The power of intermittent fasting


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't do anything at all. No cheating for me. I have like a 10 to 11 hour window. I workout before sun comes up and that is how I hydrate. I use to eat in the morning but I don't anymore. It is not only physically tough but mentally as well.


They hate to see us wiiiiinnnniiinnng
Damn on vacation here in New Orleans and so far still in my IF window...

But this was my lone meal for the day.


Where’s this at ? Tigers creole??

It does. My brother has successfully used fasting and Keto diet to get off insulin. He shared his story on FB and a family friend tried it and saw the same result for High Blood Pressure. What's interesting is in each case their doctors originally said dont do it, but after seeing the results they encouraged them. Doctors are trained to prescribe medicine, they have no knowledge of these natural medicines.

They do, they tend to don’t trust the general public, honestly most doctors would prefer to tell the patients, workout, eat better, cut the sugar fast food etc, they also have to protect their license, so you have to follow medical norms, in this litigation happy society

i had a patient that had a stroke, and was crying when she was at the hospital and said would stop smoking, she used to be at the clinic smoking either before or after her treatment

Had another patient that was getting chemo therapy for Fucking Breast Cancer, and was smoking after a treatment at the clinic i was working at, and you think doctors feel comfortable telling people alternatives??

My only and biggest problem with fasting is I get headaches of I don’t eat :(

Might be your body detoxing drink more water fam


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Did fasted weight training today and felt pretty damn good....

I may mix it in more often

When I lost 30 pounds a couple months ago i did fasted weight/cardio training for like 3 months. One of the trainers at my gym kept saying “you need to eat some carbs before your workout” but i was like forget that

On Day 5 of my 20-4, and man, I have never drunk this much water in my entire life. I'm up to 8 to 9 16 oz. bottles a day, well over a gallon.

But I'm killing it, and I feel great. I hate having to pee so often, but I feel great.

I'm getting some good sleep with this, too. I haven't needed my alarm clock all week.

I had to get off the highway and run into McDs...twice last week. A whole lot of water being released.:hmm:

I ALWAYS took a piss before I left to go anywhere and still barely made it to my destinations without either having to stop or jumping out the car running to the bathroom once I got to my destination. This only lasted about a week tho and then my body adjusted, i was still taking a lot of pisses but i was able to hold them better

In my second week. I keep busy during the day, so I don’t break fast until around 2 or 3. I don’t worry about being perfect. I go for 16:8 ratio. My eating window is sometimes smaller as I have been trying to bed at a decent time. I work out in the fasting window. I am down 7 lbs. Started at 231 lbs, goal is 200 lbs.

You do have to stay hydrated though. This morning I woke up and was like fuck this I am eating. I had a couple glasses of water and felt better.

Yeah i’ve hit that point during diets before too. Be doing good and then all of a sudden be like “man fuck this i’m going to get me some wings”...lmaoooo. Sometimes i remained strong and held out and others the temptation was to great and i slipped and got the wings and after that DIET OVER. The best thing you can do is establish a “CHEAT DAY/meal”, i’d Set mine for a Saturday or Sunday, i’d workout and eat right all week and then Saturday i’d REWARD myself by having those smoked wings i loved to satisfy my cravings, after that i’d be back on my diet


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man those personal trainers are idiots. I've never listened to one a day in my life. Anything I've ever needed to know about lifting weights I learned on my own through my own trial and error. Their biggest problem is they see every body as the same and that's not the case.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And I need to get back to drinking more water. My workouts have been on point, diet is getting better, now I just need my water intake to pick up


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In my second week. I keep busy during the day, so I don’t break fast until around 2 or 3. I don’t worry about being perfect. I go for 16:8 ratio. My eating window is sometimes smaller as I have been trying to bed at a decent time. I work out in the fasting window. I am down 7 lbs. Started at 231 lbs, goal is 200 lbs.

You do have to stay hydrated though. This morning I woke up and was like fuck this I am eating. I had a couple glasses of water and felt better.

One thing that I recall reading was that often times the body reacts to thirst and hunger almost the same... So when you think you're hungry, DRUNK WATER

Sometimes I'll have a Sparkling Ice Water with my dinner, it's technically a soda. I don't fuck with regular sodas because of HFCS.

