The Reparations thread has been DELETED! The FUCKBOI BUNCH is REAL!


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
the question is are YOU happy with the results this president has done so far as it concerns black americans??

No I'm not happy with the results. In terms of Black folks, things seem business as usual with none of our needs being addressed.

I do notice that CACs are very pissed off and I hope that motivates them to address our needs to engage us as allies.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Several states and cities have established commissions or task forces to study reparations, including California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and North Carolina, with California being the first state to create a state-level reparations task force.

Here's a more detailed look:

States with Reparations Studies:
  • California: Blue
    In 2020, California enacted a law to create a task force to study reparations for Black Americans and determine eligibility. The California Reparations Task Force released its report in 2023, making recommendations to the state legislature on how to address the harms of slavery and racism.

  • Illinois: Blue
    Evanston, Illinois, became the first city to create a reparations plan for its Black residents in 2021.

  • Massachusetts: Blue
    Several cities in Massachusetts, including Boston and Northampton, have established commissions or task forces to study reparations.

  • North Carolina: largely Blue
    Asheville and High Point have established commissions or task forces to study reparations.

  • New York: Blue
    New York State has established a reparations commission to examine the legacy of slavery and its effects on Black communities.

  • Minnesota: Minnesotans have voted for Democratic presidential candidates ever since 1976, more times consecutively than any other state outside of the South, and longer than any other ongoing streak.
    St. Paul has an 11-member reparations commission.

Other States:

Some other states and cities are also considering reparations strategies, including:

Burlington, Vermont - Burlington tends to be democratic based on voting results in recent elections. Compared to other nearby cities, Burlington has more democratic voters. Compared to the nation as a whole, Burlington leans more democratic.

Detroit, Michigan - Blue AF

St. Louis, Missouri. Trump undoubtedly accelerated Missouri’s drift toward the Republican Party, turning historically Democratic rural and exurban counties bright red. But the exception is in St. Louis County, where Democrats have gained substantial ground both on the national and state legislative level.

so here's a question for anyone on the board to answer but especially the Fuckboi Bunch (they know who they are)

CLEARLY ANY AND ALL THE PROGRESS we've seen where reparations is concerned is ONLY coming from cities and states that are blue.... whats the point of undermining that???


The Studies are BS. One of the benefits of this DOGE stuff is the unveiling of what our government spends money on. We have spent millions in foreign countries on very dubious items. Studies were not required. We did not engage in any studies before we spent Many of the studies have already detailed that we are due reparations but the efforts have stopped.

Studies have already came out detailing that we are due Reparations. We have spent hundreds of BILLIONS in Ukraine and Gaza without any intensive studies.

I am very disappointed that I am arguing with Black men over demanding Reparations.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Are you happy with the results that we have received so far?
How is letting Republicans win working out for you?

'Segregated facilities' are no longer explicitly banned in federal contracts​

After a recent change by the Trump administration, the federal government no longer explicitly prohibits contractors from having segregated restaurants, waiting rooms and drinking fountains.



Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Exactly, and they will never hold it against Republicans or Trump for being anti-Black.

@Big Tex
What are your thoughts of these Joe Biden quotes and actions? As a Black man, which of these do you find offensive or questionable? (they are in RED font)

-In 1977, Biden said that busing would cause his children to grow up in "a racial jungle."

-In 1977, Biden voted against Black Justice Department nominees specifically over his opposition to busing.
-In 1977, Biden said he asked to join the Senate Judiciary Committee specifically to lead the charge against busing.
-In 1981, Biden said George Wallace was "right about some things."
-In 1984, Biden used the word "boy" to refer to Jesse Jackson.

