The Witcher 4 Ciri is the protagonist/ The Witcher Netflix TV Season 4 announced. (Henry Cavill gone, Liam Hemsworth New Witcher)


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Am I walking intoa Bloodborne like experience???

No nothing like that. It's a game where you have to dodge, roll, and counter. You have to counter at the last moment when they're about to attack so that's hard to do especially when you're surrounded.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Gonna put some hour's in today, can't wait anymore.

Witcher 3's PS4/Xbox One Patch Not Coming This Week

"We're working on addressing what we can."

The recently released PC patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which included a long list of fixes and performance optimizations, won't arrive for consoles until next week at the earliest. Developer CD Projekt Red confirmed release timing details and more recently on Twitter.

"Not this week. Sorry," CD Projekt Red community lead Marcin Momot said to a fan who inquired about when the patch would arrive.

You can read the full patch notes here, but be aware that the changelog also includes PC-specific tweaks that won't show up on console.

Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players can, however, expect improved frame rate and more.

"We're working on addressing what we can," Momot said. "We collect everything the community is reporting."

The Witcher 3 launched earlier this week behind rave reviews, including a perfect 10/10 from GameSpot. The game has faced some controversy, however, as CD Projekt Red reportedly stonewalled a digital retailer, while the team also recently spoke out to address "graphics downgrade" concerns.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Gonna put some hour's in today, can't wait anymore.

Witcher 3's PS4/Xbox One Patch Not Coming This Week

"We're working on addressing what we can."

The recently released PC patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, which included a long list of fixes and performance optimizations, won't arrive for consoles until next week at the earliest. Developer CD Projekt Red confirmed release timing details and more recently on Twitter.

"Not this week. Sorry," CD Projekt Red community lead Marcin Momot said to a fan who inquired about when the patch would arrive.

You can read the full patch notes here, but be aware that the changelog also includes PC-specific tweaks that won't show up on console.

Xbox One and PlayStation 4 players can, however, expect improved frame rate and more.

"We're working on addressing what we can," Momot said. "We collect everything the community is reporting."

The Witcher 3 launched earlier this week behind rave reviews, including a perfect 10/10 from GameSpot. The game has faced some controversy, however, as CD Projekt Red reportedly stonewalled a digital retailer, while the team also recently spoke out to address "graphics downgrade" concerns.

I woke up early and put in a hour or so before work. I like it so far. They dont hand your hand through it though. Good because they just say go do your thing, bad because its a fair bit of things to remember and hone as far as the combat goes. Got to the first village and you just... Do it... No specific guideline to follow, no you must talk to this person to progress per-say. Just a main objective and it up to you how you want to do it. I like it. And the "Jedi Mind trick" thing is going to be something I invest in.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
5 Witcher 3 Tips for Your First Few Hours

Tips & Tricks: A Walkthrough of Combat, Make Money, Leveling Up



Rising Star
Super Moderator
Yo these boss battles are pissing me off. I had to drop the difficulty down for a minute to pass.

Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Yo these boss battles are pissing me off. I had to drop the difficulty down for a minute to pass.

Damn... I havent really hit anything tough. I did the Ghost in the well, and the finding ole boys brother with his dog and just killed the monsters in the den. Just really been fucking around and seeing whats what. The side quests dont just feel like busy work. You have shit you have to do to do them. Not just go here, lookout there, escort this person etc... Now it could get monotonous like Watchdogs, but Im feeling it.

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Bloodborne got niggas hurtin'. :lol:

That was my own damned fault though. I saw some game play footage and read some reviews and went to get it. I didnt do any real research and thought it was just a slower paced Devil may cry/Bayonetta type game.:smh:

I ain't even fuck with it. :smh: Shit a few scenes with the man with the chainsaw in The Evil within had me wanting to murder a muthafucka!!! :angry:


Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
I ain't even fuck with it. :smh: Shit a few scenes with the man with the chainsaw in The Evil within had me wanting to murder a muthafucka!!! :angry:


That instant kill shit is so weak. It took me atleast 10 damn tries to get past that dude. Im all for a challanging game. But dont resort to cheap tactics to do it.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
That instant kill shit is so weak. It took me atleast 10 damn tries to get past that dude. Im all for a challanging game. But dont resort to cheap tactics to do it.

