
Behind the Boards
BGOL Investor
I said it before, Vince is not stupid.

This is just a mash-up of the NWO/New Blood/Invasion angles. If they learn from the mistakes they made in the past, this could bring casual fans back.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I was for sure they were gonna fuck the angle up by having Vince taking credit for that shit. Soon as I seen him take the mic I was like "Ahh shit not this shit again". But they beat the shit out of him something fierce. :lol: Vince over there crawling out of the ring and shit and they drag him back in. :lol: So far WWE isn't fucking this NXT shit up. They need to start getting some of them in some single matches or in some tag matches though.

As far as TNA goes, when they get rid of Flair i'm out of that shit. Flair is the greatest shit on TV in general. :lol: WWE was holding him back with that nice guy gimmick they had him doing when he retired. I don't even know if Flair was for real or if he was acting but that shit had me dying in tears. Jay Lethal was solid as well. That whole Lethal vs Fortune shit is entertaining. About the only thing that is on TNA.

Flair isn't leaving anytime soon..he apparently loves the talent and working with them over in TNA


Rising Star
Ah dammit i knew this shit would happen


- There’s a feeling among some that a returning Triple H will be the one to save WWE from the NXT Rookies.

He does this shit every time whatever angle is hot he has to attach himself to it and kill all momentum, case in point cena/edge 2006 and booker t/jerry lawler.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ah dammit i knew this shit would happen

He does this shit every time whatever angle is hot he has to attach himself to it and kill all momentum, case in point cena/edge 2006 and booker t/jerry lawler.

WTF!? And to think, there are those in the IWC, who traditionally hate HHH, that are saying they miss HHH :hmm:

Now I'm actually starting to believe some of the rumors that HHH was the one that spoke into Vince's ear to release Brian Danielson.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Who knows, she may drop it to Jimmy Snuka's daughter...


I truly hope they give Alicia a reign longer than one month. She deserves it. I guess it all boils down to how over she is with the fans.

If Melina comes back, Alicia should kick her ass. Melina's who schtick has gotten old and tired. The only thing that WON'T get old is her ring entrance, even though it was better when she was rockin mini skirts.

They love Melina. They hope she can draw Latino fans like Rey and she's a decent worker. Alicia's really coming along but the Divas/Women's titles are for the White girls (or something close to).

I think it's going to be The Rock, and they're going to use the e-mail angle to hype it up until he makes a big return to boost ratings. They'll probably throw in some phrases in the e-mails like "Jabroni's", or "candy asses" or maybe even some shots to Michael Cole like The Rock used to (that's why he wants Cole to read them) to lead the audience on for a couple weeks.

Should be fun. Bret won't be gone for too long but they can do something to hold us until he does come back.

I was for sure they were gonna fuck the angle up by having Vince taking credit for that shit. Soon as I seen him take the mic I was like "Ahh shit not this shit again". But they beat the shit out of him something fierce. :lol: Vince over there crawling out of the ring and shit and they drag him back in. :lol: So far WWE isn't fucking this NXT shit up. They need to start getting some of them in some single matches or in some tag matches though.

As far as TNA goes, when they get rid of Flair i'm out of that shit. Flair is the greatest shit on TV in general. :lol: WWE was holding him back with that nice guy gimmick they had him doing when he retired. I don't even know if Flair was for real or if he was acting but that shit had me dying in tears. Jay Lethal was solid as well. That whole Lethal vs Fortune shit is entertaining. About the only thing that is on TNA.

Anderson/Hardy vs. Beer Money was starting to get good but Russo's ADD won't let him concentrate on any feud for too long. He's horrible.
They did finally turn back Abyss, so I'd add that to the entertaining aspect of TNA. That and Douglas Williams and the X-Division, with some reservations.

So what's the angle behinded - is there a reason why Sting did a heel turn?

They haven't explained it and it's starting to get dull. It's like they're afraid to turn him full heel. Even now it sounds like some big swerve where he's really a babyface and EB and Hulk are the heels. Sting could be a good heel but they would have to commit to it.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Bret Hart got married again (#3):eek:. What is it with wrestlers and getting married over and over again, when it's clear they're not good at it? Good luck to him, though.


