Really, why not? Since you're a ROH fan, and so much of the ROH talent is also in Chikara, I find that kind of interesting.
I wouldn't normally say this (since really, you either like something or you don't) but in your case, since I know you are a true pro wrestling fan, I would highly recommend giving the promotion another try. Try this, watch all 3 nights of the King of Trios tournament 2008 (get that one specifically). If after that you're not a fan, then your officially an anomaly

. My wife isn't much of a wrestling fan, but she LOVES Chikara after I showed her that.
All 3 nights of King of Trios translates to roughly 6 hours or so of wrestling, but it's such a great throwback to the Crockett Cup tournaments (but better in my opinion in terms of the in-ring action and variety. Obviously you'll always like the wrestlers more from the Crockett days just by default, but try to watch with an open mind), but with a modern twist that there should be something there for you.
Chikara is the only indies promotion (does Ring of Honor even count as indies anymore?) out of America that I go out of my way to follow. Every trip I make back to the states I always try to see if any Chikara shows are in the area.
Anyway, sorry to press Chikara on you, but I have yet to meet a hardcore wrestling fan doesn't enjoy Chikara after being introduced to it.
Note: I almost forgot to mention, there is a DVD that was released called "The Best of Chikara" that I actually started with first, but found it so sloppy for the most part I almost didn't bother with the promotion ever again. For whatever reason, it's a pretty poor representation of the high quality of the product. So much of it features a wrestler, now known as Sigma, who at that time tried wrestling a style that he was terrible at that he brought EVERY single match down a star or two. If that's what you saw to give you a sour taste to Chikara, I don't blame you. But I can honestly tell you that it's a good representation of the product at all.