The Kendrick Lamar Control Responses (On-going) UPDATE: 2023


Rising Star
OG Investor
Niggas thought that this would lead to some buzz for 'em & was sadly mistaken. They all faded back into obscurity merely a week later. :lol:


Rising Star
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Rising Star
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wow...I actually feel sorry for shyne...that shit was terrible... he needs help


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In an exclusive interview with MTV, Joey Bada$$ met with Brooklyn hip-hop legend, Buckshot, to discuss the history and future of Brooklyn hip-hop in Coney Island this week. Buckshot, a founding member of Brooklyn’s celebrated hip-hop group, Black Moon, told the upstart teenaged rapper that he felt that his burgeoning Pro Era movement was part of a “new golden age” for Brooklyn hip-hop.

“Officially, from my heart to yours, when it comes to right now, you are that nigga.” Buckshot said as he complimented Bada$$. “Y’all are the new Golden Age. Thanks to y’all, the age has survived. Thanks to y’all.”

While Buckshot was complimentary of Bada$$ for keeping the same Brooklyn spirit alive that artists such as Jay Z, The Notorious B.I.G. and Black Moon had lived, the Boot Camp Clik general weighed in on hip-hop’s topic du jour, Kendrick Lamar and his controversial claim to being “King Of New York.”

“There was a point when people were saying Hip Hop ain’t the same. Hip Hop is dead. Hip Hop is this. Hip Hop is that. Now? All respect due to Kendrick Lamar, King of the West Coast, King of New York, whatever is the stuff that’s going on right now. I love the competition, but Kendrick Lamar go against the Beast Coast? Whoo. I’m just an OG here, loving the fact that I retired that level of it and now you have to deal with a brother like Joey, which is a .45 magnum with a knife at the tip and a shotgun at the end.”


Rising Star
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Fabolous Says He Might Put Out A “Control” Response “Eventually”


Out of the seemingly dozens of responses from Kendrick Lamar’s “King of New York” boasts on his “Control” verse one that seems to be missing is Fabolous’ who promptly tweeted, “Any studios open yet?” after hearing the track. The Source recently caught up with Loso who was in attendance at the EBC x Reebok Rucker Park season finale and the Brooklyn rapper spoke on why he has yet to drop a response despite being eager at first. “When I first heard [the song] I was going to address it on the surface of what it was, somebody from out of New York claiming they the “King of New York,” said Fab. “But I took my time and I spoke with some OG’s, I researched it a little bit and got some more history behind it.”

He went on to say who responded, and also who didn’t contributed to his hesitance to record an answer. “Everybody jumped into it for an intention play would change the situation as well. So a lot of guys stepped in and said their peace. But you also saw a lot of guys who were mentioned on the song, or who you would expect to have responded to the song, really didn’t take that approach.”

But, just because he hasn’t responded yet, it doesn’t mean he wont eventually add his two cents.

I am gonna tell you one thing that an OG told me, he said “If you do respond, make it work for you, make it come on your time, and not just like you trying to feed the Twitter fans with a freestyle.” So I got that in the back of mind, so you might hear something eventually…”


Rising Star
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Rising Star
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See it’s only Hip-Hop, say that only if you assume that everyone involved truley understand the culture, but otherwise stop underestimating the movement when others go and get y’all just the f*cked up players and vultures…
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Rising Star
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* No diss but funny impersonation

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The irony of that line… for the people who actually understood it and got it.. were the actual kings of New York. Me sitting down with them this past week and them understanding It’s not about being the king of an actual coast, it’s about leaving a mark as big as Biggie. As big as ‘Pac
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someone just dropped that this was a subtle DISS by Big Sean on of LL COOL J:eek:

and the whole Canibus battle...

do you think/believe that???


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Rising Star
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* KendricK RESPONDS to Meek Mill...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Kendrick Lamar just called Meek Mill out at his NYC show! Its going down!</p>&mdash; allhiphopcom (@allhiphopcom) <a href="">September 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>&quot;I been doing this s**t for years...I mastered this s**t.&quot; Kendrick to Meek Mill</p>&mdash; allhiphopcom (@allhiphopcom) <a href="">September 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>&quot;I have no time for irrelevant n***as [or] new n***as.&quot; - Kendrick Lamar in NYC - RIGHT NOW.</p>&mdash; allhiphopcom (@allhiphopcom) <a href="">September 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>&quot;There's one n***a in particular that needs to realize that there's 'levels' to this s**t. I'm MOTHER F**KIN' KING KENDRICK.&quot; - Kendrick...</p>&mdash; allhiphopcom (@allhiphopcom) <a href="">September 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Rising Star
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>King of what?</p>&mdash; Meek Mill (@MeekMill) <a href="">September 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Somebody please tell me</p>&mdash; Meek Mill (@MeekMill) <a href="">September 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>Let me RT <a href="">@MeekMill</a>: King of what? <a href="">@kendricklamar</a></p>&mdash; Meek Mill (@MeekMill) <a href="">September 11, 2013</a></blockquote>
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wait tho... Mysonne? MYSONNE dropped a response? Why the hell do all the 1998 The DJ Clue mixtape allstars feel the need to respond all of a sudden.