Support BGOL
Bret Hart got married again (#3):eek:. What is it with wrestlers and getting married over and over again, when it's clear they're not good at it? Good luck to him, though.

I wonder what happened to the one he was married to on Wrestling with Shadows? She seemed truly down for Bret.

Then again, when she learned that Ted Turner was going to pay him 9 million for 3 years of work, she wanted him to quit WWF QUICK!!

As far as Melina, you're right, she's there for the Latino fans. I just hope she doesn't rush in and beat Alicia for the title on her first night back (like they did with thick ass Jillian Hall).

I hope they don't screw over Tamina....I think they are going to give her the Jazz treatment....tons of talent, but Vince shits on em..

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I wonder what happened to the one he was married to on Wrestling with Shadows? She seemed truly down for Bret.
I bought Bret's book and he says she was crazy (well he said she was hard to deal with and didn't cope well with his lifestyle but I took that to mean crazy).

Then again, when she learned that Ted Turner was going to pay him 9 million for 3 years of work, she wanted him to quit WWF QUICK!!
And when the wrestling was over, so was the marriage. It's depicted pretty sadly in the book.

As far as Melina, you're right, she's there for the Latino fans. I just hope she doesn't rush in and beat Alicia for the title on her first night back (like they did with thick ass Jillian Hall).

I hope they don't screw over Tamina....I think they are going to give her the Jazz treatment....tons of talent, but Vince shits on em..

That's exactly what's going to happen. They'll play this game with Alicia and Eve but when Melina comes back, she gets the belt.
I wish they treated Tamina like they treated Jazz. She'll get worse. She'll be more like Natalya, who can outwrestle almost all of the other chicks and could have good matches with either Gail Kim or Beth Phoenix but is relegated to being a seldom speaking associate of a tag team. Since she's in a company that doesn't give a shit about women's wrestling or tag teams, she just better save her money.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From what I saw last night between all the females I thought Tamina and Natalya were the best female wrestlers on the show. Are they too good to wrestle with the other females? Or are they just stuck in the Uso vs. Hart storyline?

They're nice to look at don't get me wrong but those other chics can't wrestle for shit aside from Gail Kim. Alicia Fox is young and she's still getting better but if they wanted to change titles I can see why. Eve is even worse but once again she's sexy as hell.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
From what I saw last night between all the females I thought Tamina and Natalya were the best female wrestlers on the show. Are they too good to wrestle with the other females? Or are they just stuck in the Uso vs. Hart storyline?

Both. Plus neither of them have a certain look WWE likes to push. They have the audacity to look like real, athletic women and apparently no one in WWE hierarchy finds that sexy.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
From what I saw last night between all the females I thought Tamina and Natalya were the best female wrestlers on the show. Are they too good to wrestle with the other females? Or are they just stuck in the Uso vs. Hart storyline?

They're nice to look at don't get me wrong but those other chics can't wrestle for shit aside from Gail Kim. Alicia Fox is young and she's still getting better but if they wanted to change titles I can see why. Eve is even worse but once again she's sexy as hell.

Eve was getting better when she was on Smackdown but she's regressed badly. Her dropkicks are the worse. At least the shitty Bellas know enough not to even attempt them.
I like hot chicks too but I got porn for that. When I'm watching rasslin, I want rasslin.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's all about Politics. Now that Linda McMahon has a chance of winning her Senate seat, her opponents are now WWE Watchdogs.

In May, Chris Benoit’s father wrote an open letter to the people of Connecticut putting WWE on Blast saying they make wrestlers work like dogs but offer no emotional support. For this reason alone He begged the People of Connecticut not vote for Linda McMahon. Even though she said she's a Fiscal Conservative, the company has to make sure they stay clear of anything that COULD trigger any backlash.


