Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Exactly. I most just watch my wrestling dvds for the good old wrestling.

Me too. I get on my wife's nerves with this old shit. When I came across a dude that had recorded dvds of a bunch of old 80s stuff from different territories (Georgia, Mid South, Crockett, Florida) and a bunch of Japanese stuff, I've been paying his rent ever since with all the shit I buy.

I called it "WCW", back then it was still the NWA.


Rising Star
Me too. I get on my wife's nerves with this old shit. When I came across a dude that had recorded dvds of a bunch of old 80s stuff from different territories (Georgia, Mid South, Crockett, Florida) and a bunch of Japanese stuff, I've been paying his rent ever since with all the shit I buy.

I called it "WCW", back then it was still the NWA.

I need to get that Ricky Steamboat dvd. Back in the day you only had 4 WWE ppvs. Rumble,Mania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series. Now you have a ppv every other week. Too many plus Raw, SD, Superstars and NXT. Matches aren't special anymore.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Wrestling is pretty stale. You all know based on my wrestling post that I support black talent. However I do miss them kayfabe days.

What WWE needs to do is bring back no luck jobbers. This way the elite talent looks more impressive and they would stay relatively more healthy as well. Remember back in the day you would see for example see Ric Flair got the fans involved and then Ric would put away the jobber in trademark fashion. Then you would see Ricky Steamboat look great against another jobber in another match before dispatching a jobber later on that same program. Then the fans get exited from the build up. They say I can't wait to see Flair and Steamboat get it on. That is why shit is so lack luster. The jobber help with the buildup for a rivalry. Also have 3 varying level of jobbers. (1)no luck jobbers(get dominated entire match), (2)semi-talented veteran jobbers of both heel and face persuasion who may occasionally get a mid card victory, and lastly (3)jobbers to the stars of heels and faces. These are the types who consistently beats the (1) and (2) but are not on par with the the main-eventers The problem right now is that the WWE have too many of the type (3) jobbers and not enough of the type (1)'s and (2)'s. Then they could effectively build up rivalries over time between their elite talent. The top face's and heel's should start off with jobber (1)'s but no incidents(basically tune up matches), then over the next few weeks a diet of jobber (2)'s. During this stage the jobber (2)'s should be of face and heel nature but include run ins between the top face's and heel's. For example when the top heel punishes a face jobber (2) the top face can run in for the save. Like wise when a top face goes against a heel jobber (2). The top heel can do a run in on the top face. Then they both face a type (3) jobber of the stars and mix it up with a little tag team action. The top face and the face jobber for the stars could face the the top heel and a heel jobber for the stars. Give each team a victory. Lastly your top heel and face finally get into their rivalry.

Make tag teams relavent again in WWE. The Harts and Usos are good, but they need to add more teams to the roster. I think Shad Gaspard and Ezekiel Jackson(when he returns) would make an awesome heel team:yes:. They should also continue to team Big Show and Rey Mysterio(when he eventually drops the strap) more. They could call themselves "Mystery Showcase" and be just as popular as DX and the Rock 'N Sock connection was. I would then put Big Show and Mysterio in a long time rivalry with Shad and Zeke:yes:. They should also bring back more stables/factions as well.

Bring back the managers and valets. Let's face it not all these wrestlers today can cut good promos. A manager or valet with charisma could help these wrestlers alot in their promos. WWE needs guys that were great managers who could draw heat. The best all time heat managers were in no particular order: Bobby "The Brain" Heenan, Skandor Akbar, "Captain" Lou Albano, "Playboy" Gary Hart, The Grand Wizard, Jim Cornette, "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart, Sheik Adnan El-Kaisse, "Classy" Freddy Blassie, "Precious" Paul Ellering, JJ Dillion, Slick, Eddie Gilbert, and the other greats. They all added to the overall character of the wrestler especially if they were heels. Let's not forget about the great valets either such as Elizabeth(did not talk but she symbolized virtue), Sherri Martel, Dark Journey, Sunshine, Precious, and don't get me start on the Tammy Lynns:yes:. That is what the game is missing managers and valets added to the wrestlers.

