Why this bitch ass nigga still doing spaces on VP Harris?? Like nigga you don't have a fucking life??? Damn
This clown Nigriq Jewsheed aka @tariqnasheed does nothing but divide the black community by using stupid terms like FBA which really means "frequently bitching all day".
According to him you're not black unless your ancestors were American slaves, and all other blacks from the Caribbean and Africa are "tethers".
He calls anyone that doesn't want to give blacks reparations "undercover white supremacists" and blames whites for all the problems blacks face in america.
He sells his 68 IQ audience a victim mindset and they buy it like the dumb primates they are.
Dude claims he won a debate by calling me a tether 143 times, when he could NOT refute any of my facts.
My stance is simple to the idiotic FBAs that follow Jewsheed (yes he is married to a part white jewish woman) :
Racism is no longer a valid excuse to be a loser as a black American in the United States.
Stop committing crimes, being degens, and having kids out of wedlock.
It's not hard. Cry harder monkeys.
This clown Nigriq Jewsheed aka @tariqnasheed does nothing but divide the black community by using stupid terms like FBA which really means "frequently bitching all day".
According to him you're not black unless your ancestors were American slaves, and all other blacks from the Caribbean and Africa are "tethers".
He calls anyone that doesn't want to give blacks reparations "undercover white supremacists" and blames whites for all the problems blacks face in america.
He sells his 68 IQ audience a victim mindset and they buy it like the dumb primates they are.
Dude claims he won a debate by calling me a tether 143 times, when he could NOT refute any of my facts.
My stance is simple to the idiotic FBAs that follow Jewsheed (yes he is married to a part white jewish woman) :
Racism is no longer a valid excuse to be a loser as a black American in the United States.
Stop committing crimes, being degens, and having kids out of wedlock.
It's not hard. Cry harder monkeys.
This motherfucker is just as weird as Flex
Why this bitch ass nigga still doing spaces on VP Harris?? Like nigga you don't have a fucking life??? Damn
This clown Nigriq Jewsheed aka @tariqnasheed does nothing but divide the black community by using stupid terms like FBA which really means "frequently bitching all day".
According to him you're not black unless your ancestors were American slaves, and all other blacks from the Caribbean and Africa are "tethers".
He calls anyone that doesn't want to give blacks reparations "undercover white supremacists" and blames whites for all the problems blacks face in america.
He sells his 68 IQ audience a victim mindset and they buy it like the dumb primates they are.
Dude claims he won a debate by calling me a tether 143 times, when he could NOT refute any of my facts.
My stance is simple to the idiotic FBAs that follow Jewsheed (yes he is married to a part white jewish woman) :
Racism is no longer a valid excuse to be a loser as a black American in the United States.
Stop committing crimes, being degens, and having kids out of wedlock.
It's not hard. Cry harder monkeys.
141,498 people in the space? Can’t front on that level of engagement!
Wow, you tethers keep exposing yourselves! Myron Gaines is the guy you want to reference and align yourself with??
Nah. They are both equally shitty conmen.
I don't know who he is. I don't follow loudmouth internet niggas.Especially ones that are starving for white-adjacency.Well Myron appears to be your go-to guy now!
This clown Nigriq Jewsheed aka @tariqnasheed does nothing but divide the black community by using stupid terms like FBA which really means "frequently bitching all day".
According to him you're not black unless your ancestors were American slaves, and all other blacks from the Caribbean and Africa are "tethers".
He calls anyone that doesn't want to give blacks reparations "undercover white supremacists" and blames whites for all the problems blacks face in america.
He sells his 68 IQ audience a victim mindset and they buy it like the dumb primates they are.
Dude claims he won a debate by calling me a tether 143 times, when he could NOT refute any of my facts.
My stance is simple to the idiotic FBAs that follow Jewsheed (yes he is married to a part white jewish woman) :
Racism is no longer a valid excuse to be a loser as a black American in the United States.
Stop committing crimes, being degens, and having kids out of wedlock.
It's not hard. Cry harder monkeys.
Get 'em outta heaaaaaaa!!!!
No the term for white people is poser. You're not being clever by shutting off your brain. It's not my job to think critically for you. You are addressing strawman arguments that I have not raised. Meanwhile, forum chatting is the most activism you've ever accomplished so please stop.I asked what ADOS has done to advance civil rights and you bring up the NAACP. You use this slur to refer to other black people. I have NEVER seen any of you ADOS refer to any white person as a tether. You all created a slur for your own people. You don't find that problematic? Any group that has me fighting other black people ain't my group.
Your anti-immigrant clique has no political power mainly because half of your platform is republican anti-immigrant fear mongering under the guise it somehow helps your reparations argument. It doesn't. It in fact is the poison pill that makes ADOS unpalatable for most black people.
Republicans don't give a fuck about you because you black. LOl And democrats don't give a shit about you because you half republican. In the middle is the dumbest place to be.
I'm clueless on how you allowed the whiteman washing of your history to alienate you from your homeland. If you are of African descent your ancestors are from Africa. If you find no attachment to Africa then you have no connection to your ancestors. I can trace the free born ancestors of my family back to the 1850's in America but I have no illusion that America is where my history begins. I have ancestors going back thousands of years. Our history is way longer than the whiteman. When you allow them to seperate you from that you seperate yourself from real power.
I hope you choke to death while eating one of your mayonnaise sandwiches.The lineage acknowledgement and distinction is going to change the perception and definition of “black” for generations to come.
These pro-whites came over here and tried to blend in with us while making us look bad, claiming their home nation when shit hit the fan. Those days are over![]()
No questioning of the lack of fba/ados on trump's cabinet nor no calling for it. More proof these clowns are agents.
The lineage acknowledgement and distinction is going to change the perception and definition of “black” for generations to come.
These pro-whites came over here and tried to blend in with us while making us look bad, claiming their home nation when shit hit the fan. Those days are over![]()
For a while I would fill out other and write in west Indian on anything that asked nationality.
There are no racial classifications in the west indies, (when I lived there). West Indian is a way better classification then BLACK. Tell anyone that you are West Indian they know exactly what you are talking about. Just like sometimes we say we are from the caribbean.
Why did black Americans run from the South and now running back to South again.
You muthafuckas get gentrified so often, it should be an official holiday this point.
Indeed! And the icing on the cake is that they tell on themselves and do the work for us.
Really? So my fucking Justin Slayer, Shane Diesel, Richard Mann, Lexington Steele (all anal,) and Sean Michaels (anal & DP,) is my running from big dicks? lol!
No Mandingo, Jack Napier or Rico Strong!!![]()