Was she in that HART DYNASTY DVD SET? :dunno:


Wrestler's widow suing WWE, Conn. Senate candidate

HARTFORD, Conn. – The widow of a World Wrestling Entertainment performer who died in a televised 1999 stunt filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday against the Connecticut-based company and its leaders, including Republican U.S. Senate candidate Linda McMahon.

Martha Hart said she learned three months ago that McMahon, who stepped down as WWE chief executive in the fall to run for Senate, and her husband, Vince, the current chairman, for years have used the image of her late husband, Owen Hart, in at least 37 videos and other materials without her knowledge and permission, and despite her objections to his likeness being associated with the pro-wrestling company.

"They'd have to be living under a rock if they didn't get that I don't want any association with them whatsoever or Owen to be associated with them whatsoever," said Martha Hart, who lives in Calgary, Alberta, with the couple's two children, now 18 and 14.

"I believe it is morally, ethically and legally wrong for the WWE to seek profit from Owen's death," she told reporters at a news conference held at a hotel in downtown Hartford. The WWE is based in Stamford.

Jerry McDevitt, an attorney for the WWE, called the lawsuit "a political stunt" coming as McMahon campaigns. Martha Hart's request for an injunction from a Canadian court in March to stop a video featuring Owen Hart — a request that was denied — was the first time the company had heard from the widow since she legally settled with them in 2000, he said.

WWE said it paid $10 million to Martha Hart, $3 million to each of her children and $1 million to each of Owen Hart's parents.

McDevitt also pointed out that Linda McMahon wasn't the CEO of the company when the video was released earlier this year, but Martha Hart said McMahon was in charge when the WWE decided to use his images in other videos.

"I don't think you'd see what happened today if Linda wasn't running for Senate," McDevitt said. Martha Hart denied her case had anything to do with the campaign but said voters in Connecticut should question Linda McMahon's moral character.

McMahon recently won the endorsement of the Republican Party to seek retiring Democrat Christopher Dodd's seat. She faces a primary challenge from Weston businessman Peter Schiff, and Republican former Rep. Rob Simmons has not removed his name from the Aug. 10 primary ballot.

McMahon, who has pledged to spend up to $50 million of her own money on the race, trails the Democratic candidate, Attorney General Richard Blumenthal, in public opinion polls on hypothetical general election matchups.

"The death of Owen Hart was a tragic accident and this claim is nothing more than pure political orchestration," said Robert Zimmerman, a spokesman for the WWE, to which McMahon's campaign had referred requests for comment.

McDevitt, the company's attorney, argued that the WWE has the right to use its copyrighted material featuring Owen Hart. The publicly traded company released the video in April called "Hart & Soul: The Hart Family Anthology," which features Owen Hart and other wrestlers in the Hart family, some of whom still perform for the WWE.

"Martha Hart does not have some exclusive right to the story of her husband; it's just that simple," McDevitt said.

Besides stopping the WWE from using Owen Hart's images, Gregg Rubenstein, a Boston-based attorney for Martha Hart, said his client, as the personal representative of her late husband's estate, is seeking any profits due from his appearances in the videos and other materials that would be due under his contract with the WWE. The WWE attorney said it will be up to a court to decide whether the estate is owed any money from the sale of the videos.

Owen Hart died May 23, 1999, after falling from an apparatus about 80 feet high into the wrestling ring before a crowd of 16,500 people at Kemper Arena in Kansas City, Mo. Hart, who was making an aerial descent into the ring, fell after the device that connected his body harness to the rigging malfunctioned, McDevitt said.

Both McDevitt and Rubenstein agree there is nothing in a wrongful-death settlement that WWE reached with Martha Hart in 2000 addressing the company's use of Owen Hart's image.

Rather, Rubenstein points to a provision in Owen Hart's 1996 booking contract with Titan Sports — a former name of the wrestling company — that says control of "original intellectual property," such as his legal name, ring name, likeness, personality, character, caricatures, voice, gimmicks and routines, reverts to the wrestler after the contract is terminated.

Rubenstein said that the contract was terminated when Owen Hart died and that Martha Hart and Owen Hart's estate control his likeness, name and celebrity.

