This Xfactor clown just went too far.


BGOL Legend
Hold who is in charge accountable.
change Was in 2008
now it’s Recovery in 2020


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Y’all wanted Gene and Tito yaw gat Gene and Tito

back yaw stuff up niggas

Cause my niggus coming with that FIRE.

this my fav thread

now lil tex tryna say sum


sharkbait too @sharkbait28
@sharkbait28 good people. Ain't never had a problem with him. When we disagree, we disagree like men and keep it moving. Like @blackpepper and other posters that men. Shit's really that simple.

I can tell who the bitchmade cats are though. Ain't no way they flap their gums like this in real life. From the bullpen to business meetings, I'm 1000 that cat and would slap fire out their asses in front their family they ever fix their mouth to try to say shit to me out here.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I know people hate reading this, but all of this is researchable and can be verified. The government has shown us over and over again that everything isn't as it seems.

Many of you still believe MLK died from gun shot wounds. (Uh oh?? Did I just say something crazy?)
This is very astute of you, brotha. People don’t know that he was still alive when he arrived at the hospital....but they went to a specific hospital for backup incase the shooter failed to finish the job (which the iconic photo of it taking place shows them incorrectly pointing in the wrong direction, purposely). That assassination plot was well thought out and James Earl Ray had absolutely nothing to do with it except for being the fall guy.


Truth Teller
Y’all wanted Gene and Tito yaw gat Gene and Tito

back yaw stuff up niggas

Cause my niggus coming with that FIRE.

this my fav thread

now lil tex tryna say sum


sharkbait too @sharkbait28
I think this forum is a good place for dialog. Unfortunately, there are some who can not engage in debate without getting overly emotional.

For me, it's reminder of how mislead some of our people are. However, in reality, they represent a portion of the population.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brother it takes balls of steel to say this. Most blacks are not ready for this type of information. It's like a child first learning santa clause isn't real. Or a WWE fan wrestling is fake. Admittedly I never knew these details about MLK. However I always mistrusted the NAACP. Because it was founded by the wall street banker jew Jacob Schiff who was the George Suros of his day funding subversive movements around the globe like communism.
Thanks, brotha but I’m not afraid of spreading truth and damn sure ain’t afraid of the agents that want to keep the information hidden.

good callout on the NCAAP - the Khazars are all about globalism because the more confusion they cause, the more control they have. That is why they push “people of color” and “everyone is black” because they have no nation and want everyone to be the same. They also are all about communism and Stanley Levison (a Khazar) was a communist and KGB agent that was Martin Luther King, Jr’s right hand man :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Brother it takes balls of steel to say this. Most blacks are not ready for this type of information. It's like a child first learning santa clause isn't real. Or a WWE fan wrestling is fake. Admittedly I never knew these details about MLK. However I always mistrusted the NAACP. Because it was founded by the wall street banker jew Jacob Schiff who was the George Suros of his day funding subversive movements around the globe like communism.
Thanks, brotha but I’m not afraid of spreading truth and damn sure ain’t afraid of the agents that want to keep the information hidden.

good callout on the NCAAP - the Khazars are all about globalism because the more confusion they cause, the more control they have. That is why they push “people of color” and “everyone is black” because they have no nation and want everyone to be the same. They also are all about communism and Stanley Levison (a Khazar) was a communist and KGB agent that was Martin Luther King, Jr’s right hand man :smh:
What's the viable political alternative to red and blue?
thru want political party and process should the black community be using to get our agenda across?
what in your opinion should that agenda be and does it include reparations?
In the political landscape who do you see on the horizon that black people should be throwing our support to and why?


Rising Star
@sharkbait28 good people. Ain't never had a problem with him. When we disagree, we disagree like men and keep it moving. Like @blackpepper and other posters that men. Shit's really that simple.

I can tell who the bitchmade cats are though. Ain't no way they flap their gums like this in real life. From the bullpen to business meetings, I'm 1000 that cat and would slap fire out their asses in front their family they ever fix their mouth to try to say shit to me out here.
I would smack so much fire out of Geechidan

Akata King

D3port Th3m @ll!!
BGOL Investor
the TYPE of family structure is the issue here. The concept of daddy, momma and 2.5 kids is a white concept. the west african family structure contains a number of combinations and extended family members. The positive influences in a child's life isn't just the role ONLY for the biological father and mother. Barack Obama is a perfect example of this...this is a guy who promotes the white-centric nuclear family model meanwhile his upbringing included his grandparents and stepfather and a number of family friends and elder men in his life having a major influence on him....and he only met his biological father once. Then grew up to be the fucking president under this influence. And guess what... there are MANY men and children who grew up in this kind of household who became productive members of society....theres more than one way to skin a cat.