End rant.
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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I need to get that Ricky Steamboat dvd. Back in the day you only had 4 WWE ppvs. Rumble,Mania, SummerSlam, and Survivor Series. Now you have a ppv every other week. Too many plus Raw, SD, Superstars and NXT. Matches aren't special anymore.

The Steamboat joint is hot. I think they could have left off a couple matches and replaced them with some lesser known matches that aren't already in someone else's compilation but that's a minor complaint. I was really surprised at how much play Ric Flair got on it, with him being in TNA. But they never show him on tv, so there's that.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I think people make too much of WWE's "No chair shots to the head" and it being PG. First, Ric Flair never hit Rick Steamboat in the head with a chair. Most classic matches, angles, and promos never involved a head shot. Plus there are plenty of ways to hit guys with chairs without giving them concussions. It was exciting but we know better now and wrestling is supposed to be fake, remember?
As for it being PG, wrestling in the territory days could have been rated as PG. WWF, during the Hogan era, could have been rated PG. It doesn't matter what rating they have, it's in the execution. TNA has been TV14 and have had some shitty stuff on Impact! When WWE was TV14, they had HHH fucking a corpse and May Young showed her tits and gave birth to a hand, for fuck's sake.

Cena's irritating as hell with that shit and he's never going to be Hogan or Austin or Rock so they should stop making him "Superman".
But what do I know, he sells tons of t-shirts and my 13 yr. old likes him (where did I go wrong?:smh:) so somebody likes him.

That Katie Vick shit was the fucking worst, Triple H said there was funeral going on in the other room while they were taping that:

And I really wish they would find a better "Top Face" than Cena, he's not funny, he's not entertaining and he does like 5 moves.


Rising Star
The Katie Vick storyline was one of the worst things and that's saying something bc I had the ppv on tape when Owen died. I will never watch that again. So damn sad.
I'm sick of Cena( he needs to go heel).
Another bad story line was when Eddie and Rey were fighting over Rey's son Dominic.


Rising Star
The Katie Vick storyline was one of the worst things and that's saying something bc I had the ppv on tape when Owen died. I will never watch that again. So damn sad.
I'm sick of Cena( he needs to go heel).
Another bad story line was when Eddie and Rey were fighting over Rey's son Dominic.

I remember reading a story after the katie vick and hhh video aired that vince was the only one laughing. I also remember him being met with dead silence after he did that dr mcmahon crap, where he was pulling things out of a fake jim ross ass.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I remember reading a story after the katie vick and hhh video aired that vince was the only one laughing. I also remember him being met with dead silence after he did that dr mcmahon crap, where he was pulling things out of a fake jim ross ass.

Damn I remember that shit too, Vince be on that bullshit.


Rising Star
I remember reading a story after the katie vick and hhh video aired that vince was the only one laughing. I also remember him being met with dead silence after he did that dr mcmahon crap, where he was pulling things out of a fake jim ross ass.

I got that Vinny Mc dvd. It came free with Wrestlemania. They say he wanted to do an incest angle with Stephanie and say they baby was his. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I got that Vinny Mc dvd. It came free with Wrestlemania. They say he wanted to do an incest angle with Stephanie and say they baby was his. :smh:

wasnt stephanie opposed to it as well?

could imagine JR commenting on this on Raw:"My GAWD,the chairman of this company has slept with his OWN DAUGHTER..this just MAKES ME SICK!! ",etc :lol:


You do know that chairshots to the head cause serious brain damage don't you? I think it's great they got rid of them, you can still fuck somebody up with a chair without bashing their skull in.

Man, I don't give a fuck if they take each other's heads off with fucking bazookas! I'm tired of seeing this corny ass shit and having to pretend it's entertaining because I'm a lifelong wrestling fan! :cool:

I enjoy classic wrestling matches like the ones with Flair, Steamboat, etc... but since the majority of these guys can't wrestle for shit, I wanna see the alternative...

Blood and Guts all over the fucking ring!! Back in the day, all these wack ass wrestling would've been sleeping in a pool of their own blood!:yes::angry::yes:

Shit... crazy ass wrestlers like the Funk Brothers, Bunkhouse Buck, etc, alone would've made sure of that shit!