-In 1985, Biden made a favorable comparison between segregationist Senator John Stennis and Confederate General Stonewall Jackson.
-In 1987, Biden "sought to appeal to white voters" by touting an award he received from George Wallace in 1973 where he praised Biden as "one of the outstanding young politicians in America."
-During his 1988 campaign, Biden falsely claimed he was part of the civil rights movement, saying he "marched" in his "youth."
-In his 2007 book, Promises To Keep, Biden admitted that, as a young person, he had "no real relationships with Black people."
-In 2007, Biden called then-Sen. Barack Obama "the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
-In 2010, Biden delivered a 22-minute eulogy, the longest speech, at Senator Robert Byrd's (D-WV) memorial service, calling the former KKK member a "friend," "mentor," and "guide."
-In 2016, Biden praised segregationist Senator John Stennis as a "friend" and an "honorable" man.
-In 2019, Biden recalled the era when "he was able to get along with segregationist senators."
-In 2019, Biden boasted that segregationist Senator James Eastland called him son, not boy.
-In 2019, Biden said the Obama administration went "into the hood" of Detroit to recruit minorities.

-In 2019, Biden claimed a major problem Black communities face is illiteracy, saying Black "parents can't read or write themselves," leaving Black attendees "shocked and frustrated."

BGOL Investor
Are you happy with the results that we have received so far?
The cutting of Medicaid? The upcoming cutting of Social Security? The dismantling of DEI programs (especially in the business community) which affects countless black businesses? Black farmers being hit the worst by USAID being cut?
The banning of minority books across the country by Republican school boards, egged on by the current administration?
Criminals being pardoned when they should be in jail?
The economy crashing? My investment accounts that I need for my black ass retirement in the toilet?

Naw...I'm not happy with the results at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Studies are BS. One of the benefits of this DOGE stuff is the unveiling of what our government spends money on. We have spent millions in foreign countries on very dubious items. Studies were not required. We did not engage in any studies before we spent Many of the studies have already detailed that we are due reparations but the efforts have stopped.

Studies have already came out detailing that we are due Reparations. We have spent hundreds of BILLIONS in Ukraine and Gaza without any intensive studies.

I am very disappointed that I am arguing with Black men over demanding Reparations.
I'm so glad you brought this up....

Speaking of DOGE.....what do you honestly think musk would say to this DEMAND from ADOS??

President Trump must direct Congress to propose and deliver to his desk a federally led and administered Reparations package that identifies a definite start date with no fixed ending date.
President Trump must commit to seeing the Act faithfully executed. At minimum, the Reparations package should prioritize cash payments totaling $20 trillion to American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS). Together with targeted policies and protections, the redistributive measures will be ongoing and must remain in effect until—at the very least—the wealth gap between white Americans and ADOS is closed.

Taking into account the absence of reparations for chattel slavery, and the presence of the accrued cost of its brutal, 400-year legacy, the descendants of chattel slavery in the U.S. have been made to inherit a singular disadvantage in national life. The Trump administration, by executive fiat, must designate descendants of chattel slavery in the United States as a protected class. The ethnic designation should accord with the criteria outlined in our presentation to the Office of Management and Budget. Additionally, any future studies or data collection by the U.S. government must disaggregate ADOS from the rest of the American population so that the specific needs of ADOS communities can be accurately quantified and addressed by targeted policies and investments.

President Trump must call on Congress to create an Office of ADOS Affairs that will specifically advocate for the needs of ADOS people. The President must also charge the Office with creating a genealogy registry that will provide resources for ADOS people who wish to trace their ancestry to establish eligibility for slavery Reparations. The Office must also be charged with the collection of information and studies regarding stolen wealth by way of the destruction of Black businesses, stolen intellectual property, predatory lending, and the redlining of housing and insurance policies. Should Congress fail to act, President Trump must create the Office by executive order. arations/

@Akata King @Supersav @xfactor @Flawless

open to ANYONE ELSE...please chime in on how THIS administration would react to this demand....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@Big Tex
What are your thoughts of these Joe Biden quotes and actions? As a Black man, which of these do you find offensive or questionable? (they are in RED font)

-In 1977, Biden said that busing would cause his children to grow up in "a racial jungle."

-In 1977, Biden voted against Black Justice Department nominees specifically over his opposition to busing.
-In 1977, Biden said he asked to join the Senate Judiciary Committee specifically to lead the charge against busing.
-In 1981, Biden said George Wallace was "right about some things."
-In 1984, Biden used the word "boy" to refer to Jesse Jackson.