Eurocentricity and the Traditional African Family
Patrilineality, matrilineality, and the practice of polygyny are three of the major distinguishing variations of the African traditional extended family. The literature on the subject is truly as vast and reflects traditional patterns that are as diverse as the variations of the physical looks of the people found on the continent. What is significant about the various descriptions of the traditional African family is that they are from back in the period before the 1940s and in case of the Baganda from the late 1800s. Social change in Africa as everywhere else is ubiquitous. Such influences as end of intra and inter-tribal warfare with the coming of European colonialism, the Western money economy, industrialization, migration, and urbanization have certainly transformed the traditional African family from what it was 50 to 100 years ago. By 1935, for example, anthropologists like Mair and Richards and no doubt many others were already noticing change in marriage and family patterns.36

The written descriptions and therefore perceptions of the traditional African family were also a victim of the European colonial cultural bias and Christian values. In a more obvious way, this Eurocentrism36 did not treat polygamy, the African marriages and the extended family and any others of its “eccentricities” (regarded as such because they were different from European customs) as social phenomena that was legitimate and workable in its own African social circumstances and environment. But rather as curiosities that were to succumb to the superior European monogamous marriage values legitimated by Christianity.

Some of the issues that were the products of the Eurocentrically biased judgements include the following two. First, the strengths, durability, and resilience of the African traditional family were never dwelt on explicitly and at length. For example, in the polygynous African family, like among the Baganda, and many others, your father’s wives and brothers were not just mothers and fathers just as mere kinship terms. These carried with them all the heavy social obligations demanded of a mother or father, daughter or son. There was never a distinction between the biological and non-biological kin as far as primary parental obligations were concerned. Other significant strengths are that the traditional African family increased group cohesion in an otherwise harsh physical and social environment.

Second, the continued Eurocentric descriptions and characterization of the African traditional family as some what depraved lead to the use of such terms as bride price, avoidance social taboos, segregated relationships, lack of “love” and “tenderness” in African marriages and families.

The continued, persistent and wide use of the term “bride price” to describe the valuables that were often given to the bride’s parents before marriage was legitimated is one excellent example of evaluating and perceiving a custom from a biased Eurocentric perspective. Indeed, such authors as Chondoka have recently found little accuracy or justification in calling this custom “purchasing” or “buying” of a wife. In fact Chondoka finds the use of the terms “dowry”, “bride price” to refer to particularly traditional Zambian marriages to be serious misnomers introduced by European missionaries and colonialists in Africa. “There is no bride price in our society. Traditionally no parent fixes a price for his daughter (a bride). If he did, it would be like selling her. We do not sell brides in our society. However, as a prospective husband, you are told to pay for the marriage and not the bride. Marriage involves much more than just the bride.”37

This author would further argue that among the African people that are conductors, participants, and are actors in these marriages, the concept “buy”, “purchase” a wife or bride does not exist. For example, among the Tumbuka38 of Eastern Zambia the verb kugula (to buy) is used to refer to purchasing of material objects or commodities and domestic animals. The verb kulobola is very specific meaning the valuables that are given partially or in full to the girl’s people to legitimate or seal the marriage. Lobola is widely used among the Bantu peoples of Central and Southern Africa.39

This is what I meant by the whitecentric concept of the nuclear family.

As far as the time period of 1964-2020 and the progress or lack thereof in black america goes...thats just the ebb and flow of how we've always worked our way in american society. from 1619 to1865 there was slavery and after that during the brief period of reconstruction blacks started to progress then from 1877 to 1965 Jim Crow laws came on and things receded and any progress made during this time was met with resistance (Tulsa OK and Rosewood Fl as examples) And in all of this we are constantly compared to whites and left wanting even when times are good and if times get TOO good then they come over and destroy it in some way. Or co-opt it and control it. As they say in the Mandalorian "This Is The Way." So looking one snapshot in time and saying the lack of progress we're experiencing compared to another time is indicative of our own deficiencies or poor choices somehow... only divides us more.

