Told you the ADOS/FBA shit is a scam

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
For those of y'all too slow to figure it out, tether is a slur, like coon. Tethers are those negro peoples who are vehemntly protesting our exclusive claim to reperatuons based on chattle slavery practice in these united states. The empire needs to square its debt. And here thrse motherfuckers come... and they come up with every excuse as to why we should just drop it cause the fight is too hard and also how they must clearly feel we don't deserve it.... not without them anyway. Meanwhile, we fought for 400 years for freedom in this bitch and and our struggle is the sole reason they can even BE over here to disenfranchise us as they are clearly trying to in their many and continuing attempts to undercut the cause. It's Grift. A.K.A. Tether shit. One foot in one foot out.

To be clear I don't feel like all immigrants feel like that. Tether is an action, like cooning.

Thank you!! But the ones in here are true tethers and fit the definition to a tee.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not about to fight your strawman dummy. Tether does not mean immigrant or someone of african descent either but you're not worried about facts that's why you're in here lying about your credentials. I got receipts for mine though, there multiple plaques with my people's names all around my city honoring Civil Rights and Voting Rights contributions. Literally dozens of awards including NAACP recognitions and Presidential medals from bill clinton to barack obama. I'm really like that.

What you know about showing up to birthday dinners and your states senators are there? Going out to eat on a random Saturday evening with the Surgeon General of the United States? This is just facts.

I asked what ADOS has done to advance civil rights and you bring up the NAACP. You use this slur to refer to other black people. I have NEVER seen any of you ADOS refer to any white person as a tether. You all created a slur for your own people. You don't find that problematic? Any group that has me fighting other black people ain't my group.

Your anti-immigrant clique has no political power mainly because half of your platform is republican anti-immigrant fear mongering under the guise it somehow helps your reparations argument. It doesn't. It in fact is the poison pill that makes ADOS unpalatable for most black people.

Republicans don't give a fuck about you because you black. LOl And democrats don't give a shit about you because you half republican. In the middle is the dumbest place to be.

I'm clueless on how you allowed the whiteman washing of your history to alienate you from your homeland. If you are of African descent your ancestors are from Africa. If you find no attachment to Africa then you have no connection to your ancestors. I can trace the free born ancestors of my family back to the 1850's in America but I have no illusion that America is where my history begins. I have ancestors going back thousands of years. Our history is way longer than the whiteman. When you allow them to seperate you from that you seperate yourself from real power.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I asked what ADOS has done to advance civil rights and you bring up the NAACP. You use this slur to refer to other black people. I have NEVER seen any of you ADOS refer to any white person as a tether. You all created a slur for your own people. You don't find that problematic? Any group that has me fighting other black people ain't my group.

Your anti-immigrant clique has no political power mainly because half of your platform is republican anti-immigrant fear mongering under the guise it somehow helps your reparations argument. It doesn't. It in fact is the poison pill that makes ADOS unpalatable for most black people.

Republicans don't give a fuck about you because you black. LOl And democrats don't give a shit about you because you half republican. In the middle is the dumbest place to be.

I'm clueless on how you allowed the whiteman washing of your history to alienate you from your homeland. If you are of African descent your ancestors are from Africa. If you find no attachment to Africa then you have no connection to your ancestors. I can trace the free born ancestors of my family back to the 1850's in America but I have no illusion that America is where my history begins. I have ancestors going back thousands of years. Our history is way longer than the whiteman. When you allow them to seperate you from that you seperate yourself from real power.

You are talking dumb shit that isn’t even relevant to the ADOS discussion. And what’s sad is that you can easily find the true information for yourself but you’d rather willfully ignore it and spew disinformation. :smh:

You cry about the use of “tether” but ignore slurs directed at Black Americans like “akata” and statements like the one from Mr Met below:

Why did black Americans run from the South and now running back to South again.

You muthafuckas get gentrified so often, it should be an official holiday this point.

And don’t get me started on the statements TENT and mcguyver have made. Where’s your outrage for all that, especially if you’re truly Black ADOS?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This you? And since "the plan" was to get rid of Democrats, when do you get your check?

I get my check when I cash out, seen the stock market and bitcoin lately, news

trump won, sending shit through the roof....

