The FBI just raided Mar-A-Lago


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump tried to overthrow the government and Republicans say investigating that is political. So you just have to follow the law.

All of them pussies saying it don't believe it. They say it because they are afraid of losing their gravy train..

They like mofokr wanna talk about Debo behind his back


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dems and most republicans always release their tax returns. Trump was the only one in modern times who didn't. I don't think congress is looking for crimes tho. If I recall they wanted them to determine if laws need to be written regarding tax returns and running for office.

It's the Demand that is the slippery slope, not the information or whether or not it's usually voluntarily submitted.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
When someone finds out who the federal judge that authorized the search please tag me.

One :cool:

Lemme look this cat up...
So according to this article he was appointed US Magistrate in 2018 by Rick Scott, all under the Trump Administration.



Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
So the same FBI who did cointell pro and tore the BPP apart

we are getting behind them

but it’s still fuck the police

you niggas are insane

I don’t believe NONE OF THIS SHIT

they hit only his home but no other properties?

political theater


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Just remember, the FBI are the FEDERAL police - and they had a warrant, which has to be issued by a judge. We've all seen enough cop shows to know judges have to have some fairly convincing evidence to sign off on a warrant.

I can't wait to see what they seized presented in court.
You have BPP in your avi

u believe the FBI NOW?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So the same FBI who did cointell pro and tore the BPP apart

we are getting behind them

but it’s still fuck the police

you niggas are insane

I don’t believe NONE OF THIS SHIT

they hit only his home but no other properties?

political theater

It isn't the same FBI....

Not debating if foul shit doesn't take place.

But anybody who thinks it is the same today as it was under Hoover is uninformed o the shit done under Hoover and at his direction.

CoIntelPro is like mofokrs who think Black Wall Street was the only one.

And CoIntelPro targetted more than just the Panthers. Peltier is still locked up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I actually think this, the Jan 6 hearings, the indictment of Steve Bannon, and seeing Alex Jones get his comeuppance will do more for dem morale than anything else. People were tired of folks criming in public and not having any consequences. Along with Roe Vs Wade motivating people, the midterms will hopefully be good to the dems.

That's a fair point, makes perfect sense but people will bitch again, alot of these people literally want no government interaction, they want to live some Wild Wild West fantasies.

I think once dems win again and give ____________ to whatever group of people, we back bitching and complaining and we're setting ourself up for DeSantis to come in and take the reign.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I ain't worried about Jan 6 reprisals as much as I am about more crazies taking it as a Sleeper Cell Call to Action.

Like Buffalo and attacks on Black Churches, Schools, Parks etc.

Guy in Chicago was just stopped from a mass shooting...he drove 30 miles to a Black part of Chicago to do it.

We are being tracked, hunted and eliminated in the most cowardly ways possible, caught off guard at the grocery store etc.

Mass shooting in chicago?

where and when


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I knew this was coming.... And to all who say nothing will happen would have also said this wouldn't have happen either.
Once the FEDS are at your door its already over,
They know exactly what they were looking for
and I guarantee one of his people whose ass is on
the fire right now told them what to look for and where to look.
His white bread ass is toast.
Unprecedented in American history. He will be the first Convicted former president.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
It is odd how they timed this with major legislation promoting domestic production of EV and this horrible CHIPS act to mask their intent. Than you had the Taiwan faux visit to be in open defiance of China. This is about you violating some law, not your trade policy on China.


He is right about one thing, corruption which makes setting up a business 10x harder or damn near impossible in the U.S. They went after the m@### in the same way when Nixon visited China due to their ties to organized labor. Unions are staunchly for fair trade with other countries and use their political muscle to get things done.

Bobby Rush the only nigga to beat Obama

Bobby Rush >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>_____

his district <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

the most shootings ever and he just be chilling

female Maxine waters


Rising Star
Platinum Member
We know what the raid was for. Trump took documents from the Whitehouse that were illegal for him to take.
And his supporters are downplaying it. It’s corny to keep pretending these people are honest while the feds are raiding old black folks in St. Louis for being Russian lackeys.