But we're not talking about the African family. We're talking about the African-American family, which has been assaulted since day one. Look at how people reacted to Chadwick Boseman's wife. They acted like she shouldn't be out front representing her husband. That's called marriage. A wife is a husband's representative. The rest of the family isn't suppose to be loud, messy and bombastic when there is a WIFE to represent the deceased. The Black community is so far removed from normal family dynamics that you don't know what normal looks like when you see it. You think the momma is supposed to be taken care of like the wife. You think the siblings are supposed to inherit. You think the parents are supposed to be taken care of as if they're the children. And that the wife and children should be in the background. In the black community, the son is suppose to be the "husband/father" to all family members but the actual mother of his children. This is lowkey why rich black people like Kobe and other black men and women date/marry out; to get away from the generational dysfunction that has a foothold in the black community and to give their future generations normalcy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But we're not talking about the African family. We're talking about the African-American family, which has been assaulted since day one. Look at how people reacted to Chadwick Boseman's wife. They acted like she shouldn't be out front representing her husband. That's called marriage. A wife is a husband's representative. The rest of the family isn't suppose to be loud, messy and bombastic when there is a WIFE to represent the deceased. The Black community is so far removed from normal family dynamics that you don't know what normal looks like when you see it. You think the momma is supposed to be taken care of like the wife. You think the siblings are supposed to inherit. You think the parents are supposed to be taken care of as if they're the children. And that the wife and children should be in the background. In the black community, the son is suppose to be the "husband/father" to all family members but the actual mother of his children. This is lowkey why rich black people like Kobe and other black men and women date/marry out; to get away from the generational dysfunction that has a foothold in the black community and to give their future generations normalcy.
I am talking about the African American family and how those enslaved Africans came from cultures where family and marriage is different from the European concept. Where extended family and women role play a much bigger part than it does it European culture or at least the European cultures that influence America. Tito Jackson posted:
  • More black children are born out of wedlock
  • Fewer black men and women are getting married
this is based on American culture and it pertains to the last 50 years or so in America... but for the last 350 years America has spent much time and energy ripping apart black families.... literally. You agree with if this is understood then why are we holding ourselves up this social metric?? Only to be found lacking or deficient AND shoulder the blame for it???

Akata King

D3port Th3m @ll!!
BGOL Investor
I am talking about the African American family and how those enslaved Africans came from cultures where family and marriage is different from the European concept. Where extended family and women role play a much bigger part than it does it European culture or at least the European cultures that influence America. Tito Jackson posted:
  • More black children are born out of wedlock
  • Fewer black men and women are getting married
this is based on American culture and it pertains to the last 50 years or so in America... but for the last 350 years America has spent much time and energy ripping apart black families.... literally. You agree with if this is understood then why are we holding ourselves up this social metric?? Only to be found lacking or deficient AND shoulder the blame for it???

A few things:
  1. How "African" was the Black American family during and post-slavery?
  2. How African is it today?
  3. How do you explain the exponential growth in out-of-wedlock births that began around 1970?
  4. Who is to say that the "nuclear" family was or is a "European" model?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But we're not talking about the African family. We're talking about the African-American family, which has been assaulted since day one. Look at how people reacted to Chadwick Boseman's wife. They acted like she shouldn't be out front representing her husband. That's called marriage. A wife is a husband's representative. The rest of the family isn't suppose to be loud, messy and bombastic when there is a WIFE to represent the deceased. The Black community is so far removed from normal family dynamics that you don't know what normal looks like when you see it. You think the momma is supposed to be taken care of like the wife. You think the siblings are supposed to inherit. You think the parents are supposed to be taken care of as if they're the children. And that the wife and children should be in the background. In the black community, the son is suppose to be the "husband/father" to all family members but the actual mother of his children. This is lowkey why rich black people like Kobe and other black men and women date/marry out; to get away from the generational dysfunction that has a foothold in the black community and to give their future generations normalcy.


Im gonna marrys me a wight wimmens.. :lol:

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I am talking about the African American family and how those enslaved Africans came from cultures where family and marriage is different from the European concept. Where extended family and women role play a much bigger part than it does it European culture or at least the European cultures that influence America. Tito Jackson posted:
  • More black children are born out of wedlock
  • Fewer black men and women are getting married
this is based on American culture and it pertains to the last 50 years or so in America... but for the last 350 years America has spent much time and energy ripping apart black families.... literally. You agree with if this is understood then why are we holding ourselves up this social metric?? Only to be found lacking or deficient AND shoulder the blame for it???
I think the best way is a blended way. The western way is a 'nuclear family' based on a strong, 2-parent home. Also, the western way is to abandon older relatives. :smh: The western African, super extended family play ain't necessary with a strong 2-parent home. At the same time, value placed on elders and not disregarding them is great.

