Now that you guys have the president you wanted, what's the plan for reparations?

Now that you guys have the president you wanted, what's the plan for reparations?
This new original song goes harder than that old ballad, imo. Straight barz.
BARZ!!!!!!!"Don't join a hate group trying to be woke if it's a museum why you in there trying to tell jokes.
I dunno when do the grift stop
Is it reparations, a gift shop or hip hop"
Now that you guys have the president you wanted, what's the plan for reparations?
This new original song goes harder than that old ballad, imo. Straight barz.
Prob posting Stormfront-esque caricatures and continuing to herald the Trump and his surrogates as heroic until the next grift.
u not slick ! it doesn't work with me dumbo !!! u the always posting about Africans all the way in Africa who aren't involved in ur reparations in any shape or form , talking about rent free ? rent free like always posting about africans all the way in africa live rent free in ur fba ados mush brain?
cry more !!& keep grabbing for straws, ur powerless online cult has no power to rename people all u are are rightwing neonazsi in blackface ! & u keep proving it everyday
In what world do we have the president we wanted?
And why are YOU talking jumping in OUR Black American conversations about reparations?
Stay in your place and go talk about YOUR people’s concerns!
FBA isn’t ADOS.
no one asked u to be panAfican so why are u bitching about PanAfricanism in America if u aint a PanAfrican?I only post about “Africans” to show that pan-Africanism is a delusional, failed ideology that not even Africans embrace.
if u didn't cry about africans no-one would know u exist! y'all built ur whole online hatecult around hate of Africa! but ure mad that they decide to respond to u ?A “powerless” cult that you cry about everyday? And one that has Black Americans willfully delineating all over the place.
Why don’t you ever post about what Euros, the U.S., and Arabs are doing to Africa?
In what world do we have the president we wanted?
And why are YOU talking jumping in OUR Black American conversations about reparations?
Stay in your place and go talk about YOUR people’s concerns!
FBA isn’t ADOS.
"Don't join a hate group trying to be woke if it's a museum why you in there trying to tell jokes.
I dunno when do the grift stop
Is it reparations, a gift shop or hip hop"
i think arguing withthese dudes is just pointless- i meediately put them on ignore because they offer nothing but BS to try to engage you or test out their "strategies" in refining whatever fucked up message they are trying to craft ....
all them dudes get an immediate block - and users should use that ignore button vigourously once it gets out who and what these guys are...
Bye tether!!
They'll still roll with it. What's one of the hardest things for a person to admit? They've been had.Now if a lie is debunked and people still roll with, that's a different story....
Sure, well yall go ahead and take the reigns then. We see how tolerant your people are in your own countries to foreigners. We just drove civil rights putting our lives amd livlihoods on the line is all. But first please describe how ADOS or FBA is a slur to anyone? And yes you should feel and be grateful to those people and their ancestors. Only a person lacking honor grace and integrity would even think to act differently. Let's see yours.So this goofy Tariq dude made up this whole shit ya'll on. LOL
All these bullshit acronyms and slurs for other black people ya'll on come from fake dreadlocks black history museum scammer. LOL
Ya'll gotta choose better shit to follow. That shit is sad. That dude tapped into the 5% of black people that hate immigrants and ran with it. Gave ya'll something to love.
trump said hes gonna give white ppl reparation & ur response is automatically to find a way to shit on immigrants.. u say "they dont to separate from their fav white regime" yet ur favorite white regime is about to give white ppl reparations..This is why we have to get rid of these immigrants. They don't want to separate from their favorite white regime.
It doesn't even compute with them.
Sure, well yall go ahead and take the reigns then. We see how tolerant your people are in your own countries to foreigners. We just drove civil rights putting our lives amd livlihoods on the line is all. But first please describe how ADOS or FBA is a slur to anyone? And yes you should feel and be grateful to those people and their ancestors. Only a person lacking honor grace and integrity would even think to act differently. Let's see yours.
I'm not about to fight your strawman dummy. Tether does not mean immigrant or someone of african descent either but you're not worried about facts that's why you're in here lying about your credentials. I got receipts for mine though, there multiple plaques with my people's names all around my city honoring Civil Rights and Voting Rights contributions. Literally dozens of awards including NAACP recognitions and Presidential medals from bill clinton to barack obama. I'm really like that.Ados and FBA are dumb acronyms Tariq made up and tether is ya'll sad attempt at a racial slur to define immigrants of African descent.
It's what locks ya'll in to this dumb cult. All dumb cults have their own slang. Stop assuming that if anyone disagrees with your take on immigrants they are an immigrant. I can trace my family's roots in this country for at least the last 200 years. So my ancestors were the civil rights movement. This shit ya'll pushing ain't got shit to do with anyones civil rights. It's Bullshit to even suggest it.
What has the ADOS movement done to advance civil rights for black people in America? Anything at all? What about HELP black people at all does you movement do any of that? If not don't even tie it to black people tie it to your push for reparations and your dislike of immigrants that's all your crew got in common. And when you put those two things together you have a shit sandwich that most black people can't get down with. If it was just a push for reperations I'd be down. But this whole divisive tether bullshit is when I hop off the bus.
Now that you guys have the president you wanted, what's the plan for reparations?
trump said hes gonna give white ppl reparation & ur response is automatically to find a way to shit on immigrants.. u say "they dont to separate from their fav white regime" yet ur favorite white regime is about to give white ppl reparations..
.the plan worked out perfectlyThe plan? ", tethers....grumble grumble....tangibles.....lineage....grumble grumble"