-In 1985, Biden made a favorable comparison between segregationist Senator John Stennis and Confederate General Stonewall Jackson.
-In 1987, Biden "sought to appeal to white voters" by touting an award he received from George Wallace in 1973 where he praised Biden as "one of the outstanding young politicians in America."
-During his 1988 campaign, Biden falsely claimed he was part of the civil rights movement, saying he "marched" in his "youth."
-In his 2007 book, Promises To Keep, Biden admitted that, as a young person, he had "no real relationships with Black people."
-In 2007, Biden called then-Sen. Barack Obama "the first mainstream African American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."
-In 2010, Biden delivered a 22-minute eulogy, the longest speech, at Senator Robert Byrd's (D-WV) memorial service, calling the former KKK member a "friend," "mentor," and "guide."
-In 2016, Biden praised segregationist Senator John Stennis as a "friend" and an "honorable" man.
-In 2019, Biden recalled the era when "he was able to get along with segregationist senators."
-In 2019, Biden boasted that segregationist Senator James Eastland called him son, not boy.
-In 2019, Biden said the Obama administration went "into the hood" of Detroit to recruit minorities.

-In 2019, Biden claimed a major problem Black communities face is illiteracy, saying Black "parents can't read or write themselves," leaving Black attendees "shocked and frustrated."
joe biden is not president today....


Troll Hunter
BGOL Investor
Also, where's this cac reparations yall said trump was going to give to other cacs?

Yall are so unserious on nBGOL.



Potential Star
Platinum Member
Man this shit so simple. If you withold votes from Democrats Republicans win elections. If Republicans win elections without black votes they have no reason to care about black issues (like they would anyway) and will inflict policies to make sure the black vote becomes less effective in future elections. So not only do you not get shit but you make it harder to get shit in the future. If you can't understand I don't know what to say.

BGOL Investor
Man this shit so simple. If you withold votes from Democrats Republicans win elections. If Republicans win elections without black votes they have no reason to care about black issues (like they would anyway) and will inflict policies to make sure the black vote becomes less effective in future elections. So not only do you not get shit but you make it harder to get shit in the future. If you can't understand I don't know what to say.

The agents on the BGOL know this, that's why they work overtime to get this done. Tariq at least gets a fat check for his activities, the rest of them are just emotional foot soldiers or "useful idiots" as they say.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As a Black man, which of the quotes and actions do you find offensive or questionable?
if you think I'm going to defend anything that I'm old white man did in the past I'm not....but that was the past... relitigating it today is pointless.

But here's a question do you really believe that Kamala Harris would be doing all the things that Trump is doing right now...step for step?

its a yes or no question??? but if yes please show examples of what?

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
nigga what the fuck are you talking about??? you were charting it! Literally EVERYTHING posted in that reparartion thread were things coming from left and dems. WTF do you think Sheila Jackson was?? All the local and state actions were leftwing/democrats doing that...reread the thread if your faggy boyfriend will ever stop deleting it :lol: and why did she delete it in the firstplace?? ever ask that??


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
If you think I'm going to defend anything that I'm old white man did in the past I'm not....but that was the past... relitigating it today is pointless.

But here's a question do you really believe that Kamala Harris would be doing all the things that Trump is doing right now...step for step?

its a yes or no question??? but if yes please show examples of what?
While I don’t agree, I can understand the point of voting for and supporting “The least evil” candidate. What I don’t understand or respect is your refusal to acknowledge the obvious. I’m asking you as a black man if any of the listed quotes and actions are offensive or questionable. Obviously, all of them are. You are so invested in your position that you are avoiding saying it though.


