's dream house doesn't include a gym, home office or an art studio. At least that part is true to life.

I don't know Lizzo so I'm not going to guess anything about her self-esteem, but she definitely gives off serious attention whore vibes. For that reason alone I wouldn't be that interested in hanging out with her.

The other stuff you're talking about. Being able to buy fashionable clothes that fit, diet and exercise routines work with that heavier starting point, being able to take a walk without people yelling "bah bah boom" with every step. Not having positive qualities backhanded with a "but she's fat though" disclaimer. All of that is perfectly reasonable standard for personal and public conduct.

Especially when it leads to those J-cup lingerie ads at the subway station. Not a bad way to start the day


Rising Star
Because white and spanish men don't want them so the bottom barrel men are like water finding their own level.'ll see Spanish dudes with the bottom of the barrel white chics as well.
I'll say more often than not. I see white dude (below average or not) with average to above average black chics.

Which means there are a lot if black folk running away from each other.


the voice of reason
BGOL Investor'll see Spanish dudes with the bottom of the barrel white chics as well.
I'll say more often than not. I see white dude (below average or not) with average to above average black chics.

Which means there are a lot if black folk running away from each other.
Why are you assuming bottom barrel dudes are black???? Shit, there are a ton of white bottom-barrel dudes who fuck with fat chicks also.


Rising Star
Why are you assuming bottom barrel dudes are black???? Shit, there are a ton of white bottom-barrel dudes who fuck with fat chicks also.
No shit..

You stated that's because white and Spanish men don't want them. So who else are you referring to? Chinese dudes??