Tim Scott getting his faggot coon wake up call

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I honestly think he’d get more support if he came out the closet. He’d get the fag Republikkklan vote


Rising Star
Not talking specifically about Scott in the scenario I an about to present. I did think it might be Corey Booker's issue. So, could a single black man that loves pussy, but NOT the concept of love,monogamy or relationships, publicly admit this lifestyle and be elected to public office? Said hypothetical brutha likes to fuck then bounce so he uses hoes and hookup sites. I think that ironically in today's society he'd be better off just to keep this lifestyle to himself and let the air of mystery surround him. Sadly, in some political circles,he'd almost get more political traction if folks thought he was a bottyman rather than a "skeet then beat it" type.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Not talking specifically about Scott in the scenario I an about to present. I did think it might be Corey Booker's issue. So, could a single black man that loves pussy, but NOT the concept of love,monogamy or relationships, publicly admit this lifestyle and be elected to public office? Said hypothetical brutha likes to fuck then bounce so he uses hoes and hookup sites. I think that ironically in today's society he'd be better off just to keep this lifestyle to himself and let the air of mystery surround him. Sadly, in some political circles,he'd almost get more political traction if folks thought he was a bottyman rather than a "skeet then beat it" type.
Yes that’s better than being fag


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not talking specifically about Scott in the scenario I an about to present. I did think it might be Corey Booker's issue. So, could a single black man that loves pussy, but NOT the concept of love,monogamy or relationships, publicly admit this lifestyle and be elected to public office? Said hypothetical brutha likes to fuck then bounce so he uses hoes and hookup sites. I think that ironically in today's society he'd be better off just to keep this lifestyle to himself and let the air of mystery surround him. Sadly, in some political circles,he'd almost get more political traction if folks thought he was a bottyman rather than a "skeet then beat it" type.

Booker is gay too though


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Booker is gay too though
I remember when he was like Governor or running for it there was a documentary. It was clear as day. Tim should just be happy to be a Senator. Sometimes folks gotta realize them dreams of wanting more just ain't happening. Being a Senator is great conselation prize.


Rising Star
I remember when he was like Governor or running for it there was a documentary. It was clear as day. Tim should just be happy to be a Senator. Sometimes folks gotta realize them dreams of wanting more just ain't happening. Being a Senator is great conselation prize.
Being gay didn't hurt Pete Buttgieg politically.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
That's not true. I mean no reporter or politician has called him a fag but there's been plenty of speculation, slick remarks, and jokes about his sexuality. The Republicans don't want to out one of their own and the Democrats are for the most part too classy to put someone down for their sexuality but make no mistake he's not fooling anyone.

I would say it’s pretty definite that Trump has clowned Lindsey in his face behind closed doors about not getting any pussy at his age.

Trump has no self control, he won’t hesitate to clown someone just to get laughs from others in the room.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Booker claimed he was with Rosario Dawson who then said she was gay to get away from the allegations then went back to dating men lol.



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
Not talking specifically about Scott in the scenario I an about to present. I did think it might be Corey Booker's issue. So, could a single black man that loves pussy, but NOT the concept of love,monogamy or relationships, publicly admit this lifestyle and be elected to public office? Said hypothetical brutha likes to fuck then bounce so he uses hoes and hookup sites. I think that ironically in today's society he'd be better off just to keep this lifestyle to himself and let the air of mystery surround him. Sadly, in some political circles,he'd almost get more political traction if folks thought he was a bottyman rather than a "skeet then beat it" type.
That’s true.

The issue is he is running under the GOP ticket for POTUS.

The GOP is hardcore for Family Values. When they are out campaigning, they always have their wives standing next to them doing the “Pat Nixon/Stepford Wife” routine of smiling, waving and not talking.

Scott is gonna have to produce a woman soon or that’s the end of his campaign.

The comedy will be if he pulls out a Real Doll.



Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
That’s true.

The issue is he is running under the GOP ticket for POTUS.

The GOP is hardcore for Family Values. When they are out campaigning, they always have their wives standing next to them doing the “Pat Nixon/Stepford Wife” routine of smiling, waving and not talking.

Scott is gonna have to produce a woman soon or that’s the end of his campaign.

The comedy will be if he pulls out a Real Doll.


That Doll though


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
That’s true.

The issue is he is running under the GOP ticket for POTUS.

The GOP is hardcore for Family Values. When they are out campaigning, they always have their wives standing next to them doing the “Pat Nixon/Stepford Wife” routine of smiling, waving and not talking.

Scott is gonna have to produce a woman soon or that’s the end of his campaign.

The comedy will be if he pulls out a Real Doll.


Raw this real doll. :o


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Being gay didn't hurt Pete Buttgieg politically.

Actually it did. If you go back and look at his popularity ratings he wasn't very popular with white or Black voters. He was popular with NEWS WRITERS because his background reminded them of themselves but he was never a real challenge to the role.

The Catcher In The Rye

Rye-sing Star

In December 2012, when then-Gov. Nikki Haley chose to elevate then-congressman Tim Scott to be South Carolina’s next senator, she may have thought she was turning a potential political rival into an ally.

Little did she know she was actually setting Scott on a collision course with her own presidential aspirations.