As you advance Witcher has some WTF moments. I saw some guys on the way to my destination. So I hop off and a few of the guys have bow and arrows. After multiple attempts I try to hide behind the tree for a 1v1 who ever comes close. So as I'm using the tree to block the arrows, a arrow comes though the tree.:eek::angry:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt tips and tricks!

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt tips and tricks! - PART 2

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt tips and tricks! - PART 3


Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
The combat is kinda whatever. But the story is very compelling. Even the side quests have you like "somethings going on here, I need to figure out why this bitch is offering to pay me double. Naaa bitch you did something and I'm bout to bring it to light":lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If anyone is looking for "white gull" You can find it in Velen, north of Blackbough. The herbalist with the crows feet necklace around his neck has a recipe for it.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
I need some of that green dust that you buy from blacksmits. It's priced at $800 plus. I have a lvl 16 silver sword to craft that does 250 damage.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have to start making swords. I just got ambushed by some dwarfs :smh::lol:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
THIS :yes:

Magical Signs Guide - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Beginner's Guide to Potions in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt ► A Beginner's Tutorial Guide - General & Combat Tips

Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Guide: Places of Power locations

In The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, there are five different spells that Geralt can use -- these spells are called Signs. There are both non-combat signs and combat signs. In this guide you will learn the location of every "Place of Power" that will give temporary boosts to specific signs.
There are around 16 Places of Power located throughout the game and if you have a boost on all five signs at once, you get a Trophy/Acheivment.
First, let's go over the five different signs:

  • Aard: Telekinetic blast of energy that can stagger opponents.
  • Igni: A fire ball that blasts enemies
  • Yrden: Magic trap that slows enemies.
  • Quen: Protective shield that lasts until it absorbs 5% of Geralt's maximum Vitality.
  • Axii: Charms opponents, putting them out of combat.
White Orchard

Northern White Orchard
Boost: Aard Sign boost

  • Low level Ghouls guard the area, but in order to find this Place of Power, you need to head north from the last Place of Power; near the eastern edge of Nilfgaardian Garrison.
Northeastern White Orchard
Boost: Quen Sign boost

  • Head north from the Crossroads Travel sign, following the path will lead you to this Place of Power. There will be Ghouls.
Southern White Orchard
Boost: Yrden Sign boost

  • South of the Abandoned village, on the road that brings links the Abandoned Village and a bridge leading to Ransacked Village. There will be a bear near the Place of Power, so beware.
Abandoned Village
Boost: Quen Sign boost

  • Head to the southwestern forest from the Abandoned Village.
Vulpine Woods
Boost: Axii Sign boost

  • Go to the northwestern edge of the Woesong Bridge. Go into the jungle and find the Nilfgaardian Garrison. There will be a Wraith.
White Orchard Cemetery
Boost: Igni Sign boost

  • On the north-side of the inn in the White Orchard in the cemetary on the opposite side of the chapel where the Wraith roams.
Novigrad, Valen, No Man’s Land

Elector’s Square
Boost: Igni Sign boost

  • Near the Elector's Square Signpost. No monsters.
Boost: Yrden Sign boost

  • Get your climbing shoes on, this one is on the top of a mountain on the Wast side of Downwarren.
Boost: Quen Sign boost

  • Look for the beach around a broken bridge.
  • There will be Drowners present.
  • You may need a boat to reach this location.
Boost: Aard Sign boost

  • South of Frischlow in the marshes on the south side of the Fyke Isle. High level Wraiths will be in the area.
Boost: Axii Sign boost

  • On top of a hill near the village of Alness.

Boost: Igni Sign boost

  • NorthWest side of the mountain near Svorlag village.
Boost: Aard Sign boost

  • Headtowards the north road of Redgill. There will be a cyclops and a broken down building, kill the cyclops and grab your Aard boost
Boost: Axii Sign boost

  • South of the abandoned village of Fornhala, will be nestled among rocks on the side of the road.
Boost: Yrden Sign boost

  • On the West side of Harviken on Faroe Isle, slightly north after the Rabid Rock Troll's Cave.
  • White Werewolves and Endrega need to die before you reach this place (otherwise they annoy you while attempting to use it).
Yngvar’s Fang
Boost: Quen Sign boost

  • Overlooking the Urialla Harbor. Plenty of trolls in the area.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Does anyone use Potions? I don't normally bother with them unless i'll in a boss battle. I don't recall the name but it's green and you had to make it for the Griffin battle. I use that one at times and the cursed oil for warewolves. I gotta start crafting bombs.