As far as your question, there would be a lot of differences in Kamala’s presidency. It would have mirrored Biden’s. No DEI changes, no DOGE, we would have continued funding Isreal and Ukraine with no changes. No immigration changes and none of the Department changes. She would no have said anything about there being 2 genders and there wouldn’t be any LBGTQ changes that could be remotely perceived as negative. It likely would mirror Biden’s.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
The cutting of Medicaid? The upcoming cutting of Social Security? The dismantling of DEI programs (especially in the business community) which affects countless black businesses? Black farmers being hit the worst by USAID being cut?
The banning of minority books across the country by Republican school boards, egged on by the current administration?
Criminals being pardoned when they should be in jail?
The economy crashing? My investment accounts that I need for my black ass retirement in the toilet?

Naw...I'm not happy with the results at all.
They gave this niggu a burned CD rom copy of photoshop back in 1999. And he been on demodick every since.


Akata King

Send them back!!
BGOL Investor
SHE'S BACK???????

so riddle us this.....why did you delete the thread in the first place??



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man this shit so simple. If you withold votes from Democrats Republicans win elections. If Republicans win elections without black votes they have no reason to care about black issues (like they would anyway) and will inflict policies to make sure the black vote becomes less effective in future elections. So not only do you not get shit but you make it harder to get shit in the future. If you can't understand I don't know what to say.
This has been said ad nauseum at this point. They don't acknowledge it. Which is why I describe them & their plan like the Underpants Gnomes from South Park.

Phase 1: Don't Vote
Phase 2: ?
Phase 3: Reparations



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

oh...your talking to me again?? still havent answered the question...what you delete the thread for??? I'll answer your post after you and this question???


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
While I disagree, I can understand the viewpoint of always voting for the “least evil” candidate. What I don’t understand is why some of you brothers are so hostile to the idea of using your vote to demand what you want. Black folks have the least amount of political clout despite the fact that we did most of the actual fighting for the rights of all minorities. Why be so hostile to a more aggressive approach? Time and time again we are threatened and shamed into voting for candidates that we aren’t comfort with. Reparations has been due to us for generations. The studies have been conducted, the US has the money, why are you brothers so hostile towards demanding they are paid?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
While I don’t agree, I can understand the point of voting for and supporting “The least evil” candidate. What I don’t understand or respect is your refusal to acknowledge the obvious. I’m asking you as a black man if any of the listed quotes and actions are offensive or questionable. Obviously, all of them are. You are so invested in your position that you are avoiding saying it though.


I could ask the same thing about you and the rest of the crew and you all give the same response...but but biden.

Obama, Biden, Harris are NOT the president democrats have a say in how this shit is going TODAY.

Trump has been pretty blatant in his fuckery especially with things concerning blacks directly and you all have YET to speak on it in any thread much less CREATE a thread about it.

Has ANYONE asked WHY akataqueen or whatever the fuck she's calling herself these days why did she delete the reparations thread in the first place????Arent curious about that AT ALL???

As far as your question, there would be a lot of differences in Kamala’s presidency. It would have mirrored Biden’s. No DEI changes, no DOGE, we would have continued funding Isreal and Ukraine with no changes. No immigration changes and none of the Department changes. She would no have said anything about there being 2 genders and there wouldn’t be any LBGTQ changes that could be remotely perceived as negative. It likely would mirror Biden’s.
What changes are there to funding israel who just killed about 400 palestinians yesterday and vowed to keep doing until further notice??
What change happened in Ukraine??
Why would you want something negative to happen to the LGBT community??

And how is 30k+ employed people (some of whom are BLACK) a bad thing??

oh and I'm still waiting for an answer to this

I'm so glad you brought this up....

Speaking of DOGE.....what do you honestly think musk would say to this DEMAND from ADOS??

President Trump must direct Congress to propose and deliver to his desk a federally led and administered Reparations package that identifies a definite start date with no fixed ending date.
President Trump must commit to seeing the Act faithfully executed. At minimum, the Reparations package should prioritize cash payments totaling $20 trillion to American Descendants of Slavery (ADOS). Together with targeted policies and protections, the redistributive measures will be ongoing and must remain in effect until—at the very least—the wealth gap between white Americans and ADOS is closed.

