John Cena cuts promos like the "President" in those big war/alien invasion movies.

Like I said above, I can see him having that type of power. I can see him sitting in on script readings. I can see him giving himself a title a shot. I can't however see him having someone fired. It just smelled like bullshit. And I don't see Vince complying with a firing HHH wants when it could potentially earn Vince money. Don't see it.
I can't see it either and Vince would put money over HHH's feelings, every day. HHH could and has put the squash on people before but a lot of that stuff was back when he was still trying to secure his "legacy". He may not have liked Punk but Punk is one of the top heels now and will have another title run or two before the year's out. Not saying he's not capable, I just don't think he's that invested anymore.