So nuclear family WITHOUT abandoning the elders and including them in the new family.

In western societies, kids move thousands of miles away from their people and leave them elderly and lonely as fuck. The value of prideful independence for the elderly is some dumb shit.

We see foreigners nail this shit. The best of both worlds. A lot of the Indian/Sand cac immigrants I see have strong 2-parent homes and include the elders in watching kids, teaching, and make their lives worth living. They ain't just cast aside to look at a dresser for of prescription drugs.

In our current society, if a blend between nuclear and extended(grandparents) isn't possible. Nuclear seems to be clearly superior. That's why cacs have worked to destroy the nuclear option for us. As soon as Civil Rights took off, they started their 'war on poverty' combined with the 'war on drugs' to break up the family.

We have documentaries from the 1970s that showed the government was being called out for PAYING to keep men out of the household. Why? Because the know outside of blended, Nuclear family is the shit. We were warned in real fucking time that the war on poverty would have catastrophic results.

At the same time, folks were telling these coons not to push the white anti-drug bullshit. They were hip to how prohibition started. So two modern 'wars' helped prevent the nuclear family and folks still buying into that shit today. :smh:

Akata King

D3port Th3m @ll!!
BGOL Investor
I think the best way is a blended way. The western way is a 'nuclear family' based on a strong, 2-parent home. Also, the western way is to abandon older relatives. :smh: The western African, super extended family play ain't necessary with a strong 2-parent home. At the same time, value placed on elders and not disregarding them is great.

So nuclear family WITHOUT abandoning the elders and including them in the new family.

In western societies, kids move thousands of miles away from their people and leave them elderly and lonely as fuck. The value of prideful independence for the elderly is some dumb shit.

We see foreigners nail this shit. The best of both worlds. A lot of the Indian/Sand cac immigrants I see have strong 2-parent homes and include the elders in watching kids, teaching, and make their lives worth living. They ain't just cast aside to look at a dresser for of prescription drugs.

In our current society, if a blend between nuclear and extended(grandparents) isn't possible. Nuclear seems to be clearly superior. That's why cacs have worked to destroy the nuclear option for us. As soon as Civil Rights took off, they started their 'war on poverty' combined with the 'war on drugs' to break up the family.

We have documentaries from the 1970s that showed the government was being called out for PAYING to keep men out of the household. Why? Because the know outside of blended, Nuclear family is the shit. We were warned in real fucking time that the war on poverty would have catastrophic results.

At the same time, folks were telling these coons not to push the white anti-drug bullshit. They were hip to how prohibition started. So two modern 'wars' helped prevent the nuclear family and folks still buying into that shit today. :smh:

Th extended family model is generally the norm for most cultures. The nuclear family is more of a Western and American thing because it is tied to having a strong economy and strong central state with some support. For example, the Scandinavian countries have strong welfare states to the point where they have very high rates of OOW births but also the highest standards of living in the world.

Tito, and others on this board, like exiledking, reminisce on a past where there appeared to be stronger Black families, but overlook that it was because we were all we had, basically. We had no state support and truly depended on big mama and 'nem.

Something to consider about the foreigners like the Indians and Sand cacs is that many of them will complain about the lack of independence they have from their families.


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Th extended family model is generally the norm for most cultures. The nuclear family is more of a Western and American thing because it is tied to having a strong economy and strong central state with some support. For example, the Scandinavian countries have strong welfare states to the point where they have very high rates of OOW births but also the highest standards of living in the world.

Tito, and others on this board, like exiledking, reminisce on a past where there appeared to be stronger Black families, but overlook that it was because we were all we had, basically. We had no state support and truly depended on big mama and 'nem.

Something to consider about the foreigners like the Indians and Sand cacs is that many of them will complain about the lack of independence they have from their families.

IMHO, post-WW2, there was a nice boom that we never seen before or since in a society. It allowed 'regular' people to turn a screw and have a nice life. That was when the 2-parent home, white picket fence shit thrived until the 70s. Our folks were mostly left out of that due to strong systemic racism. That was a brief era where one person could turn a screw and support an entire family.

Nowadays, most families NEED 2 working parents just to have the 50s-70s American suburban life. It's almost a requirement to have a 2-parent home to have income stability AND family stability. Those who aren't 2 working parent homes usually lay the financial groundwork prior to having kids so that the woman becomes stay-at-home.

I also think that there is a difference between a strong welfare state and a welfare state that was designed with the intention of breaking up the family. Combine that with a prison industrial complex and we have the bullshit system that is the U.S.

