For those of y'all too slow to figure it out, tether is a slur, like coon. Tethers are those negro peoples who are vehemntly protesting our exclusive claim to reperatuons based on chattle slavery practice in these united states. The empire needs to square its debt. And here thrse motherfuckers come... and they come up with every excuse as to why we should just drop it cause the fight is too hard and also how they must clearly feel we don't deserve it.... not without them anyway. Meanwhile, we fought for 400 years for freedom in this bitch and and our struggle is the sole reason they can even BE over here to disenfranchise us as they are clearly trying to in their many and continuing attempts to undercut the cause. It's Grift. A.K.A. Tether shit. One foot in one foot out.
To be clear I don't feel like all immigrants feel like that. Tether is an action, like cooning.
Thank you!! But the ones in here are true tethers and fit the definition to a tee.