Told you the ADOS/FBA shit is a scam


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
pale face stealing billions from them... kidnapping murdering their sitting presidents.. sending the country into


but TARIQ needs to be dealt with..

GOTDAM... talk about obsession!!!!
who says the responses came from 1: a Haitian or someone in Haiti ? so ppl cant handle two issues at once?

if so them why does Tarik /yvette fba /ados spends so much energy in demeaning & demonizing black immigrants when america especially white republicans killed affordable healthcare, housing discrimination, ending teaching of black history in schools, defunding higher education assistance, AffrmActn etc DEI etc etc, trump wanting Cop immunity SAY REPARATIONS IS A NON STARTER-
but tariq fba/ados spends years online demonizing Africans even the ones in faraway africa& any black immigrants or their children even after being here for over 80yrs but hes the one that should be checked becos he said Tariq needs to be checked ?

but tariq can spend years online basically saying


pale face stealing billions from u in america... kidnapping, murdering black citizen thru trump cop immunity promise . sending the black communities into

turmoil -- kill affordable healthcare, housing discrimination, ending teaching of black history in schools, defunding higher education assistance, AffrmActn etc DEI etc etc,

but Africans/ black immigrants needs to be dealt with..

GOTDAM... talk about obsession!!!!
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
who says the responses came from 1: a Haitian or someone in Haiti ? so ppl cant handle two issues at once?

if so them why does train /yvette fba /ados spends so much energy in demeaning & demonizing black immigrants when america especially white republicans killed affordable healthcare, housing discrimination, ending teaching of black history in schools, defunding higher education assistance, AffrmActn etc DEI etc etc, trump wanting Cop immunity but tariq fba/ados spends years online demonizing Africans even the ones in faraway africa& any black immigrants or their children even after being here for over 80yrs but hes the one that should be checked becos he said Tariq needs to be checked ?

but tariq can spend years online basically saying


Basically is different than actually


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Basically is different than actually

pale face stealing billions from u in america... kidnapping, murdering black citizen thru trump cop immunity promise . sending the black communities into

turmoil -- kill affordable healthcare, housing discrimination, ending teaching of black history in schools, defunding higher education assistance, AffrmActn etc DEI etc etc SAYING REPARATIONS IS A NON-STARTER,

but Africans/ black immigrants "TETHERS" needs to be dealt with.?.

GOTDAM... talk about obsession!!!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

pale face stealing billions from u in america... kidnapping, murdering black citizen thru trump cop immunity promise . sending the black communities into

turmoil -- kill affordable healthcare, housing discrimination, ending teaching of black history in schools, defunding higher education assistance, AffrmActn etc DEI etc etc SAYING REPARATIONS IS A NON-STARTER,

but Africans/ black immigrants "TETHERS" needs to be dealt with.?.

GOTDAM... talk about obsession!!!!


Wow now that's a spin for yo ass!!!

You'd think Tariq actually said .

"Tethers" need to be dealt with.

You gotta be a Democrat with the reverse psychology mind fuckery.

Tariq needs to be dealt with more than the muthafuckas who committed genocide

And continue to rape and pillage land and resources???????

Tariq needs to be dealt with more than France and England when it comes to African and Caribbean brethren??

Talk about pale face mind fuckin you good .


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
who says the responses came from 1: a Haitian or someone in Haiti ? so ppl cant handle two issues at once?

if so them why does Tarik /yvette fba /ados spends so much energy in demeaning & demonizing black immigrants when america especially white republicans killed affordable healthcare, housing discrimination, ending teaching of black history in schools, defunding higher education assistance, AffrmActn etc DEI etc etc, trump wanting Cop immunity SAY REPARATIONS IS A NON STARTER-
but tariq fba/ados spends years online demonizing Africans even the ones in faraway africa& any black immigrants or their children even after being here for over 80yrs but hes the one that should be checked becos he said Tariq needs to be checked ?

but tariq can spend years online basically saying


Bruh the thing is .. he knows what's said behind our backs by some.

So he is addressing them not all brethren outside America..

They know who dey Iz???

You know too!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wow now that's a spin for yo ass!!!

You'd think Tariq actually said .

"Tethers" need to be dealt with.

You gotta be a Democrat with the reverse psychology mind fuckery.

Tariq needs to be dealt with more than the muthafuckas who committed genocide

And continue to rape and pillage land and resources???????

Tariq needs to be dealt with more than France and England when it comes to African and Caribbean brethren??

Talk about pale face mind fuckin you good .
so at first YOUU said this
pale face stealing billions from them... kidnapping murdering their sitting presidents.. sending the country into


but TARIQ needs to be dealt with..

GOTDAM... talk about obsession!!!!
and i responded with


pale face stealing billions from u in america... kidnapping, murdering black citizen thru trump cop immunity promise . sending the black communities into

turmoil -- kill affordable healthcare, housing discrimination, ending teaching of black history in schools, defunding higher education assistance, AffrmActn etc DEI etc etc SAYING REPARATIONS IS A NON-STARTER,

but Africans/ black immigrants "TETHERS" needs to be dealt with.?.

GOTDAM... talk about obsession!!!!

ok..,, using ur very own words to make u see how disingenous u are
Wow now that's a spin for yo ass!!!

You'd think Tariq actually said .

"Tethers" need to be dealt with.

You gotta be a Democrat with the reverse psychology mind fuckery.

Tariq needs to be dealt with more than the muthafuckas who committed genocide

And continue to rape and pillage land and resources???????

Tariq needs to be dealt with more than France and England when it comes to African and Caribbean brethren??