At the time, both were rising stars in South Carolina—nationally, really—for a Republican Party that, just four months later, would release an “autopsy” of the 2012 campaign highlighting the need for the GOP to win back more voters of color.

After Sen. Jim DeMint retired and his Senate seat became vacant, Haley didn’t contact Scott for nine days. But then Haley invited Scott to dinner, and then at that dinner, she asked if they could announce his appointment to the Senate the next day.

“It was zero to 60 at the speed of a Tesla,” Scott told Politico on becoming the only Black Republican in the Senate, the first from his state, and just the fifth since the Reconstruction Era.

Fast-forward to late summer 2023, and the quiet detente between the two is coming undone.

“Ever since we started sniffing around on the campaign, we’ve felt visceral hatred from the Nikki Haley camp,” a source close to the Scott campaign in South Carolina told The Daily Beast.

For months, GOP campaign operatives have been wondering when the two South Carolinians were going to begin attacking each other. Both are fighting over a small and similar piece of the voter pie left over from Trump’s majority, and the South Carolina primary is a key part of both of their plans, so it always seemed inevitable that they would have to square off at some point.

While sources close to both campaigns say any open fighting between the candidates likely won’t happen until after Iowa—should they both make it that far, with President Donald Trump’s polling lead growing increasingly insurmountable—the Scott campaign has been keeping score.

It’s also important to note the significant overlap between the two staffs, with several aides and advisers to the campaigns previously working for the other South Carolinian at some point. That’s made for some strained relationships, even in a state known for its below the belt tactics.

“It’s no secret that along with that visceral hatred, her team has been really vigorously pushing oppo research against us,” the same source close to the Scott campaign said, requesting anonymity to speak candidly about sensitive conversations.

The Haley campaign, who did not return a request for comment, has denied promoting any opposition research about the senator.

But Scott’s campaign seemed to take note when The Washington Post published a story last week about the questioned existence of Tim Scott’s girlfriend. The author, Ben Terris, prominently notes in the opening words that the story came to be because “a person working on behalf of one of Scott’s Republican opponents” suggested Terris investigate whether Scott’s girlfriend actually existed, with this person handing over a “dossier” on Scott’s “known personal relationships.”

Speculation over Scott’s personal life has been a bit of a parlor game in the Beltway and on the campaign trail—and it’s occasionally spilled out into public view. Conservative Political Action Conference Chairman Matt Schlapp once responded to the prospect of Trump picking Scott as his vice president by blurting out, “You think he picks a gay vice president?” (The comment was published in that same story on Scott’s girlfriend.)

While Scott’s allies told The Daily Beast they weren’t bothered by the girlfriend story, some are more weary over a continued escalation of attacks behind the scenes.

“I think it speaks to a desperation,” the source close to the Scott campaign said. “She thought that she could own this state, and Senator Scott came out of nowhere and took a lot of the infrastructure from her.”

Scott, who entered the race over three months after Haley, rolled out an impressive slate of in-state endorsements that quickly grew to 147 among South Carolina lawmakers.

Given the former president’s robust support in the party—sitting atop the field with 40 to 50 percent support in South Carolina polling over the past few months—many GOP operatives see only enough room for one of Scott or Haley on the ballot in their home state.

“Listen, Trump’s running away with this thing and DeSantis is flailing out, but Tim has some hope in Iowa,” a GOP strategist supporting neither candidate told The Daily Beast. “Eventually, one of them is probably gonna have to drop out, and eventually one is gonna take the other on. You can’t keep ignoring the candidate who’s taking up your lane.”

For South Carolinians who know and like both of them, the next few months are going to be tense.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hasn't been a great boon for him either. He was mayor of I think south bend Indiana, and came out after he won a 2nd term. Ran for President, and was a pretty decent candidate actually...but never had a chance of winning. Then he got a non-glamour cabinet position. So all in all I can't sat if it helped or hurt him...it's almost a break even situation.
Gotta see if he can win a major election as an openly gay man. If he relocates to a blue state like hillary did, after he leaves his secretary of transportation gig, he could have a chance. ....but could he win gov or senate election in Indiana as an openly gay man? Not sure, cause I don't know Indy at all.


Being gay didn't hurt Pete Buttgieg politically.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Hasn't been a great boon for him either. He was mayor of I think south bend Indiana, and came out after he won a 2nd term. Ran for President, and was a pretty decent candidate actually...but never had a chance of winning. Then he got a non-glamour cabinet position. So all in all I can't sat if it helped or hurt him...it's almost a break even situation.
Gotta see if he can win a major election as an openly gay man. If he relocates to a blue state like hillary did, after he leaves his secretary of transportation gig, he could have a chance. ....but could he win gov or senate election in Indiana as an openly gay man? Not sure, cause I don't know Indy at all.


here in indy he could win a mayoral seat or house seat
gov or senate
nope these cacs ain't having that


Music Producer/Writer
BGOL Investor

I would LOVE to see a focus group to determine the best beard for him.

White woman vs black woman, who do Republicans prefer him with? What's the racial breakdown? Would black women rather see him with that Alabama mayor?

Of course it's a cacress. He up there looking like a proud suited cheesin' horse and the body language is showing differently. He had to get a fill in to save face.