The Fat Acceptance EPIDEMIC.....


Rising Star
There is a subset of men that rely on women who are damaged or who believe they have no other options when it comes to dating. Scenarios can vary but when it comes to fat women they would be called bottom feeders or going for low hanging fruit. These women often accept poor treatment and often believe they deserve it. You don't see many men advocating for whole health including mental health, because the benefit from the damage to get their physical and sometimes financial needs met.
Exactly, which is why many are angry and annoyed when bigger women are confident.

Basically being told to remain unhappy and depressed for their benefit.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Like hungry locusts, humans can easily be tricked into overeating

Our bodies crave more food if we haven’t had enough protein, and this can lead to a vicious cycle — especially if we’re reaching for ultraprocessed instead of high-fiber whole foods




" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
I don't believe in fat shaming it's cruel and in my youth I've been on the receiving end of it but I also don't believe in body positivity. Telling morbidly obese people it's okay to be in their current state instead of encouraging them to live healthy is on eof the worst societal fallacies especially with black women. Obesity leads heart disease ,diabetes etc heart failure which many of our women suffer from.