They still put “thank for your business” after putting that price on these oxtails…smh


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
The shit is overrated. It's all bones.
That's cause you're not getting the choice pieces from the thicker part of the tail...... you could also stop getting yours from hot dog carts out on the street
sidebar: when you buy them in a 15lb box or larger.... you see the whole tail and what you're not getting most of the time

Tell me that he didn't sound like a cac that tried them once.... and just parachuted into this thread to slam them.... like he does in most of his postings :hmm: :hmm: :hmm:




Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
No fucking way that is correct... That shit BETTER be a mistake. :hmm:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
The simp comes back to simp after getting bitch slapped every time..... waxing ball sacks by swinging from them with tags

sidebar: I'm the last post he makes at night at 2:25am.... and the first thing he thinks of the next day when he logs on 2:26 pm the NEXT day....and then will boo hoo cry to the board about how I stalk her.... it's why his first wife left.... ya just hate to see it






Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
go to the hood...they 5.88 for 4 pounds...they also got pick 5..brah
They probably ain't chicken at that price..... pigeon wings from pigeons that they raising with steroids..... it was about a month ago when I caught them on sale at Food Depot for $2.46/lb..... and they haven't been close to that since



Rising Star
Platinum Member
They probably ain't chicken at that price..... pigeon wings from pigeons that they raising with steroids..... it was about a month ago when I caught them on sale at Food Depot for $2.46/lb..... and they haven't been close to that since

you got any brands that do this shit? brah


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
you got any brands that do this shit? brah
Of wings? they were the cheapest at Food Depot...... Costco wings are a lil expensive and small as fuck... the ones from the Depot were big.... I got one 6lb bag left in the chest freezer... I just stocked up on chicken thighs at ShopRite today... $1.19/lb... I missed the sale last week when they were .99/lb.... won't be fucking with no wings again till the next sale that's under $2.50lb



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
If the oxtails cost that much.....then the ribeye steak cuts gotta be at least two hunnid...
Dude... they been selling $2.69/lb chuck steak for $5.99-$7.99/lb.... like I said with the drought, high price of hay bales and the lack of grass for cattle to graze causing them to sell early and smaller.... 2023 is gonna be a fucking bitch for beef prices


Rising Star
To the poster on here who is having a hardtime making Oxtails taste like the places you eat,it's simple doing all of that extra stuff is how you ruin Oxtails.

-Cut off the large peices of fat that's visible,wash,inspect the meat whatever
-Boil fill the pot not to the top depending on how many Oxtails you have you want the water to cover the top of them in depth for 1-2 hours in a pot with no lid or cover and make sure water is hot but not boiling over or steaming.
-After that pour off any extra water but save about a cup full of water and pour into an aluminum pan,hot
-Prepare a aluminum pan and foil by cover the pan with the oxtails in the pan and before you seal it close season the Oxtails with whatever you like,my mother used salt and a dash of paper and that's all.Make sure to over the top of the pan with foil because we want them Oxtails to sweat this is really the cooking process
-Place in a hot over at 300 or something close to that for 45-60 minutes and check to see if when you remove and you still feel a lot of water moving in the pan,let em stay 25-30 minutes longer because we want them moist but not soaking wet.
(-In here is the time you would add slightly cooked rice,boil the starsh off,let sit in warm water til time to add:Here is when you would add them to another pot and open a few cans of salted vegetable soup and let simmer for oxtail soup,you can also add unions and other things in here)
-After that there should be some fluid in the pan,maybe a cup full and after that take the foil off prepare to make your gravy with what you have and put back in the oven 15-20 minutes now we want them to dry out only on the top,browning the meat and just a little bit but no sticking at the bottom and you can stir em up.

Mind you this is how I see it done in my house by my mother,her mother and her mother but some might say it's some unnecessary steps but you will do whatever it takes so they taste good.Oxtails are a meal you cook on Saturday evening refrigurate overnight and serve on sunday for dinner......something you'll never forget.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
To the poster on here who is having a hardtime making Oxtails taste like the places you eat,it's simple doing all of that extra stuff is how you ruin Oxtails.

-Cut off the large peices of fat that's visible,wash,inspect the meat whatever
-Boil fill the pot not to the top depending on how many Oxtails you have you want the water to cover the top of them in depth for 1-2 hours in a pot with no lid or cover and make sure water is hot but not boiling over or steaming.
-After that pour off any extra water but save about a cup full of water and pour into an aluminum pan,hot
-Prepare a aluminum pan and foil by cover the pan with the oxtails in the pan and before you seal it close season the Oxtails with whatever you like,my mother used salt and a dash of paper and that's all.Make sure to over the top of the pan with foil because we want them Oxtails to sweat this is really the cooking process
-Place in a hot over at 300 or something close to that for 45-60 minutes and check to see if when you remove and you still feel a lot of water moving in the pan,let em stay 25-30 minutes longer because we want them moist but not soaking wet.
(-In here is the time you would add slightly cooked rice,boil the starsh off,let sit in warm water til time to add:Here is when you would add them to another pot and open a few cans of salted vegetable soup and let simmer for oxtail soup,you can also add unions and other things in here)
-After that there should be some fluid in the pan,maybe a cup full and after that take the foil off prepare to make your gravy with what you have and put back in the oven 15-20 minutes now we want them to dry out only on the top,browning the meat and just a little bit but no sticking at the bottom and you can stir em up.

Mind you this is how I see it done in my house by my mother,her mother and her mother but some might say it's some unnecessary steps but you will do whatever it takes so they taste good.Oxtails are a meal you cook on Saturday evening refrigurate overnight and serve on sunday for dinner......something you'll never forget.
Where did uou get this recipe? What site?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
THIS.... is the size of pieces that you want to get in a dinner.... and not just two or three of them

sidebar: damn I miss me some oxtails... :smh:

Costco has packs that size and they are decently priced. $4.99/lb -ish

3 hours seems like a short period of time for oxtails. Even with the turkey bag that dude used.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Costco has packs that size and they are decently priced. $4.99/lb -ish

3 hours seems like a short period of time for oxtails. Even with the turkey bag that dude used.
Motherfuck, I was just in there yesterday... and I haven't been to the physical store in more than a year.... ordering online for delivery
EDIT: Nah playah.... I just checked.... Costco Union, NJ has them for $7.99/lb.... when was the last time that you bought oxtails? Like I said, $2.69/lb chuck steak is selling for $6.99 or more... and I asked Costco yesterday how much their chuck steak was and they said $5.99... and they usually get bulk deals that are passed down to us