The same contract, which was signed by Linda McMahon, says the promoter, its licensees and sublicensees "may continue to exploit materials, goods, merchandise and other items incorporating any original intellectual property made before such termination until all such materials, goods and merchandise are sold off."
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Support BGOL
Eve is eye candy only.......no wrestling talent. Sarita, Taylor Wilde, Awesome Kong, Hamada, and Roxxi could run circles around 90% of WWE women wrestlers. Tamina, Natalya and Gail Kim are the only ones with any real wrestling talent. I saw a couple of vids of Tamina when she was in FCW...she's pretty decent.


Eve was getting better when she was on Smackdown but she's regressed badly. Her dropkicks are the worse. At least the shitty Bellas know enough not to even attempt them.
I like hot chicks too but I got porn for that. When I'm watching rasslin, I want rasslin.


Fuck that... what's up with Beth Phoenix! When she's coming back! Out of all the up n coming divas from a while ago, she was my favorite! My girl be fucking these stringy bitches up in the ring!:D

It's fucked up that they treated her like a whipped stepchild last couple of months before she got hurt! I hate when WWE do that to the real talented divas just to hype up the no talented ones!

Hurry up and come back, baby!:yes::yes::yes:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star

Was she in that HART DYNASTY DVD SET? :dunno:


Nope. She might have a case to get some of the money from any dvd featuring an Owen Hart match or appearance.
That's one upset woman but if I lost my wife over some shit like she lost Owen, I'd be mad too.

Eve is eye candy only.......no wrestling talent. Sarita, Taylor Wilde, Awesome Kong, Hamada, and Roxxi could run circles around 90% of WWE women wrestlers. Tamina, Natalya and Gail Kim are the only ones with any real wrestling talent. I saw a couple of vids of Tamina when she was in FCW...she's pretty decent.

While I agree that all of the Knockouts you named are far superior to most of the Divas (notice that TNA isn't even pushing these women anymore. They didn't even put the title the one member of the Beautiful People that can wrestle, Velvet Skye), I do disagree on Eve. Yeah, her dropkicks are the shits but she has some real athleticism and could be a good worker if she given more time to learn. TV matches with their strict time limits make a mediocre, young worker look even worse and that's her.


Fuck that... what's up with Beth Phoenix! When she's coming back! Out of all the up n coming divas from a while ago, she was my favorite! My girl be fucking these stringy bitches up in the ring!:D

It's fucked up that they treated her like a whipped stepchild last couple of months before she got hurt! I hate when WWE do that to the real talented divas just to hype up the no talented ones!

Hurry up and come back, baby!:yes::yes::yes:

Love the Glamazon. I think her and Natalya could have some good, stiff matches. They only took the belt off her because she got hurt. It doesn't help that Michelle McCool is so politically powerful (fucking the Undertaker has benefits).


Love the Glamazon. I think her and Natalya could have some good, stiff matches. They only took the belt off her because she got hurt. It doesn't help that Michelle McCool is so politically powerful (fucking the Undertaker has benefits).

Damn, I didn't know McCool was fucking the Undertaker!:eek::eek::eek: I thought he was married to Sara (the name he tattooed across his neck... ouch)!

I completely fell off with the behind the scenes drama with WWE and TNA!

I don't blame Taker though... looks like Michelle got some of that "fun pussy" all guys like to fuck!:yes::yes::D


Rising Star
While I agree that all of the Knockouts you named are far superior to most of the Divas (notice that TNA isn't even pushing these women anymore. They didn't even put the title the one member of the Beautiful People that can wrestle, Velvet Skye), I do disagree on Eve. Yeah, her dropkicks are the shits but she has some real athleticism and could be a good worker if she given more time to learn. TV matches with their strict time limits make a mediocre, young worker look even worse and that's her.

Love the Glamazon. I think her and Natalya could have some good, stiff matches. They only took the belt off her because she got hurt. It doesn't help that Michelle McCool is so politically powerful (fucking the Undertaker has benefits).