It's different because it uses Sucralose instead of HFCS as a sweetener. HFCS gives you all those empty ass calories that gives you all kinds of health problems. Sucralose is zero calorie sweetener, and although it's artificial, I believe it goes thru your body without being broken down for energy.

Now sucralose is still bad, so I drink it in moderation, and only after I've broken my fast. I know it says "zero calories", but it's still not fast-friendly because of the insulin spike you'll get from the sucralose.

Those keto diet people swear this is ok during a fast...

I drink these too but only during my feeding window... Outside of that all I'll have is water...

Also, have you heard of or tried dry intermittent fasting? It's essentially the same but during your fasting hours you get NOTHING, not even water. Eating and drinking is only allowed during your feeding window...


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
One thing that I recall reading was that often times the body reacts to thirst and hunger almost the same... So when you think you're hungry, DRUNK WATER

Those keto diet people swear this is ok during a fast...

I drink these too but only during my feeding window... Outside of that all I'll have is water...

Also, have you heard of or tried dry intermittent fasting? It's essentially the same but during your fasting hours you get NOTHING, not even water. Eating and drinking is only allowed during your feeding window...

I was considering doing a 24-hr dry fast on the weekend. I was thinking of doing something like have my Saturday afternoon cheat meal, then go 24hrs dry to detox, then go back to my regular 20-4 fast.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It's funny how that chart recommends working out after skipping breakfast. I can't do it man. Anyone has recommendations for breakfast,man it's hard to skip it


Rising Star
It's funny how that chart recommends working out after skipping breakfast. I can't do it man. Anyone has recommendations for breakfast,man it's hard to skip it


Not the sugary shit either.

Regular oatmeal...


150 calories.

If you can't spare 150 calories then good luck on your up coming pro fight or I hope you place in your bodybuilding competition.:lol:

*two cents*


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I do the Daniel Fast every January to help me spiritually by praying instead of preparing food and eating. The Daniel Fast id biblical, so no sweets, meat, etc. Fits and veggies. I found this thread and incorporated these thoughts into my life. Most times, waiting until noon or later to eat my first meal of the day isn't difficult even after waking up at 5 am. I try to eat dinner around 6 pm. It's a good way to be on the 18-6 plan. This pretty much eliminates snacks. I'm only eating lunch and dinner; although, I've had breakfast foods for lunch and dinner.

Since 2018 started or in the last 2 months, I've lost about 20 pounds. My bowel movements are sporadic as fuck though. I used to shit a few times a day. Now I'm posing when I'm supposed to be shitting.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I intermittent fasted for the past 2 days while eating a low carb low glycemic diet and lost 8 friggin pounds. I back down to 216 pounds(6 feet 1 inch). I'm going low carb from now on.
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Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
It's funny how that chart recommends working out after skipping breakfast. I can't do it man. Anyone has recommendations for breakfast,man it's hard to skip it
I workout before breakfast. Gives me more of an appetite. Only thing i have before working out, is a banana


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've done it for about a week now. I haven't really lost anything, but I also admit I really haven't been eating right. I'll do better next week. I know I need to drink a lot more water too. Normally I would do a lean cuisine or one of those 250 calorie salads with a fork meals but I think it probably should more after 18 hours. still trying to figure that out. I also figure I won't be 100% faithful on the weekends, but try to at least make it to 12-13 hours then.

The biggest problem is getting used to black coffee and avoiding flavored water during the fast. I've found that even a little bit is enough to bring on hunger. Also aminos will cause it too.


BGOL Investor
I have been doing 16/8 OMAD and I have made it back to my playing weight. I get my cardio in the morning mixing in weights Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I dropped 25 in 2 months. I started at 6'6"320 now I am a svelte 295. I have been cheating a lot since then but I am still hoovering around 293-296. I plan on hitting hard after Easter to get down to my crab, freshman weight of 280.

The shit works but like most things you need to get some cardio in. If you want to know how many calories to put yourself into a caloric deficit, try using an app like myfitnesspal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I started 2 weeks ago. My window is noon to 8:00 p.m., but I run 3 miles every other day. I do get a cup of coffee in the morning though, but as someone mentioned that gas was an issue. I have gotten use to no headaches, but I have lost 5 lbs. Was 209 now 204.