Next question Donkey Party Junkie......

I can feel that evil satanic witch energy fading away with the donkey party

demons. Our children have HOPE!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For those of y'all too slow to figure it out, tether is a slur, like coon. Tethers are those negro peoples who are vehemntly protesting our exclusive claim to reperatuons based on chattle slavery practice in these united states. The empire needs to square its debt. And here thrse motherfuckers come... and they come up with every excuse as to why we should just drop it cause the fight is too hard and also how they must clearly feel we don't deserve it.... not without them anyway. Meanwhile, we fought for 400 years for freedom in this bitch and and our struggle is the sole reason they can even BE over here to disenfranchise us as they are clearly trying to in their many and continuing attempts to undercut the cause. It's Grift. A.K.A. Tether shit. One foot in one foot out.

To be clear I don't feel like all immigrants feel like that. Tether is an action, like cooning.
u can say whatever u want but everyone knows ur fba also cult use the word "TETHER" exclusively for African & Africans & other black immigrants , even the ones all the way 1000 miles in Africa removed from any of ur reparations or daily lives..
u not gonna try to rewrite what we all know is a fact !

this Your fba ados cult
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ados and FBA are dumb acronyms Tariq made up and tether is ya'll sad attempt at a racial slur to define immigrants of African descent.

It's what locks ya'll in to this dumb cult. All dumb cults have their own slang. Stop assuming that if anyone disagrees with your take on immigrants they are an immigrant. I can trace my family's roots in this country for at least the last 200 years. So my ancestors were the civil rights movement. This shit ya'll pushing ain't got shit to do with anyones civil rights. It's Bullshit to even suggest it.

What has the ADOS movement done to advance civil rights for black people in America? Anything at all? What about HELP black people at all does you movement do any of that? If not don't even tie it to black people tie it to your push for reparations and your dislike of immigrants that's all your crew got in common. And when you put those two things together you have a shit sandwich that most black people can't get down with. If it was just a push for reperations I'd be down. But this whole divisive tether bullshit is when I hop off the bus.
Dont let the try to rewrite & sane wash their xenophobia

this is fba ados



Rising Star
OG Investor
Lmao @ alternative thought. None of the FBA/ADOS folk are willing to lobby the GOP because they don't believe they will support black issues or reparations. They don't want to support dems until they get "tangibles", which they can't get until more dems are elected as the GOP is off the table per their own admission.

They say other groups got xyz without voting so they shouldn't have to vote, ignoring the fact that the elected officials in congress, who are majority dem and gop with a sprinkle of independents, are the ones who propose, write, and pass legislation so in order to get ANYTHING it has to go through the current two-party system.

They think threatening to withhold votes they weren't casting in the first place will be effective. They speak generally of not voting dem but can never get specific about who they WILL support. When we do get a name it's someone we already know is horrible (Trump) or equally horrible (DeSantis, Kemp).

in 4 years the only thing Trump managed to do for black folk is inspire white folk to increase hate crimes against us and dog out immigrants to give black folk with low self esteem like MegaTrannyX someone to feel superior to. All the while ignoring what he was doing such as criminalizing black activists, voiding consent decrees, attacking outspoken black folks (Kaepernick still doesn't have a job), rolling back environmental protections and making it harder for black folks to vote.

So what is the alternative plan, thought or system that gets reparations or any other black political agenda passed that doesn't go through congress aka dems and GOP?

If you want to say government is not the answer at all fine, but there is nothing stopping use of non government organizations now or in conjunction with voting, which only takes place 1-2x per year anyway.



Rising Star
OG Investor
read the replies to one year ago & juxtapose it with where we at now :roflmao:

I get tired reading their dumbass responses. It's quite clear their agenda is not nor ever been reparations. Everything they say and do creates obstacles between black folk and that goal. Imagine during the civil rights era Mlk, Malcolm X or anyone else leading the fight following their pattern. Besides that there are so many contradictions by them daily, I lost count.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Cmon Yall,

Lets do the Trump Swag dance...

Especially You D.C Dude and Camille,

Get up off yo donkey asses and lets DANCE KNIGGA!!!
