That was a sick ass armbar submission manuever
I haven't seen Smackdown in about a year. My cable provider dosen't carry My Network Tv, im glad Smackdown will be moving to Sci-Fi in October.
Does anyone else think that Christian should have gotten a World title push? He's a good in ring worker and can go either face or heel. What have they been doing with him since being drafted to Smackdown?
Is Mysterio being punished for something? How did he go from WHC to jobbing to a newcomer in less than a month? (I know Alberto DelRio is no rookie but the american audience has no IDEA who he is and you have rey rey jobbing to him CLEAN?)
Just read that Team 3D's contracts run out next week. Hardcore Justice might just be their swansong if something isn't worked out.
This could open the door for 3D at least making appearances against other top teams like Kings of Wrestling, the Briscoes, and Benjamin and Haas.
Unfortunately vince is very petty so i'm pretty sure he's still upset that christian left for tna. I remember hearing before he left that vince and creative were upset that he got himself over with fans without their help, the whole captain charisma was meant to be a joke but the fans took to it.
I haven't seen Smackdown in about a year. My cable provider dosen't carry My Network Tv, im glad Smackdown will be moving to Sci-Fi in October.
Does anyone else think that Christian should have gotten a World title push? He's a good in ring worker and can go either face or heel. What have they been doing with him since being drafted to Smackdown?
I haven't seen Smackdown in about a year. My cable provider dosen't carry My Network Tv, im glad Smackdown will be moving to Sci-Fi in October.
Does anyone else think that Christian should have gotten a World title push? He's a good in ring worker and can go either face or heel. What have they been doing with him since being drafted to Smackdown?
I don't think that he should have gotten his recent title run but fortunately for him Punk,Taker and others were hurt and they needed him to hold off on getting his own surgery. Besides Rey is over so the loss shouldn't hurt too much. It was more about getting Del Rio over as a credible guy.
I doubt that the Dudleys are leaving. They have the training school down there and TNA has appeared to have no issue using the people they work with(i.e. Rob Terry,Jesse Neal Rosey Lottalove,Raven's sidekick).Plus from what I hear Bubba is moving towards working behind the scenes.
That is Vince's problem and illustrates what Heyman said about him being an absolute control freak. Instead of taking advantage and winding up with another credible main eventer and person who can bring in money Vince wasted him which led him to go to TNA. And he still fails to take advantage of Christian's talents.
I would like to know how much money Cena brings in through merchandise on a monthly to yearly bases compared to Austin. Austin had a much larger fan base consiting of children & Adults while Cena's fans are women & kids. For a face booos to overwhelme the cheers every night, his sales have to be huge. But I can understand keeping him as a face, Meysterio probably is the second highest money maker in merchandise and the DX gravy train is finish. They have very few legit money makers in the company right now.
You don't need a tv to watch wrestling. Go to YouTube or dailymotion and you'll find many people who upload the shows every week. That's how I usually watch (via my phone) so I don't have to spend every week chained to a
UPDATED: WWE Releases Serena
Posted by Larry Csonka on 08.23.2010
The Smackdown diva is gone…
UPDATE: According to The Wrestling Observer, the decision to cut Serena was made several days ago, but just came out today.
ORIGINAL:According to, WWE has released Smackdown diva Serena. Serena had just made her in ring debut on last week's Smackdown. More details as they come.
guess the straight edge society on smackdown will be short one member..
guess the straight edge society on smackdown will be short one member..
guess the straight edge society on smackdown will be short one member..
Out of all the divas they could get rid of the decision to get rid of Serena seems dumb to me. There have been some who have proven themselves to be useless. She at least had a role that she fit into damn well.
guess the straight edge society on smackdown will be short one member..
Rumors I'm hearing say that she got drunk at a bar and made a huge spectacle of herself.
when Barret went to get his title shot, who didn't see everybody else geing in the match as well. So basically they waste his opportunity (we all know with these cats in the match he ain't gonna win) and make him winning NXT nothing. Miz will probably cash in that night (Probably on Cena) and fucking lose that too. this shit is getting predictable
The way they're pushing it, I'm starting to really think Miz will be the first guy to fail when he cashes in his MitB shot,
WWE has released Smackdown diva Serena. Serena had just made her in ring debut on last week's Smackdown. More details as they come.
Rumors I'm hearing say that she got drunk at a bar and made a huge spectacle of herself.