This mother fucker looks crazy!!:lol:
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Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Man, I don't give a fuck if they take each other's heads off with fucking bazookas! I'm tired of seeing this corny ass shit and having to pretend it's entertaining because I'm a lifelong wrestling fan! :cool:

I enjoy classic wrestling matches like the ones with Flair, Steamboat, etc... but since the majority of these guys can't wrestle for shit, I wanna see the alternative...

Blood and Guts all over the fucking ring!! Back in the day, all these wack ass wrestling would've been sleeping in a pool of their own blood!:yes::angry::yes:

Shit... crazy ass wrestlers like the Funk Brothers, Bunkhouse Buck, etc, along would've made sure of that shit!


This mother fucker looks crazy!!:lol:

WCW going out of business was the worst thing to happen to the wrestling industry in the last 15 years. With their departure wrestling became all about sports entertainment and a look and not actual in ring ability in alot of cases.TNA could be good if Dixie Carter wasn't an idiot who's over her head and if the company could get some focus and a clear direction. And ROH is cool but to low profile.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
WCW going out of business was the worst thing to happen to the wrestling industry in the last 15 years. With their departure wrestling became all about sports entertainment and a look and not actual in ring ability in alot of cases.TNA could be good if Dixie Carter wasn't an idiot who's over her head and if the company could get some focus and a clear direction. And ROH is cool but to low profile.

I completely agree. Everything you posted here I co-sign.

In terms of consistent entertainment, for me nothing beats Chikara for me on the whole in America. Ring of Honor is close.

What I like about Chikara is that is really gets back at the essence of what is "fun" about professional wrestling. Oddly enough, for a promotion that isn't geared for a more adult audience, the promo's are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the watered down WWE promo style these days. Don't even get me started on the in-ring stuff. The annual 3 night King of Trios tournaments alone are more engaging than ANY annual WWE/TNA event, hands down.

TNA had potential to be something special before Hogan and his buddies came in. Now, outside of the Lethal/Flair stuff, and a match here and there, his just doesn't grab me. Despite my complaints about WWE, it still grabs me a lot more than TNA.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
With Drizzy & Dave alone we could start a doggone wrestling company...:lol:


The Katie Vick storyline was one of the worst things and that's saying something bc I had the ppv on tape when Owen died. I will never watch that again. So damn sad.
I'm sick of Cena( he needs to go heel).
Another bad story line was when Eddie and Rey were fighting over Rey's son Dominic.

That was fucking horrible. It made me disinterested in what I knew would be great matches.

A sick necrophiliac skit and a proctology skit. Yep Vince and Hunter are decidedly gay.

I'm not one of those guys who calls people "gay" but Vince McMahon is a closet homosexual if there ever was one. He's far too focused on the looks of his male employees whether they're any good at their jobs or not. He moved JR, the best in the business and one of the greatest ever, because of his look. He's a fucking announcer, who's looking at him?

wasnt stephanie opposed to it as well?

could imagine JR commenting on this on Raw:"My GAWD,the chairman of this company has slept with his OWN DAUGHTER..this just MAKES ME SICK!! ",etc :lol:

:roflmao::roflmao:He'd be sick for real but he'd sell the hell out of it.

Man, I don't give a fuck if they take each other's heads off with fucking bazookas! I'm tired of seeing this corny ass shit and having to pretend it's entertaining because I'm a lifelong wrestling fan! :cool:

I enjoy classic wrestling matches like the ones with Flair, Steamboat, etc... but since the majority of these guys can't wrestle for shit, I wanna see the alternative...

Blood and Guts all over the fucking ring!! Back in the day, all these wack ass wrestling would've been sleeping in a pool of their own blood!:yes::angry::yes:

Shit... crazy ass wrestlers like the Funk Brothers, Bunkhouse Buck, etc, alone would've made sure of that shit!


This mother fucker looks crazy!!:lol:

Bunkhouse Buck!!!! You went back on me. I wasn't prepared for that name to pop up again. :lol:

I completely agree. Everything you posted here I co-sign.

In terms of consistent entertainment, for me nothing beats Chikara for me on the whole in America. Ring of Honor is close.