WHAT:eek::eek: velvet is hot as hell post 2005 but wrestling wise she sucks. As far as eve goes she is actually pretty good, when looking at the divas it's best to look at their fcw matches where they actually let the broads wrestle. Alicia was really good their but maryse is blonde and boney so they put the attention on her. The knockouts aren't that great simply because the ones who can wrestle are at home or fired while we get the second coming of bertha faye. Hamada and sarita could really jettison the wwe's diva divison but since yoshi is with the wwe hamada won't go there with him being a pervert and all.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Damn, I didn't know McCool was fucking the Undertaker!:eek::eek::eek: I thought he was married to Sara (the name he tattooed across his neck... ouch)!

I completely fell off with the behind the scenes drama with WWE and TNA!

I don't blame Taker though... looks like Michelle got some of that "fun pussy" all guys like to fuck!:yes::yes::D

i think he kicked her to the curb two months ago :dunno:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Damn, I didn't know McCool was fucking the Undertaker!:eek::eek::eek: I thought he was married to Sara (the name he tattooed across his neck... ouch)!

I completely fell off with the behind the scenes drama with WWE and TNA!

I don't blame Taker though... looks like Michelle got some of that "fun pussy" all guys like to fuck!:yes::yes::D

His wife Sara was one horse faced bitch.

WHAT:eek::eek: velvet is hot as hell post 2005 but wrestling wise she sucks. As far as eve goes she is actually pretty good, when looking at the divas it's best to look at their fcw matches where they actually let the broads wrestle. Alicia was really good their but maryse is blonde and boney so they put the attention on her. The knockouts aren't that great simply because the ones who can wrestle are at home or fired while we get the second coming of bertha faye. Hamada and sarita could really jettison the wwe's diva divison but since yoshi is with the wwe hamada won't go there with him being a pervert and all.

Velvet's not great but she's serviceable and works well with somebody that can help her. She's a notch ahead of Madison Rayne (who hasn't had one good match since she became champ) and Lacey, bad as she is, shouldn't ever be in the ring unless she's stripping.

Whoah, what's up with Yoshi????


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
so they Hamada and sarita could really jettison the wwe's diva divison but since yoshi is with the wwe hamada won't go there with him being a pervert and all.

The WWE tried to sign Sarita. Part of the reason that she didn't come is because they wanted her to get implants which she didn't want to do.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The WWE tried to sign Sarita. Part of the reason that she didn't come is because they wanted her to get implants which she didn't want to do.

Good. How many more women have to have their implants pop before they stop getting them. If you're a porn star, get them. But if you're in a business where another chick throws you on your front side at least twice a week, it's stupid to get them. Ask Gail Kim.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
To any NY/NJ fam, TNA's going to be in your neck of the woods 7/2 and 7/3 with some pretty good lineups. If anyone goes, let us know it was.
July 2nd in Brooklyn, New York:

Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss
Team 3D vs. Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal in a Tag Team Tables Match
Kurt Angle vs. Desmond Wolfe
Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love for the TNA Knockouts Championship

Appearances by Jay Lethal, Brian Kendrick, Homicide & Amazing Red

July 3rd in Asbury Park, New Jersey:

Rob Van Dam vs. AJ Styles for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship
Jeff Hardy vs. Abyss
Team 3D vs. Shannon Moore & Jesse Neal in a Tag Team Tables Match
Madison Rayne vs. Angelina Love for the TNA Knockouts Championship
Brian Kendrick vs. Homicide vs. Amazing Red

Appearances by Kurt Angle, Desmond Wolfe & Jay Lethal


Support BGOL
Good. How many more women have to have their implants pop before they stop getting them. If you're a porn star, get them. But if you're in a business where another chick throws you on your front side at least twice a week, it's stupid to get them. Ask Gail Kim.

Every female that has been with HHH in any form or fashion has received implants....




Man, I remember Steph in that wedding dress, even Vince had to look twice.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Every female that has been with HHH in any form or fashion has received implants....




Man, I remember Steph in that wedding dress, even Vince had to look twice.

Steph was working with something for a minute. Just a minute but it was a nice one.:D