Tim Scott getting his faggot coon wake up call

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cosign. It's next to impossible for a man to be even a "regular" 9 to 5 cat and be NOT be married. Dude in the church, and a coon, some white woman would have signed up a long time ago. As the kids say today, "the math ain't mathin'"

He's gay...

(and I hate calling dudes that without direct evidence but...)

In this day an age SOMEONE would have seen him with a woman by now. Even TJ Holmes got caught and he and that white broad was trying hard to hide their relationship.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
The reality is it shouldn’t matter and nobody really gives a fuck. This is just trying to get him to admit he’s a dick blower. If he were a regular lifetime bachelor like a Bill Maher who just was like look I don’t want to ever be married but the constant dodging of faggotry and lack of no woman in sight doesn’t help him. He should just come out like Pete Bootyitch. Who cares that you’re a fag. The bigger issue is that he’s a coon

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The reality is it shouldn’t matter and nobody really gives a fuck. This is just trying to get him to admit he’s a dick blower. If he were a regular lifetime bachelor like a Bill Maher who just was like look I don’t want to ever be married but the constant dodging of faggotry and lack of no woman in sight doesn’t help him. He should just come out like Pete Bootyitch. Who cares that you’re a fag. The bigger issue is that he’s a coon
How could he and his team not be prepared for this? He could have been this is none of your business and it doesn't change the way I work. But now he's on the summit of BS mountain with his soon-to-be-hired imaginary white girlfriend.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's one of 3 things:
#1. Scott is gay. (Most likely).
#2. She's White. (Good possibility).
#3. She's someone he considers to be a liability or a complete and total embarrassment. Someone with a multiple arrests, documented sexual exploits or suffers from deep mental illness. (Highly probable).


Disciple of Zod
BGOL Investor
Yep. An unmarried senator. Thats a lot of power.....women would be throwing the pussy at him. The fact that he hasn't played catch with the pussy flying by him means that he doesn't like that particular game.
Shit I’d be lookin to get a rich bitch

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star
The reality is it shouldn’t matter and nobody really gives a fuck. This is just trying to get him to admit he’s a dick blower. If he were a regular lifetime bachelor like a Bill Maher who just was like look I don’t want to ever be married but the constant dodging of faggotry and lack of no woman in sight doesn’t help him. He should just come out like Pete Bootyitch. Who cares that you’re a fag. The bigger issue is that he’s a coon

This is remarkably enlightened coming from you.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hold up....

Lindsay Graham is in his 70's and mfkrs let him get by on the my "best friend" is my room mate excuse?!!


The GOP is so full of shit
That's not true. I mean no reporter or politician has called him a fag but there's been plenty of speculation, slick remarks, and jokes about his sexuality. The Republicans don't want to out one of their own and the Democrats are for the most part too classy to put someone down for their sexuality but make no mistake he's not fooling anyone.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
This gummy toothed dude been skinnin and grinnin his whole entire life smh. One of my fav memories of him is when he was tryna shake hands with some random dilapidated CAC on some stage or another and they were like "Psych nigga, fuck you thought?!" Smooth hit him with the side comb and everything and it was the least cool person of all time who got over on him lol.

It was honestly like the dilemma of a coon writ large and televised in real time... a cautionary tale for any melanated person propping up the status quo, they are gonna hate you REGARDLESS... folks who take that bargain lose twice epically and they don't even know it. :smh: