
Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
~Breaking The Code: Behind The Walls Of Chris Jericho~


http://www.fileserve.com/file/Q9CcPTT Disk 1
http://www.fileserve.com/file/U2BB2ea Disk 2
http://www.fileserve.com/file/hNJJRq5 Disk 3

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YE7G9LF1 Disk 1
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YE7G9LF1 Disk 2
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=08V4JK3T Disk 3

Good Doc and Commentary

Thank you for the drop. However, the megaupload links for disks 1 and 2 are the same link.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
I hope they stop crossing the shows over after tonight. Do we really need Nexus and Cena dominating two shows with their bad wrestling and horrible promos? Then they interrupt a building IC feud with Dolph and MVP with Nexus. Cody Rhodes was rolling but he got put in his place quick as soon as Randy Orton was in the vicinity. And Kofi didnt even make the show.

WWE is lame with the booking. Nexus needs to end and end soon.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Well, we both know that's not going to happen. I'm amaze they found a way to create a lamer group than Legacy so fast. And it all started so promising.

nothing was as lame as the fucking spirit squad. I guess the only good thing that came out the group was Dolph Ziggler.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
As far as tonights SD show Alberto Rios was once again awesome with his promo on Rey. The taco bell dog in a mask was golden.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
nothing was as lame as the fucking spirit squad. I guess the only good thing that came out the group was Dolph Ziggler.

It's funny that Dolph wasn't even the best of the group.

You're right, Nexus is lame but they aren't Spirit Squad lame. Those guys outlamed the Mean Street Posse. With the exception of HHH led groups, the longstanding WWE philosophy of not letting heels get too much heat on faces kills nearly all of their heel factions. Then when they don't pan out, they kill them off. The Straight Edge Society had major potential and it's already dead after getting dominated by the Big Show all summer.


Rising Star
The Kane/Taker was some bullshit...slow and boring and the Bearer turn which u could see coming a mile away and the stupid ass ending. Overall the ppv sucked. But I will be watching Raw to see what they do with Cena.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How many times does Paul Bearer have to turn on the Undertaker before he realize that he is untrustworthy?......Terrible match....Who booked this crap.

The John Cena, Nexus angle is the same shit that WCW did when they had Rey Mysterio join the LWO........Rehashing old shit.

PG Era Hell in a Cell matches are terrible.

To me.....The first match was the best match.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
How many times does Paul Bearer have to turn on the Undertaker before he realize that he is untrustworthy?......Terrible match....Who booked this crap.

The John Cena, Nexus angle is the same shit that WCW did when they had Rey Mysterio join the LWO........Rehashing old shit.

PG Era Hell in a Cell matches are terrible.

To me.....The first match was the best match.

As long as they have this no blood thing going they need to just forget about doing Hell in a Cell matches because it defeats what makes the match significant.
People forget that the LWO storyline didn't really end up Eddie Guerrero was involved in the car accident that could have ended his life.
I'd like for them to do the scramble match again.


Support BGOL
the PPV was fun to be at. Cena losing caused one white kid to throw his hat. Me and my co-workers were some of the few people who were cheering his loss.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
the PPV was fun to be at. Cena losing caused one white kid to throw his hat. Me and my co-workers were some of the few people who were cheering his loss.

I was at Wrestlemania this year and its crazy to see how into Cena some of these little kids are. Unfortunately I didn't get the pleasure of seeing him lose.


Support BGOL
I was at Wrestlemania this year and its crazy to see how into Cena some of these little kids are. Unfortunately I didn't get the pleasure of seeing him lose.

I want to go to Wrestlemania at least once before I die. I already know the tickets cost a GRIP.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I want to go to Wrestlemania at least once before I die. I already know the tickets cost a GRIP.

Going to Wrestlemania was on my list as well and it gave me an excuse to visit Arizona.You can get a decent seat for about 100 bucks.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
the PPV was fun to be at. Cena losing caused one white kid to throw his hat. Me and my co-workers were some of the few people who were cheering his loss.

There are reports of some kids being so upset their parents had to take them home after the Cena match.

I want to go to Wrestlemania at least once before I die. I already know the tickets cost a GRIP.

Atlanta's as close as they're going to come to Charlotte so I'm definitely trying to get there next year, no matter what the card is.
Wrestling's actually got me going to Atlanta twice next year with Mania and the Georgia Legends Fanfest so I'm going to owe my wife something real big.

Going to Wrestlemania was on my list as well and it gave me an excuse to visit Arizona.You can get a decent seat for about 100 bucks.

Good info. That's the beauty of stadium shows, good seats for reasonable prices so they can fill the dome.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Barrett's for real. Cena's a hard worker but not a good wrestler but Barrett's going to be fine after the Nexus is done.

The way they handled Harris and McGillicutty was really good and good pick ups for Nexus. But where is Percy Watson? "Showtime" was as good as anyone on that show and better than most. At least let him work on Superstars with some random local indy guys.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
I was at Wrestlemania this year and its crazy to see how into Cena some of these little kids are. Unfortunately I didn't get the pleasure of seeing him lose.

I went out to Red Lobster and ate with this lil broad i'm messing around with and she bought her son and he asked me who I thought was going to win between Cena and Barrett and I told him Barrett and that kids facial expression changed so quick it damn near scared me. I couldn't tell him the reason why because he's only 8 and belives wrestling is real so I didn't want to be the one to tell him otherwise besides that might of messed up me fucking his mom.


Rising Star
The Kane/Taker was some bullshit...slow and boring and the Bearer turn which u could see coming a mile away and the stupid ass ending. Overall the ppv sucked. But I will be watching Raw to see what they do with Cena.

I knew it would suck because hell in a cell is a dumb ppv concept especially in this gimmick heavy era. Taker/Kane was bad but i hope it was just 1 bad match, and that these 2 haven't lost their chemistry. Cena joining nexus either turn him heel or end this bullshit quick. P.S layla is so damn hot:yes:


Rising Star
I knew it would suck because hell in a cell is a dumb ppv concept especially in this gimmick heavy era. Taker/Kane was bad but i hope it was just 1 bad match, and that these 2 haven't lost their chemistry. Cena joining nexus either turn him heel or end this bullshit quick. P.S layla is so damn hot:yes:

Yup, get rid of this ppv bc of the no blood rule. It would be ok if they had a decent storyline like when there was no blood in the Hogan-era. The first match was the best match.