What I like about Chikara is that is really gets back at the essence of what is "fun" about professional wrestling. Oddly enough, for a promotion that isn't geared for a more adult audience, the promo's are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the watered down WWE promo style these days. Don't even get me started on the in-ring stuff. The annual 3 night King of Trios tournaments alone are more engaging than ANY annual WWE/TNA event, hands down.

TNA had potential to be something special before Hogan and his buddies came in. Now, outside of the Lethal/Flair stuff, and a match here and there, his just doesn't grab me. Despite my complaints about WWE, it still grabs me a lot more than TNA.

I tried Chikara and it didn't do much for me, but I love ROH. I went to their first internet ppv and I've already bought my tickets for their Charlotte return in Aug (might need someone to go with, the wife wasn't impressed. I forgot she's not a hardcore like me)
I thought Hogan and Bischoff were killing TNA and Dixie needs to have people around her who know the business. She apparently believes the shit Bisch, Hogan, and Russo sell her on their "successes" and their failures were someone else's fault. I blame Jarrett for Russo since he obviously co-signed him.
That said, they seemed to have turned a corner recently with less Hogan and Bisch and more wrestling and letting the best talkers (Pope, Flair, Anderson, Bubba) talk. All Hogan's boys are gone and his pet projects like Rob Terry are doing less tv. It's still not as good as it could be and they're still jobbing out Desmond Wolfe but it's better than it was a couple months ago. If they bring in Paul Heyman and this ECW angle is done right, TNA could be really good

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Shit... crazy ass wrestlers like the Funk Brothers, Bunkhouse Buck, etc, alone would've made sure of that shit!


[/SIZE] This mother fucker looks crazy!!:lol:

Speak of the devil

Bunkhouse Buck, formerly Southern great and member of Robert Fuller's Stud Stable (anybody but me remember them?), is now on Smackdown as Jack Swagger's "father". I guess somebody else missed him too.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I tried Chikara and it didn't do much for me, but I love ROH.

Really, why not? Since you're a ROH fan, and so much of the ROH talent is also in Chikara, I find that kind of interesting.

One of the things I really like about Chikara in terms of the in-ring stuff is that it constantly tries to innovate, while borrowing from styles all over the world (Japan/America/Mexico/England). There is great blend of styles all mixed together. I also love how there is REAL emphasis on tag teams. And the point system really makes gives a real old school feel in terms of their champions.

Promo-wise, I like how they write their own promos, so there is a good mixture of styles in the promotion. Some deliver promos better than others, like everywhere else, but there is a real love for the business feel about each one of them. I like how they write promos for WRESTLING FANS. No TV drama permeation like in their promos like some companies I know (WWE, I'm looking at you unless your name is Jericho, CM Punk, and a couple others).

I wouldn't normally say this (since really, you either like something or you don't) but in your case, since I know you are a true pro wrestling fan, I would highly recommend giving the promotion another try. Try this, watch all 3 nights of the King of Trios tournament 2008 (get that one specifically). If after that you're not a fan, then your officially an anomaly :lol:. My wife isn't much of a wrestling fan, but she LOVES Chikara after I showed her that.

All 3 nights of King of Trios translates to roughly 6 hours or so of wrestling, but it's such a great throwback to the Crockett Cup tournaments (but better in my opinion in terms of the in-ring action and variety. Obviously you'll always like the wrestlers more from the Crockett days just by default, but try to watch with an open mind), but with a modern twist that there should be something there for you.

Chikara is the only indies promotion (does Ring of Honor even count as indies anymore?) out of America that I go out of my way to follow. Every trip I make back to the states I always try to see if any Chikara shows are in the area.

Anyway, sorry to press Chikara on you, but I have yet to meet a hardcore wrestling fan doesn't enjoy Chikara after being introduced to it.

Note: I almost forgot to mention, there is a DVD that was released called "The Best of Chikara" that I actually started with first, but found it so sloppy for the most part I almost didn't bother with the promotion ever again. For whatever reason, it's a pretty poor representation of the high quality of the product. So much of it features a wrestler, now known as Sigma, who at that time tried wrestling a style that he was terrible at that he brought EVERY single match down a star or two. If that's what you saw to give you a sour taste to Chikara, I don't blame you. But I can honestly tell you that it's a good representation of the product at all.
Last edited:


Rising Star
I completely agree. Everything you posted here I co-sign.

