Trainer gets caught on Camera being a "Pervert" at the Gym


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've been thinking she just had on really tight leggings I didn't know this dumb broad was in the gym with actual spray painted leggings on, I went to her twitter and she talking about she had bikini bottoms on :hithead:

She's allergic to accountability like a motherfucker. That silly broad thought folks would defend her silly antics :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

And she jumped back for what?

It's for attention or she's used to 5 foot dicks.



Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor

Dude wasn't supposed to be facing her or waiting until she fnished

Some people are just dumb as hell and others don't know about personal space

You can be benching 200 plus and dudes will just walk past the bar, not realizing a distraction could cause a slip


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor

I saw a story that said sir was doing a superset between 2 machines, he needed one, moved her shit to do his set and she let it slide the first time.

Second time he did it she said something, words were exchanged, it escalated, she slapped him and then it turned to him getting his lick back.

No one situation is better than the other... keep your hands to yourself young lady


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
When I saw that video above I watched it on mute... the dude didn't seem to be gawking at her he just was like "damn this heffa moving some weight!"

My first thoughts when seeing it was, she has TERRIBLE form.... chic doing good mornings and squats at the same time pick one dammit!!! Do one or the other!!