Taking into account the absence of reparations for chattel slavery, and the presence of the accrued cost of its brutal, 400-year legacy, the descendants of chattel slavery in the U.S. have been made to inherit a singular disadvantage in national life. The Trump administration, by executive fiat, must designate descendants of chattel slavery in the United States as a protected class. The ethnic designation should accord with the criteria outlined in our presentation to the Office of Management and Budget. Additionally, any future studies or data collection by the U.S. government must disaggregate ADOS from the rest of the American population so that the specific needs of ADOS communities can be accurately quantified and addressed by targeted policies and investments.

President Trump must call on Congress to create an Office of ADOS Affairs that will specifically advocate for the needs of ADOS people. The President must also charge the Office with creating a genealogy registry that will provide resources for ADOS people who wish to trace their ancestry to establish eligibility for slavery Reparations. The Office must also be charged with the collection of information and studies regarding stolen wealth by way of the destruction of Black businesses, stolen intellectual property, predatory lending, and the redlining of housing and insurance policies. Should Congress fail to act, President Trump must create the Office by executive order. arations/

@Akata King @Supersav @xfactor @Flawless

open to ANYONE ELSE...please chime in on how THIS administration would react to this demand....


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I could ask the same thing about you and the rest of the crew and you all give the same response...but but biden.

Obama, Biden, Harris are NOT the president democrats have a say in how this shit is going TODAY.

Trump has been pretty blatant in his fuckery especially with things concerning blacks directly and you all have YET to speak on it in any thread much less CREATE a thread about it.

Has ANYONE asked WHY akataqueen or whatever the fuck she's calling herself these days why did she delete the reparations thread in the first place????Arent curious about that AT ALL???

What changes are there to funding israel who just killed about 400 palestinians yesterday and vowed to keep doing until further notice??
What change happened in Ukraine??
Why would you want something negative to happen to the LGBT community??

And how is 30k+ employed people (some of whom are BLACK) a bad thing??

oh and I'm still waiting for an answer to this
Damn. Today, Geech chose violence!

I would love for these coons to stop saying DEI and say what the actual words are:
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and then follow up on how these are bad things.


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Your post is long and disjointed. Just to reiterate again:

I never voted for Trump and don’t believe that he will provide Reparations. For some reason, your response to me questioning Biden and Democratic candidates, leads to you pretending like I defend Trump. This is not the case. My position has always been that non of these CACs have our best interests at heart. My position has always been that we need to demand for candidates to address our demands before we vote for them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your post is long and disjointed. Just to reiterate again:

I never voted for Trump and don’t believe that he will provide Reparations. For some reason, your response to me questioning Biden and Democratic candidates, leads to you pretending like I defend Trump. This is not the case. My position has always been that non of these CACs have our best interests at heart. My position has always been that we need to demand for candidates to address our demands before we vote for them.
there is nothing disjointed about it.... did you vote for harris this election or did you sit out??

simple question.....


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Your post is long and disjointed. Just to reiterate again:

I never voted for Trump and don’t believe that he will provide Reparations. For some reason, your response to me questioning Biden and Democratic candidates, leads to you pretending like I defend Trump. This is not the case. My position has always been that non of these CACs have our best interests at heart. My position has always been that we need to demand for candidates to address our demands before we vote for them.
I understand wanting to get more for your vote. But lay out a scenario in the current political system where we'll eventually benefit? We're currently living in the aftermath of withholding our votes for "more power".

Right now republikkans are stripping away at our rights & our history. And it hasn't been 4 months yet. We have another 16+ months before midterms. The only things Democrats or any party we "back" can do if put in a position of power is restore what we've lost. And I assure you it'll take longer than 4 months for it to happen.

This "aggressive" approach can be a reality now. What's the next steps towards reparations? Where's the threads detailing what we should be doing now to get more for our votes the next election? Enlighten me on this master strategy to get less than 13% of the population to sway a bunch of stupid racists & pretend white people.

There's only so much power that can be gained at the state level. And right now dump is making sure the right judges are in place to block anything specific to a group of people.