In terms of consistent entertainment, for me nothing beats Chikara for me on the whole in America. Ring of Honor is close.

What I like about Chikara is that is really gets back at the essence of what is "fun" about professional wrestling. Oddly enough, for a promotion that isn't geared for a more adult audience, the promo's are a hell of a lot more entertaining than the watered down WWE promo style these days. Don't even get me started on the in-ring stuff. The annual 3 night King of Trios tournaments alone are more engaging than ANY annual WWE/TNA event, hands down.

TNA had potential to be something special before Hogan and his buddies came in. Now, outside of the Lethal/Flair stuff, and a match here and there, his just doesn't grab me. Despite my complaints about WWE, it still grabs me a lot more than TNA.

C/S i've told my friends about chikara and they love it, my stance is wrestling needs tournaments, cups, etc because it makes it feel more legit and not cartoony (cena). But on a side note who's that girl in the yellow dropping it in your sig?

wasnt stephanie opposed to it as well?

could imagine JR commenting on this on Raw:"My GAWD,the chairman of this company has slept with his OWN DAUGHTER..this just MAKES ME SICK!! ",etc :lol:

Vince is one sick motherfucker stephanie told him absolutely not, he had a deep infatuation with hbk back in the day. He also told jericho he had great legs when he started wearing trunks, and commented on the miz legs as well. Shit after seeing hhh switch to trunks he probably had to rub one out backstage:smh::smh::smh:


Speak of the devil

Bunkhouse Buck, formerly Southern great and member of Robert Fuller's Stud Stable (anybody but me remember them?), is now on Smackdown as Jack Swagger's "father". I guess somebody else missed him too.
Shit... The Stud Stable is one of my favorite groups back in the day! I loved when Fuller came back as Col. Rob Parker and formed the last stable with Terry Funk, Bunkhouse Buck, Arn Anderson and Meng! They were fucking heads up at WCW!:yes::yes::yes:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Really, why not? Since you're a ROH fan, and so much of the ROH talent is also in Chikara, I find that kind of interesting.

I wouldn't normally say this (since really, you either like something or you don't) but in your case, since I know you are a true pro wrestling fan, I would highly recommend giving the promotion another try. Try this, watch all 3 nights of the King of Trios tournament 2008 (get that one specifically). If after that you're not a fan, then your officially an anomaly :lol:. My wife isn't much of a wrestling fan, but she LOVES Chikara after I showed her that.

All 3 nights of King of Trios translates to roughly 6 hours or so of wrestling, but it's such a great throwback to the Crockett Cup tournaments (but better in my opinion in terms of the in-ring action and variety. Obviously you'll always like the wrestlers more from the Crockett days just by default, but try to watch with an open mind), but with a modern twist that there should be something there for you.

Chikara is the only indies promotion (does Ring of Honor even count as indies anymore?) out of America that I go out of my way to follow. Every trip I make back to the states I always try to see if any Chikara shows are in the area.

Anyway, sorry to press Chikara on you, but I have yet to meet a hardcore wrestling fan doesn't enjoy Chikara after being introduced to it.

Note: I almost forgot to mention, there is a DVD that was released called "The Best of Chikara" that I actually started with first, but found it so sloppy for the most part I almost didn't bother with the promotion ever again. For whatever reason, it's a pretty poor representation of the high quality of the product. So much of it features a wrestler, now known as Sigma, who at that time tried wrestling a style that he was terrible at that he brought EVERY single match down a star or two. If that's what you saw to give you a sour taste to Chikara, I don't blame you. But I can honestly tell you that it's a good representation of the product at all.

That's exactly the dvd I saw. Based solely on your word, I'll give them another try, what can it hurt?

ROH is still an indy to me. It's the biggest indy but it's still an indy. It's ECW in 94-96.

Shit... The Stud Stable is one of my favorite groups back in the day! I loved when Fuller came back as Col. Rob Parker and formed the last stable with Terry Funk, Bunkhouse Buck, Arn Anderson and Meng! They were fucking heads up at WCW!:yes::yes::yes:

Man, I saw Fuller in World Class/USWA, the AWA, South Atlantic here in Charlotte (it was him and Sam Houston) and I always liked him and whatever Stable he put together.