Talk about pale face mind fuckin you good .
basically mirroring ur words to make u see how disingenuous it is
never did I say "
Tariq needs to be dealt with more than the muthafuckas who committed genocide

And continue to rape and pillage land and resources???????"
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
so at first YOUU said this

and i responded with

ok..,, using ur very own words to make u see how disingenous u are

basically mirroring ur words to make u see how disingenuous it is
never did I say "
Tariq needs to be dealt with more than the muthafuckas who committed genocide

And continue to rape and pillage land and resources???????"

Monkey logic aint never win no debate my good man, fact remains, whether you monkey my words or not,

Bruh said Tariq must be dealt with for a fuckin MEME.... not for pillaging the country, stealing resources, kidnapping and MURDERING

sitting presidents..


but Tariq does for a fuckin MEME?????

Im starting to think this Obsession with us True Americans and what we think, is bordering

on the psychosis level of men who think they are women.. Yea THAT FUCKED UP!!!

All Tariq did was give back the insults that were bestowed upon know, black americans are lazy,

they just want hand outs... blah blah blah.. but ask them what the homestead act is, ask them what the trail of tears is,

ask them what jim crow is... ask them who was promised forty acres and a mule and who got it instead.. I bet they

will be fuckin CLUELESS and thats the problem..

normally we dont care what haters think, but every now and then they get checked

and when they do, that reality becomes so much, they cant take it...


See what Tariq did to that racist fool from African myron gaines from fresh and fit, he fucked him up so bad, not even the pale faces,

he lives and dies for, want anything to do with him ...Now.. its fuckin hilarious watching his pale face idols use Tariqs logic to son

Im just saying lots of my brethren from other lands... feed into pale face narrative... and it becomes their belief system..

THen when we hit our brethren with TRUTH and FACTS... and shake up that belief system..

it makes some so angry... they feel, the fact bringer MUST BE DEALT WITH...

thats lowkey saying.. We cant handle the truth so lets SILENCE him..

that some mental and psychological pussy shit!!!!

Truth is whether for spiritual reasons or for sheer delicacy, in many parts of the world NOT AMERICA...

CATS ARE A FUCKIN DELICACY .... why are we running from this fact???

Lets not even get into many rituals, which use animals/pets sacrifice as part of their ceremonies..

You see they want to DEAL with shit before TOO MUCH gets out...

If my people DEALT with THEIR TRUE ENEMY more than their WANNA BE ENEMY,

we wouldnt even be having this discussion...
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Monkey logic aint never win no debate my good man, fact remains, whether you monkey my words or not,

Bruh said Tariq must be dealt with for a fuckin MEME.... not for pillaging the country, stealing resources, kidnapping and MURDERING

sitting presidents..


but Tariq does for a fuckin MEME?????

Im starting to think this Obsession with us True Americans and what we think, is bordering

on the psychosis level of men who think they are women.. Yea THAT FUCKED UP!!!

All Tariq did was give back the insults that were bestowed upon know, black americans are lazy,

they just want hand outs... blah blah blah.. but ask them what the homestead act is, ask them what the trail of tears is,

ask them what jim crow is... ask them who was promised forty acres and a mule and who got it instead.. I bet they

will be fuckin CLUELESS and thats the problem..

normally we dont care what haters think, but every now and then they get checked

and when they do, that reality becomes so much, they cant take it...


See what Tariq did to that racist fool from African myron gaines from fresh and fit, he fucked him up so bad, not even the pale faces,

he lives and dies for, want anything to do with him ...Now.. its fuckin hilarious watching his pale face idols use Tariqs logic to son

Im just saying lots of my brethren from other lands... feed into pale face narrative... and it becomes their belief system..

THen when we hit our brethren with TRUTH and FACTS... and shake up that belief system..

it makes some so angry... they feel, the fact bringer MUST BE DEALT WITH...

thats lowkey saying.. We cant handle the truth so lets SILENCE him..

that some mental and psychological pussy shit!!!!

Truth is whether for spiritual reasons or for sheer delicacy, in many parts of the world NOT AMERICA...

CATS ARE A FUCKIN DELICACY .... why are we running from this fact???

Lets not even get into many rituals, which use animals/pets sacrifice as part of their ceremonies..

You see they want to DEAL with shit before TOO MUCH gets out...

If my people DEALT with THEIR TRUE ENEMY more than their WANNA BE ENEMY,

we wouldnt even be having this discussion...
all that round the way wordplay trying to clean up the bs u put forth, fba/ados started their whole campaign attacking denigrating n dehumanizing Africans , ppl who'd done nothin to to them, u tryin to clean up after his bs if this is about `american business, why do they attack Africans in Africa? ? which ones of them are in ur american business? why pile on the attack on innocent haitians ?,
if he had 1 haitian say something why not get at that person when did it become lets attack 5million haitians & carribeans & Africans using white supremacist talking points ?or u think black americans dont say dumb shit about africans & carribeans ?

& now u wanna join in the chorus &wash the lies about haitians & try to clean up tariqs statements ? here u are defending the made up lies about haitians eating cats, when the lady who was caught doing it isn't even haitian but black american & there's been no cases of any haitians eating anyone cat in springfield but a white racists lies made up by racists whites & promoted by fba dos & trump to demonize black immigrants....

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Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
@Soul On Ice @KingTaharqa Y'all hear about this? Nigerian Huffington Post editor caught cosplaying as ADOS Black American.

Yes I saw that. Continental Africans and Caribbeans been cosplaying as Black Americans for years online. What makes it most insidious is, they will do it while deriding us and denigrating us. The height of ethnocide and hatred. Most immigrants in America are xenophobic towards Black Americans. Dude is a lame.

Kamala gotta pretend to be Black, cuz an Indian bitch has 0 chance of winning a Presidency, so she in Blackface. :smh: