They still put “thank for your business” after putting that price on these oxtails…smh


Rising Star
I have pivoted to fish and believe it or not beans for protein.

Red beans and rice, hoppin john, black bean burritos etc are delicious. Also doing more salads and oatmeal. Trying to eat better and eat cheaper.

You can do some interesting things with ground turkey as well.

Gotta question for ya... Can you buy ground turkey or do you have to grind it up yourself??

Race Harley

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Could somebody please explain why oxtails and chicken wings have become more expensive compared to other meats?


Because now they started eating it

A to Dah K

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stew peas and white rice from Country Kitchen in the B-X, medium w a few piece of oxtail was $16.

‘They now have a sign saying ox tail gravy $2. Just for the gravy.

Stew peas is beans spinners and a cpl piece of meat. Shi+ is getting crazy.

Might have to put on a wig and see if I can get locked up in a woman’s prison. 3 hots a cot and pu$$.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Carry on….
If its not pigs tail in stew pease,keep it .


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
$22, stop playing games and shenanigans! I was so upset I left my quarter in the grocery kart!!!
Last Saturday I got chicken wings for $2.96/lb at Food Depot..... bought six bags with six pounds in each bag.... five went right into my chest freezer.... five days earlier they were $4/lb..... wait and check for sales and stock up
sidebar: making some BBQ and some air fried today for the next couple of days




Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Gotta question for ya... Can you buy ground turkey or do you have to grind it up yourself??
:confused:... wtf? Have you ever been into a supermarket and not a corner bodega??? Fuck, even they might sell it too...c'mon roots

You can definitely buy ground turkey at the supermarket. It's usually in a one pound package.
I've always seen it in different sizes, up to three pounds :dunno:



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Same here at Giant Eagle......

Yet the Jamaican spot went up from $14 to $22 - $25 at some spots for 3 bones.....damn shame
But they will always give you enough rice to feed a village.... I asked for extra gray once....cause by the time you get home, the rice has soaked it all up, not extra "bones".... gravy.... mofo looked at me sideways :hmm:
sidebar: even when I asked for $3 extra "bones" one time, he told me it was too expensive... like I was asking for free "bones" or just give me one bone for that $3
