Told you the ADOS/FBA shit is a scam


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Ain't nothing like that tether pussy. :yes:
What is stopping you from going into a bank and saying “Bumbaclott”? I’m sure the financial institution will walk you to the vault and give you the key to it. If that doesn’t work, try “Sak pase!” One of those phrases is bound to give you access to all the capital you would ever need to not feel inadequate ever again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

@Soul On Ice @KingTaharqa @xfactor @Mrfreddygoodbud @Megatron X @Supersav @lazarus @Heavenlywings77

A great breakdown of the mentality of these tethers, especially the ones in this thread, and how they're distinct from other Black immigrants.

as much as I find candace owench entertaining, I find her on the Ill say and do anything to be seen as a different type of negress,

Her justifying George Floyds murder, and her recent speech, of mentioning the Native Americans as cannibals..

while ignoring the fact the only real cannibals were the fuckin PILGRIMS that slithered their way over here...

her husband is best friends with andrew tate and that tragic mullatto just admitted, he plays both sides,

he literally said, when its to his advantage to be a paleface he is a paleface, and when its to his advantage to be "black"

he is black.. which is GREAT for him..

BUT A WARNING TO STAY AWAY FAR AWAY FROM THOSE TYPES, they will get close to you, then tell everything they know,

to your counterpart, for brownie points...

I know some real down ass brush and sisters from the west indes, candace owench is NOT one of them...

she has the same mentality as andrew tate, she will be American when it benefits her, and Caribbean when it benefits her,

she is clout chasing that rapper nikki fake ass I forgot her name.. to link up with her, because she wants to flock with other

birds of a feather..

but Nikki is from the streets and finds candace corny as fuck.. and if they money ain't right.. she don't want nothing to do with the candace types..

candance owench... is enjoying her success and children, but she is going to be lonely at the top....

she made herself toooo American to really identify with any west indians, and too coonish too identify with any sisters,

and too harsh to identify with any beckys...

when her children get older she is going to be one lonely ol wench!!!!

and thats when she is going to want to be DOWN again...



Rising Star
OG Investor
Lol he trying to son somebody...

I cosign everybody up here..

It's all Love with the BGOL


You ain't get the memo..

We all the three this bitch

All for one


One for All!!!

Thats you too


So you're saying your boy is a faggit for using the word?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Ain't you the same dude that beg males on the board to have conference calls with you?

I'm the same guy who says that if you want to TYPE that shit at me then you should be man enough to TALK that shit TO me and you really should be man enough to say it to my face if necessary.

We know a pussy-ass tether like you would never do this, because you'd get slapped out of your dirty-ass sandals! That's why you ran from your homeland in the first place.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I'm the same guy who says that if you want to TYPE that shit at me then you should be man enough to TALK that shit TO me and you really should be man enough to say it to my face if necessary.

We know a pussy-ass tether like you would never do this, because you'd get slapped out of your dirty-ass sandals! That's why you ran from your homeland in the first place.

Yea you the same faggit that want to hear males' voices and meet up with men.
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Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Yea you the samefaggit that want to hear males' voices and meet up with men.

Clearly your machismo is confined to the keyboard! Are you still man-googling niggas???



Rising Star
OG Investor
You ain't murdering a fly, much less me. Now get back to man-googling and your gay dating apps.

I had my gay filter on, didn't see your bitch made response. But yea you can type whatever you want behind that pink keyboard of yours. You and your fellow fba aka fuck boy associates got mad keyboard energy, but just so you know, I see you as equivalent to vermin.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I had my gay filter on, didn't see your bitch made response. But yea you can type whatever you want behind that pink keyboard of yours. You and your fellow fba aka fuck boy associates got mad keyboard energy, but just so you know, I see you as equivalent to vermin.

Whoa you have a "gay filter"?

Happy Pride my nigga!!!

:lol: :roflmao::roflmao2::roflmao3:

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I had my gay filter on, didn't see your bitch made response. But yea you can type whatever you want behind that pink keyboard of yours. You and your fellow fba aka fuck boy associates got mad keyboard energy, but just so you know, I see you as equivalent to vermin.

McGuyver is this you rocking your "gay filter" sunglasses?


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I had my gay filter on, didn't see your bitch made response. But yea you can type whatever you want behind that pink keyboard of yours. You and your fellow fba aka fuck boy associates got mad keyboard energy, but just so you know, I see you as equivalent to vermin.

You might have a whole market out there for your "gay filters"!!!


That's you dancing beside Kamala!!

Happy Pride my nigga!!! Happy Pride!!!



Rising Star
OG Investor
You might have a whole market out there for your "gay filters"!!!


That's you dancing beside Kamala!!

Happy Pride my nigga!!! Happy Pride!!!

2 posts in a row? You must be really hurt

2 posts in a row? You must be really hurt.

Your whole fba crew was clowning and laughing at you. All you did was hide. You are a gay coward.
