Anybody got the prima strategy guide download? Im thinking of get it for my iPad for $10.
This is hands down ONE of the best games I have ever played.....
even their side game Gwent is good.....
<iframe class="imgur-embed" src="" frameborder="0" height="404" width="100%"></iframe>
Man I hate playing against somebody in gwent with monster deck, too cheap how they can multiply any card thrown out![]()
The Wraiths are some of the most frustrating enemies in the game. I've been upgrading the magic trap recently. Saw a Chris Smoove video last week where his trap was damaging enemies. The mind control comes in handy also. Nothing fucks with the shield. That shield saves lives and controllers.![]()
Spoiler Alert.....
that Jenny of the Woods has WAY TOO MUCH DEFENSE...and she heals herself.....
Who did you guys choose with the tree heart voice thing??? Something about its need to save the children sounded suspect. But I said Id help it, went out and dug up the remains and It didnt seem human. So I went back and killed it. Shit seemed off to me.![]()
I killed it also. The ending of the game may have a different revelation for those that killed the spirit. I've seen the outcome if you free the spirit and it's not good at all.![]()
This game is fucking amazing. Your choices really matter in this game. I just killed my homie because i thought it was the only option i had. Then i reloaded and old save and talked this person into giving me want i wanted and out of dying from my swordI got 200 points too.
I had to kill that fake pig looking god with horns though.(You can save him) I looted him and found bacon on himcd projekt red
Game of the year
This game is fucking amazing. Your choices really matter in this game. I just killed my homie because i thought it was the only option i had. Then i reloaded and old save and talked this person into giving me want i wanted and out of dying from my swordI got 200 points too.
I had to kill that fake pig looking god with horns though.(You can save him) I looted him and found bacon on himcd projekt red
Game of the year
Geralt "i can't believe we fucked"![]()
I knew that bitch was up to no good when she wanted that elfs shit the first time. As soon as she mentioned the tower at diner I was like... "Lets fuck." Cause I knew I was going to end up atleast pissing her off later. But... She went out like a G. "Shut up and draw your sword!!! "![]()
This game is fucking amazing. Your choices really matter in this game. I just killed my homie because i thought it was the only option i had. Then i reloaded and old save and talked this person into giving me want i wanted and out of dying from my swordI got 200 points too.
I had to kill that fake pig looking god with horns though.(You can save him) I looted him and found bacon on himcd projekt red
Game of the year
So you killed Kiera Metz?
As far as I know. She could come back later, but as of this post. I looted her lifeless body and burned the notes.
Bruh she ain't coming back.
Why didn't you just send her to Kaer Morhen? That's what I did. You could have sent her there and still taken the notes.![]()
You probably gonna let_________ get on the boat too.![]()
So who else picked this up? I like it so far. It's a bit unresponsive & buggy at times but nothing game breaking.
I got it. Shits tight. First fighting tutorial didn't really tell you shit though.I didn't even know how to draw my fuckin sword. Old head was fuckin me up at first.
Which quest was this? I don't recall which one you're referring too.
It really is best for you to choose an alternative option before fighting. You're likely to get more EP and avoid a hard ass battle. I said it before and i'll say it again for those early in the game YOU DO NOT WAN'T TO FIGHT THE BOTCHLING.
I knew that bitch was up to no good when she wanted that elfs shit the first time. As soon as she mentioned the tower at diner I was like... "Lets fuck." Cause I knew I was going to end up atleast pissing her off later. But... She went out like a G. "Shut up and draw your sword!!!"![]()
GOTY....I don t care what Arkham Knight does.....
The in-depthness (yes I m making up words now) of the storyline is what EVERY game company needs to model
Bruh she ain't coming back.
Why didn't you just send her to Kaer Morhen? That's what I did. You could have sent her there and still taken the notes.![]()
You probably gonna let_________ get on the boat too.![]()
Fixes an exploit whereby players could buy sea shells and sell the pearls inside them at a higher price.
Alright, don't spoil any of the endings fellas please?
My bad bruh. I thought I was speaking on quests eveerybody else had finished.
This is the other mission i was talking about.
A Greedy God - The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest Walkthrough
Grilled pork
He's talking about the final game multiple endings.
I jus copped this yesterday....and already put in 12 hrs. It was this or Shadow of Modor....I'm not disappointed at all.