I only just found out that Buck was Jimmy Golden in the last couple years. I always wondered why WCW gave this nobody such a strong push.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's exactly the dvd I saw.


Fuck, they need to just let that DVD go out of print and do another "best of." I own close to 30 different Chikara events and, you guessed it, the "best of" is waaaaaaaaaaaaaay down the bottom of my list.

They def fucked up by putting that out as a "best of" :smh:

Trust me, you won't be disappointed with King of Trios 2008. On the real, after watching Night One I remember checking the time (about 12:30 AM), and saying "Fuck it!" Knowing I had work in the morning I still stayed up and watched all of Night 2 before finally calling it a night.

After being happy with that one, I can put you onto many of their other events. But that's def a great starter.:cool:

ROH is still an indy to me. It's the biggest indy but it's still an indy. It's ECW in 94-96.

In that case, I would consider it my 2nd fave American indy fed (after only Chikara). Those are the only two I actively follow from America. Not to say that there aren't other good American indy feds, but I'm juggling trying to keep up with Dragon Gate, NOAH, NJPW, and WWE.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
C/S i've told my friends about chikara and they love it, my stance is wrestling needs tournaments, cups, etc because it makes it feel more legit and not cartoony (cena). But on a side note who's that girl in the yellow dropping it in your sig?

Chikara and TRUE wrestling fans go hand in hand. :yes: There is literally something for everyone (lots of gimmick wrestlers, many many variations of styles, big and unique roster, some vets, EXCELLENT booking, storytelling in the ring, etc.)

BTW, to answer your question, the chick in my sig is a reggae dancer from over here in Japan named Nana. You probably remember her from the other animated gif I made (way back before I started adding my marker) that Dr.Truth usually uses.


Look familiar :cool:
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Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Shit... The Stud Stable is one of my favorite groups back in the day! I loved when Fuller came back as Col. Rob Parker and formed the last stable with Terry Funk, Bunkhouse Buck, Arn Anderson and Meng! They were fucking heads up at WCW!:yes::yes::yes:

Blast from the past, the Colonel was a character and his stables were good.

Here is a managerial legend who could not break kayfabe even if he wanted to:lol:. Devastion Inc. Bichez!!



Rising Star
Chikara and TRUE wrestling fans go hand in hand. :yes: There is literally something for everyone (lots of gimmick wrestlers, many many variations of styles, big and unique roster, some vets, EXCELLENT booking, storytelling in the ring, etc.)

BTW, to answer your question, the chick in my sig is a reggae dancer from over here in Japan named Nana. You probably remember her from the other animated gif I made (way back before I started adding my marker) that Dr.Truth usually uses.


Look familiar :cool:

:eek:You mean you can have great wrestling without fake marines and lame guest host:rolleyes:you lie.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:eek:You mean you can have great wrestling without fake marines and lame guest host:rolleyes:you lie.

Not only that, but you can also have imported talent from Japan & Mexico, who can't speak a wink of English actually be in main events AND win. :eek:

That's Chikara :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Vince is one sick motherfucker stephanie told him absolutely not, he had a deep infatuation with hbk back in the day. He also told jericho he had great legs when he started wearing trunks, and commented on the miz legs as well. Shit after seeing hhh switch to trunks he probably had to rub one out backstage:smh::smh::smh:

i think he also came up with that intended bisexual angle for orlando jordan when he was w/ WWE..when JBL found out that he was going to be part of it somewhere down the line(i.e orlando sneaking up on JBL in the shower,etc :puke: ) he said to ppl in the locker room that he would beat the holy hell out of jordan

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
They aren't dead but there's been a rash of wrestlers being hospitalized:

Rick Steamboat from a purported (but not confirmed) aneurism

"Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, due to fluid around his heart

And Scott Hall with double pneumonia.


Rising Star
They aren't dead but there's been a rash of wrestlers being hospitalized:

Rick Steamboat from a purported (but not confirmed) aneurism

"Beautiful" Bobby Eaton, due to fluid around his heart

And Scott Hall with double pneumonia.

have u ever seen Botchamania on youtube? it shows all the fuck ups in wrestling.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
have u ever seen Botchamania on youtube? it shows all the fuck ups in wrestling.

There is a whole series of them. Funny shit, even though some of the clips aren't actually botches.

In unrelated news, I just found out that the Elimination Chamber DVD DOES include the one where Benoit participated in it's entirety (minus the vocal commentary where he does the diving headbutt that the commentators called a "suicide headbutt" for some reason). I just ordered the new Steamboat and Elimination Chamber DVDs. No matter how bad the WWE product gets, they'll always get money income via their DVD releases.

Also, next month I'm buying this mammoth 6 DVD collection set that was released last year for Misawa. I looked at the match listing for it and was like this :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Tons of 5 star matches, in PRISTINE quality. It costs a grip (especially considering Japanese prices), so I'm going to wait one more month before I cop. :cool:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
There is a whole series of them. Funny shit, even though some of the clips aren't actually botches.

In unrelated news, I just found out that the Elimination Chamber DVD DOES include the one where Benoit participated in it's entirety (minus the vocal commentary where he does the diving headbutt that the commentators called a "suicide headbutt" for some reason). I just ordered the new Steamboat and Elimination Chamber DVDs. No matter how bad the WWE product gets, they'll always get money income via their DVD releases.
Also, next month I'm buying this mammoth 6 DVD collection set that was released last year for Misawa. I looked at the match listing for it and was like this :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Tons of 5 star matches, in PRISTINE quality. It costs a grip (especially considering Japanese prices), so I'm going to wait one more month before I cop. :cool:

Agreed. That's just about the only way WWE gets my money. I don't get all of them (why the hell did John Morrison get a dvd?) but I end up getting at least two a year. I am going to miss the Elimination Chamber one because I've never been a fan of the match itself, too convoluted and a little too gimmicky, just slightly better than TNA's King of the Mountain match.

Misawa was a beast. That whole All Japan style was incredible to watch, with him, Kawada, Kobashi, and Stan Hansen tearing each other up. I prefer the more athletic New Japan style with Muto, Hase, and Sasaki but I really enjoyed that stiff King's Road shit they were doing in All Japan.


Rising Star
There is a whole series of them. Funny shit, even though some of the clips aren't actually botches.

In unrelated news, I just found out that the Elimination Chamber DVD DOES include the one where Benoit participated in it's entirety (minus the vocal commentary where he does the diving headbutt that the commentators called a "suicide headbutt" for some reason). I just ordered the new Steamboat and Elimination Chamber DVDs. No matter how bad the WWE product gets, they'll always get money income via their DVD releases.

Also, next month I'm buying this mammoth 6 DVD collection set that was released last year for Misawa. I looked at the match listing for it and was like this :eek::eek::eek::eek:

Tons of 5 star matches, in PRISTINE quality. It costs a grip (especially considering Japanese prices), so I'm going to wait one more month before I cop. :cool:

I've seen most of the Botchamanias. Out of all the wrestling feds, I hate CZW. They just look like backyard wrestling.

I saw they were gonna have the Benoit match on the elilimination chamber dvd. I wanna get that. I want the Steamboat dvd also. I hear a Chris jericho dvd is in the works.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
have u ever seen Botchamania on youtube? it shows all the fuck ups in wrestling.
I used to see a new one every week but they have slowed down with the vids and alot had been taken down on Youtube.
In that case, I would consider it my 2nd fave American indy fed (after only Chikara). Those are the only two I actively follow from America. Not to say that there aren't other good American indy feds, but I'm juggling trying to keep up with Dragon Gate, NOAH, NJPW, and WWE.

I do need to check out more Chikara as well as more PWG(Pro Wrestling Guerilla).Some of the compilation vids on Youtube makes it look really interesting.


Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I think a Jericho's is supposed to be out this year. Definitely going to cop that one.

WWE just signed Ryan O'Reilly, a Southern indy guy that works in the Carolinas and Georgia. Great big man worker with a unique look and good promo skills. I've seen him several times here in Charlotte and the guy's just awesome. Good for WWE and congratulations to him.