Doctor of Medicine. Ringside Physician.
BGOL Investor
Not all that into RPGs... Used to play Final Fantasy. Be real fellas. If you dont play RPGs... is this game worth it??


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If your not into RPGs, pass on it and wait for Batman or Mad Max.

It's more like Skyrim then Mass Effect. They don't hold your hands in this game. If you go into a battle with out the right potions and weapons , you will die real fast. :lol:

Batman Arkham Knight - Be the Batman Trailer

Mad Max - Story Trailer


Mt. Yukon

Rising Star
Not all that into RPGs... Used to play Final FanREGS . Be real fellas. If you dont play RPGs... is this game worth it??

In all honesty I couldn't recommend it to a non hardcore RPG person. RPGs are damn near all I play and the learning curve required for me is noticeable. They give you next to nothing in terms of help. After the tutorial you just learn shit as you go. Great experience as its somewhat realistic, I can see it easily frustrating an avg gamer.

Also the game is story driven. Finding out what's behind shit is what keeps you playing. The combat is just passible and if youre used to games where thats the showcase this is a far cry from that.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Not all that into RPGs... Used to play Final Fantasy. Be real fellas. If you dont play RPGs... is this game worth it??

I wouldn't describe it as a true RPG. It has real time combat unlike Final Fantasy. It's more like Mass Effect 2. You swap out armor and weapons when you find something better.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The most useful to begin our adventure in The Witcher 3 potions


has begun hunting in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and after cooling all the details about the history is time to get serious and start moving its vast world threading our way to espadazos so today we bring you a guide to the potions more useful than we can create and that are essential to not die in an attempt to beat the flamboyant title of CD Projekt.


With this potion our vitality will regenerate naturally but slowly , offering though, a constant and higher than with other consumable regeneration. If an enemy attacks us while we are under the effects of this potion, regeneration will be suspended for a couple of seconds. To avoid this suspension have to have the highest level potion

The can create with the following ingredients:. dwarf liquor five celandine and four submerged brains . To create submerged brains need a monster brain and blood submerged.

Raffard Essence White

In contrast to swallow to see our vitality potion immediately increased , so it’s one of the most useful potions face confrontations with enemies. The more we improve, give us more vitality each dose of the potion

The can create with the following ingredients:. dwarf liquor two plantain and four hearts Nekker . To create the heart of Nekker need a heart of monster and a monster blood.


With this potion Geralt will be completely immune to poisons supplying us enemies to which we face, neutralizing equally poisons to which we are already exposed before taking

The can create with the following ingredients:. dwarf liquor four dandelions and an essence light . To create the light essence essences need two monster.


Geralt has a higher than human vision, allowing you to see better in the dark, but with this potion we can further enhance our view, getting expand our field and see more clearly when we are in dark environments. . If we improve this potion we will full immune to hypnosis and see enemies with a red glow to them controlled

The can create with the following ingredients: dwarf liquor four fruit Berber cane and two aquatic essences . To create aquatic essence essence need a monster.


This potion will help us win the battles in which we see involved because significantly increases our firepower . The higher the level of the potion, the more we will cause damage with each hit, so it’s a catch potion that can be used in any circumstance

The can create with the following ingredients:. dwarf liquor, two cortinarius and embryo endriago . To create the embryo of endriago need a monster egg and two essences monster.

The last thing we know is that all these potions need a liquor dwarf, which is created in the menu with alchemy following ingredients; an empty bottle two liquors Mahakam -these all can buy- and a petal white myrtle

The rest of the ingredients for collecting potions find them different herbs that are scattered around the map and kill all the monsters that put us ahead, looting after their bodies.

Now we just have to get down to work and start farmear potions with which have an extra help to deal with our enemies, but do not forget that we now we have told how to defeat the Griffin Real or way forward faster his world.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
was just looking for this thread...

...heard someone describe this game as "a mashup between game of thrones and grand theft auto"...that's one hell of a sell...any truth to that? I'm choosing between this game and battlefield 4...I already have COD:AW and shadows of mordor...if any of the games I'm thinking of getting bears any similarities to them


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
was just looking for this thread...

...heard someone describe this game as "a mashup between game of thrones and grand theft auto"...that's one hell of a sell...any truth to that? I'm choosing between this game and battlefield 4...I already have COD:AW and shadows of mordor...if any of the games I'm thinking of getting bears any similarities to them


Here some gameplay from Chris smooth

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Part 11

The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Part 12
