J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It could be, but why would he let Nexus attack Vince McMahon, knowing Vince would instantly fire his ass when he finds out?!!:confused:




I think the gm is Shane McMahon. You havent heard or seen him lately
Let's see...

GM suspects

Michael Cole - Too lame and too obvious!

Steve Austin - Fan favorite... but the lame hints from the latest Raw makes it doubtful!

Shane McMahon - Good Possibility... However, the McMahons are trying to stay out of the limelight ever since Linda starting getting serious in politics.

HHH - Strong Possibility... He's due back for Summerslam and he hasn't won a title in a while!:yes:

Things are pointing to the Cerrebral Assassin, but we'll see...

I'm sure they'll reveal the GM before or at Summerslam!


Last time i read he told vince he was sick of him:lol:

Thinking about it... it must be hard as hell having a power hungry, always demanding father like Vince McMahon! :smh:

I wouldn't blame Shane if he did telll him that!:D

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
i bet that "mystery woman" on the motorcycle was Tara,who supposedly "retired" a while back :rolleyes:

Yep. That might have been the best Madison Rayne match ever (not saying much) and they fucked it with a weak ending. At least the belt's not on her anymore.
Still watching last week's Impact and last night's ppv at the moment but Joe/RVD was really, really, good.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Yep. That might have been the best Madison Rayne match ever (not saying much) and they fucked it with a weak ending. At least the belt's not on her anymore.
Still watching last week's Impact and last night's ppv at the moment but Joe/RVD was really, really, good.

I'm sure that Madison Rayne is gonna get the title back this week cause whoever helped her isn't a member of the Beautiful People.


Yep. That might have been the best Madison Rayne match ever (not saying much) and they fucked it with a weak ending. At least the belt's not on her anymore.

I'm sure that Madison Rayne is gonna get the title back this week cause whoever helped her isn't a member of the Beautiful People.
Man, I was hoping that sexy ass Lacey Von Erich would've at least made an appearance being that it was a pay per view event!

She definitely one of the hottest divas on TNA! What the hell are these guys thinking... There's a reason why it was originally called T N A! Show more Tits n Ass you fools!!

Oh yeah!!:jackoff::jackoff::jackoff:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I'm sure that Madison Rayne is gonna get the title back this week cause whoever helped her isn't a member of the Beautiful People.

Me too and that would suck ass. They should have unmasked her on the ppv. To do it the next show (tonight) is a huge loophole and typical Russo-Ferrara overbooking.
The cage match was better than I expected but it was overbooked too. This was supposed to be a blood feud and it started off like it but fuck beating the other guy out of the cage, Morgan should have been left laying.

Man, I was hoping that sexy ass Lacey Von Erich would've at least made an appearance being that it was a pay per view event!

She definitely one of the hottest divas on TNA! What the hell are these guys thinking... There's a reason why it was originally called T N A! Show more Tits n Ass you fools!!

Oh yeah!!:jackoff::jackoff::jackoff:

She sucks as a wrestler but she's incredibly hot. Take her out of the Beautiful People, put Angelina back in (she's a much better heel than face and that's become clear)and put Lacey with a top heel, Flair's Fortune group would be cool.


She sucks as a wrestler but she's incredibly hot. Take her out of the Beautiful People, put Angelina back in (she's a much better heel than face and that's become clear)and put Lacey with a top heel, Flair's Fortune group would be cool.
Shit, I totally agree... that'll give her more air time and a chance for her to dress up in some really super hot outfits! :devil: :yes::yes:

TNA needs to wake up before Vinnie Mac scoops Lacey up and makes a real star out of her!:yes:

Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lacey was with the WWE if i'm not mistaken. She never made it to the main roster. I gotta say though she is terrible as a wrestler. Maybe she can be a valet or some shit. :lol: I'd smash into Oblivion. Them chics in TNA are so artificial looking. With that blonde hair and highlights and shit....they're probably some bad bitches under all that makeup.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Shit, I totally agree... that'll give her more air time and a chance for her to dress up in some really super hot outfits! :devil: :yes::yes:

TNA needs to wake up before Vinnie Mac scoops Lacey up and makes a real star out of her!:yes:


Somehow she was already there and they cut her loose. Vince is crazy too, trying to make all them bitches wrestlers. Precious, Dark Journey, and Missy Hyatt were great and had legendary moments and never took one bump.
This is why TNA should fire Russo and Ferrara. They'll never be a real alternative to WWE with people with Vince's mindset in their creative. If Vince doesn't do managers and valets,why shouldn't TNA?

Lacey was with the WWE if i'm not mistaken. She never made it to the main roster. I gotta say though she is terrible as a wrestler. Maybe she can be a valet or some shit. :lol: I'd smash into Oblivion. Them chics in TNA are so artificial looking. With that blonde hair and highlights and shit....they're probably some bad bitches under all that makeup.

The ones who aren't excessively made up are/were the best wrestlers: Kong, Roxxi, Hamada, and Sarita. But instead we get Rayne, Love, Von Erich and Sky getting all the tv time. Love can work with the top ladies and Velvet and Rayne could be a tag and midlevel heels but Lacey's horrible and none of them, exc. Love, should ever be Knockout's champ.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
You think it could be Mickie James or she still not under contract yet?!