Yeah, the foreigners have a lack of independence, but that shit works. Chaos and dysfunction just undermine everything. Naturally, I prefer to have the blended model without going overboard with the strictness.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Lil tex gat up outta here


I am not wasting my time arguing with the same 10 niggas.

This probably the worst place on the internet for any kind of politics or science debate. So I let you cats have at it all you want. And when I do fuck around and post in one of these threads after about 2-3 responses I catch my mistake and stop.

Dr. Truth

보지를 먹어라
BGOL Investor
I am not wasting my time arguing with the same 10 niggas.

This probably the worst place on the internet for any kind of politics or science debate. So I let you cats have at it all you want. And when I do fuck around and post in one of these threads after about 2-3 responses I catch my mistake and stop.
This board is like Parlour or city-data . Full of right wing morons


Rising Star
OG Investor
I am not wasting my time arguing with the same 10 niggas.

This probably the worst place on the internet for any kind of politics or science debate. So I let you cats have at it all you want. And when I do fuck around and post in one of these threads after about 2-3 responses I catch my mistake and stop.

I've also come to the conclusion that you can have a logical and more productive conversation with a retarded person than these trolls.


The Legend
BGOL Investor
When our ancestors were "freed" many did not want to leave the plantations. Why? Where would we go? They had no money, an entire country despised them, they had minimal skill, and had little to no education.


Blacksmiths, carpenters, coopers, shoemakers, tanners, spinners, weavers and other artisans were all used to keep plantations running smoothly, efficiently, and with little added expense to the owners. These same abilities were also used to improve conditions in the quarters so that slaves developed not only a spirit of self-reliance but experienced a measure of autonomy. These skills, when added to other talents for cooking, quilting, weaving, medicine, music, song, dance, and storytelling, instilled in slaves the sense that, as a group, they were not only competent but gifted. Slaves used their talents to deflect some of the daily assaults of bondage. They saw themselves then as strong, valuable people who were unjustly held against their will rather than as the perpetually dependent children or immoral scoundrels described by so many of their owners.

I say quite a bit about republicans. But, I don't have to say much because so many others already do it. It is an echo chamber. But, what is needed are other voices and reminders that although the republicans are who they are, the democrats are not much better. This part of the conversation is often missing.

The squeaky wheel gets the oil.

Bro, you said you teach kids conservative values a few months back. Not progressive, liberal, or moderate. Stop fronting. You a Trumper.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
I am not wasting my time arguing with the same 10 niggas.

This probably the worst place on the internet for any kind of politics or science debate. So I let you cats have at it all you want. And when I do fuck around and post in one of these threads after about 2-3 responses I catch my mistake and stop.
Man U better defend Obama like he defended you.


Truth Teller

Blacksmiths, carpenters, coopers, shoemakers, tanners, spinners, weavers and other artisans were all used to keep plantations running smoothly, efficiently, and with little added expense to the owners. These same abilities were also used to improve conditions in the quarters so that slaves developed not only a spirit of self-reliance but experienced a measure of autonomy. These skills, when added to other talents for cooking, quilting, weaving, medicine, music, song, dance, and storytelling, instilled in slaves the sense that, as a group, they were not only competent but gifted. Slaves used their talents to deflect some of the daily assaults of bondage. They saw themselves then as strong, valuable people who were unjustly held against their will rather than as the perpetually dependent children or immoral scoundrels described by so many of their owners.

Bro, you said you teach kids conservative values a few months back. Not progressive, liberal, or moderate. Stop fronting. You a Trumper.
So, because I do not support abortion, I believe in family, I believe in education, I believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, I believe in creating your own wealth, I believe in not being beholden to any party, I blew w in patriarchy, among other things, this makes me a Trumper?? I could easily be a card holding Democrat and still believe all of those things.

All black people are not the same. I've voted for the democratic president for the past 6 elections. But, I still will not check the box to proclaim loyalty to a party.

Yes, I like many black folk, have conservative values and principles. The difference between me and some others is I am not afraid to say it.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member

I don’t fuck with Gene or Tito

I see thru boat they bullshit everyday

@gene cisco is cool with me, I’ve been arguing with this brother for a decade+ and he’s sincere in his POV. Iron sharpens iron. Plus I know he’s a real nigga bc he hit me off with some advice that helped a fam member of mine years ago on some cool shit. We even agree from time to time :lol:

These new niggas get the perpetual side eye from me tho