It could be "revealed" to be anyone but last night, it was Tara, as reported by PWInsider.com.
I'd be happy to see Mickie James come back but only if TNA goes back to being serious with their women wrestling.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Impact pulled a 1.14 rating last week, marking the first time in a while they've broken 1.0.
Less Hogan and Bisch, more wrestling and their fans will come back.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Lacey was with the WWE if i'm not mistaken. She never made it to the main roster. I gotta say though she is terrible as a wrestler. Maybe she can be a valet or some shit. :lol: I'd smash into Oblivion. Them chics in TNA are so artificial looking. With that blonde hair and highlights and shit....they're probably some bad bitches under all that makeup.

Lacey was signed to a WWE developmental deal and she was let go before she ever made it to the big leagues. And Angelina Love was also with the WWE prior to coming over to TNA.
I wouldn't mind seeing Cheerleader Melissa aka Raisha Saaed and Alissa Flash come back to TNA.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Lacey was signed to a WWE developmental deal and she was let go before she ever made it to the big leagues. And Angelina Love was also with the WWE prior to coming over to TNA.
I wouldn't mind seeing Cheerleader Melissa aka Raisha Saaed and Alissa Flash come back to TNA.

That chick was incredible. She was pretty and could wrestle her ass off. Kick Lacey and Madison out of the Beautiful People and put Alissa Flash in.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star


The ECW crew make their move on this week's Impact! Reviews by the in studio crowd and the newssites is this is done better than the Nexus attack from several weeks ago and features the return of... watch the show.


Cripto millonario vampiro
BGOL Investor
ok raw was sick tonight! nexus had sheamus running scared and then sheamus comes back to team with cena.. good shit!


ok raw was sick tonight! nexus had sheamus running scared and then sheamus comes back to team with cena.. good shit!

Yeah, but still no chair shots to the head! Vince really need to change this rule back to the way it was!

Just another reason why Austin's "Attitude Era" was the absolute best era in WWE/WWF history!



Rising Star
Raw sucked pretty bad last night. That Brady Bunch shit was terrible. I did trip when Sheamus ran away.


Raw sucked pretty bad last night. That Brady Bunch shit was terrible. I did trip when Sheamus ran away.
Thank God I got Tivo! I always zip pass that guest host bullshit and get right to the matches I like!:yes::yes::yes:

I make damn sure I don't watch Raw live any more... that shit could be brutal sometimes!:smh::smh::smh:


Rising Star
Yeah, but still no chair shots to the head! Vince really need to change this rule back to the way it was!

Just another reason why Austin's "Attitude Era" was the absolute best era in WWE/WWF history!


You do know that chairshots to the head cause serious brain damage don't you? I think it's great they got rid of them, you can still fuck somebody up with a chair without bashing their skull in. But as for raw was anybody surprised that cena got his ass beat then jumped up like nothing happened 15sec later:smh:


Rising Star
Thank God I got Tivo! I always zip pass that guest host bullshit and get right to the matches I like!:yes::yes::yes:

I make damn sure I don't watch Raw live any more... that shit could be brutal sometimes!:smh::smh::smh:

Like Kurt Angle says It's damn true! Raw is terrible most of the time. IMO Raw hasn't been right since 2002.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Yeah, but still no chair shots to the head! Vince really need to change this rule back to the way it was!

Just another reason why Austin's "Attitude Era" was the absolute best era in WWE/WWF history!


I think people make too much of WWE's "No chair shots to the head" and it being PG. First, Ric Flair never hit Rick Steamboat in the head with a chair. Most classic matches, angles, and promos never involved a head shot. Plus there are plenty of ways to hit guys with chairs without giving them concussions. It was exciting but we know better now and wrestling is supposed to be fake, remember?
As for it being PG, wrestling in the territory days could have been rated as PG. WWF, during the Hogan era, could have been rated PG. It doesn't matter what rating they have, it's in the execution. TNA has been TV14 and have had some shitty stuff on Impact! When WWE was TV14, they had HHH fucking a corpse and May Young showed her tits and gave birth to a hand, for fuck's sake.

You do know that chairshots to the head cause serious brain damage don't you? I think it's great they got rid of them, you can still fuck somebody up with a chair without bashing their skull in. But as for raw was anybody surprised that cena got his ass beat then jumped up like nothing happened 15sec later:smh:

Cena's irritating as hell with that shit and he's never going to be Hogan or Austin or Rock so they should stop making him "Superman".
But what do I know, he sells tons of t-shirts and my 13 yr. old likes him (where did I go wrong?:smh:) so somebody likes him.


Rising Star
I miss late 80's early 90's WCW. Yeah I'm tired of the Cena is Superman shit. I knew he would either win or no sell the ass whopping he got.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I miss late 80's early 90's WCW. Yeah I'm tired of the Cena is Superman shit. I knew he would either win or no sell the ass whopping he got.

Flair-Steamboat, Flair-Funk, Flair-Luger, Tully-Arn vs. Midnight Express, MX-Fantastics WCW?

That was that good shit.:yes:


Rising Star
Cena's irritating as hell with that shit and he's never going to be Hogan or Austin or Rock so they should stop making him "Superman".
But what do I know, he sells tons of t-shirts and my 13 yr. old likes him (where did I go wrong?:smh:) so somebody likes him.

Damn my condolences bro:lol: but as for cena the fact that austin who hasn't been popular since 2001 is his supporter, and rock who is still a huge name called his challenge "laughable" shows where cena ranks among legends.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Damn my condolences bro:lol: but as for cena the fact that austin who hasn't been popular since 2001 is his supporter, and rock who is still a huge name called his challenge "laughable" shows where cena ranks among legends.

I was going to beat him and force him to watch all my Ric Flair dvds (even the bootlegs I buy at conventions and fanfests) but I decided not to.

The option is still open.