Trevor Noah was asked about Reparations on his show. This was his response.

BGOL Investor
100% Reperations is owed period point blank. America needs to pay it's debt. And no one should should attack those out to get it. What we don't agree on is the path forward to getting there I think. I've always been for reperations, still trying to figure out why attack other black folks over it?

What part of the discussion is that? What part of the path forward is that?

No one has yet to answer me.

I've seen it done but also I'm not here to divide or call out names. I was just making a statement and not accusing anyone just a sentiment.
It's not a divisive issue imo.
I want SOMEONE TO GET SOMETHING to get the ball rolling
If I ran the shit or whatever this thing is and successfully lobbied to get reparations
I'd then work my way to Carribean countries and all the countries where we were brought and subjected to this horrible crime of slavery and get their duckets TOO
there's no way I'd stop


BGOL Legend
100% Reperations is owed period point blank. America needs to pay it's debt. And no one should should attack those out to get it. What we don't agree on is the path forward to getting there I think. I've always been for reperations, still trying to figure out why attack other black folks over it?

What part of the discussion is that? What part of the path forward is that?

No one has yet to answer me.

But I'm not attacking other black people over it.

I'm saying if this country is paying it should pay it to the ppl it did it to.

You can't deny there are some black ppl who are dismissive about reparations
And also some who are trying to poke holes in the way it can be gained or if it's even possible

Those deterrents are divisive and shouldn't exist
If every person responded like Trevor Noah who isn't a descendant of American slavery there wouldn't even be a discussion

So do you agree with Trevor Noah's words?

BGOL Investor
But I'm not attacking other black people over it.

I'm saying if this country is paying it should pay it to the ppl it did it to.

You can't deny there are some black ppl who are dismissive about reparations
And also some who are trying to poke holes in the way it can be gained or if it's even possible

Those deterrents are divisive and shouldn't exist
If every person responded like Trevor Noah who isn't a descendant of American slavery there wouldn't even be a discussion

So do you agree with Trevor Noah's words?

No I'm not talking about YOU specifically. You've actually been pretty fair and have a sensible understanding of the issue. I'm talking about those other morons.

And Yeah I agree with Noah. Except I'm born and raised in America. And NONE of us know 100% about our roots. My homeboy from St.Lucia just found out that his Great-Great Grandmother was American and immigrated to St.Lucia to a plantation with her St.Lucian husband. So now this dude has a stake in it as well....

Instead of worry about who get's what. Just concentrate on "getting it" is all I'm saying.


BGOL Legend
No I'm not talking about YOU specifically. You've actually been pretty fair and have a sensible understanding of the issue. I'm talking about those other morons.

And Yeah I agree with Noah. Except I'm born and raised in America. And NONE of us know 100% about our roots. My homeboy from St.Lucia just found out that his Great-Great Grandmother was American and immigrated to St.Lucia to a plantation with her St.Lucian husband. So now this dude has a stake in it as well....

Instead of worry about who get's what. Just concentrate on "getting it" is all I'm saying.

And rightfully he has a stake in it
My thing is they separated families destroyed records and erased our history
When they say you need to be able to trace your ancestors back to slavery I say that's bullshit
Because you made it so that you gotta be Indiana Jones in order to do it.

Getting it is the most important thing


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
I understand cuz

I'm just telling you how I was introduced to the movement and for ME?

I think THAT is were the tension rises. Cause I think their are hundreds of thousands of kids born here whose great grandparents are Caribbean or African descent who gonna fell hurt

I could be completely wrong.

And I got feeling it aint gonna be good. Just be mindful how ya'll proceed.

And I also pray for ya'll to speak your message well to all sides.

but like I keep saying

we ALL support and will continue too.
NONE of the rational, reasonable and sensible items you are presenting today were EVER said in that other thread.
False. I myself stated this in previous threads... hell literally over 10 years ago on this very forum.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
The same things the Native Americans did when white people tried to claim those checks?
I don't want money from the shit
you can't pay the money owed to each person its impossible there isn't enough money
you'd have to pay all of us 1m each at least to come close to hundreds of years of damage.
I do think things should be FREE FOR US
I would add this is where the census comes in.
If you been claiming anything other than Black on there your entire life, you're excluded. Simple.


Rising Star
It won't be 100%
The system itself is built with loopholes so I'm ok with a few cracks getting in if it means that I get mine.
They have preyed on us monetarily with interest rates denying jobs denying loans higher tax rates no access to things no funding
so we need those advantages the ones that we would have had if the things weren't forcibly taken from us
No it will be easy. Look at these people's official government documents. How did they/do identify? Nio johnny come lately bullshit. Folks seem to be disingenuously trying to muddy these waters. It's really not THAT complicated though there is def some levels of complexity.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
False. I myself stated this in previous threads... hell literally over 10 years ago on this very forum.

TRUTH. i'm talking one specific thread and I aint see it. If it is? Show me, then my bad cause it was a multi page sh*tshow in there I wasn't trying to read EVERY


Rising Star
TRUTH. i'm talking one specific thread and I aint see it. If it is? Show me, then my bad cause it was a multi page sh*tshow in there I wasn't trying to read EVERY
It's cool you didnt read it but it was written. Not about to dig it up right now. Saying "truth" doesnt make a thing true fam. I Don't know what thread you're talking about either, specifically so maybe it wasnt stated in that one. I'm not about to debate the point though that shit is trivial. Lets move forward.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
It's cool you didnt read it but it was written. Not about to dig it up right now. Saying "truth" doesnt make a thing true fam. I Don't know what thread you're talking about either, specifically so maybe it wasnt stated in that one. I'm not about to debate the point though that shit is trivial. Lets move forward.


Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
100% Reperations is owed period point blank. America needs to pay it's debt. And no one should should attack those out to get it. What we don't agree on is the path forward to getting there I think. I've always been for reperations, still trying to figure out why attack other black folks over it?

What part of the discussion is that? What part of the path forward is that?

No one has yet to answer me.
I dont think anyone is attacking immigrants from other Black countries.

Exclusion is not the same as attacking correct?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
No I'm not talking about YOU specifically. You've actually been pretty fair and have a sensible understanding of the issue. I'm talking about those other morons.

And Yeah I agree with Noah. Except I'm born and raised in America. And NONE of us know 100% about our roots. My homeboy from St.Lucia just found out that his Great-Great Grandmother was American and immigrated to St.Lucia to a plantation with her St.Lucian husband. So now this dude has a stake in it as well....

Instead of worry about who get's what. Just concentrate on "getting it" is all I'm saying.
All people that can prove a direct link to slavery go to the front of the line, then we go from there.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everything that is happening with this movement is natural ...xenophobes trying to turn it toxic is natural....people bringing up administrative issues as a roadblock is natural...yes some who deserve wont get and some who dont deserve will....but let's not shortchange millions for thousands....let's not disregard the message because of the messenger....reparations is justice, plain and the debate progresses, more progressive intellects will join as evidenced by this thread (not saying progressive intellects weren't in the others)...this wont be smooth but true justice never is...I love the debate and hope it continues along the path shown by this thread while recognizing that some of the nastiness of the other one is necessary...expect more fuckery but strategically fight for what's right regardless


Rising Star
My thing is that you all are writing dissertations and muddying up our ADOS threads over a few "attacks".
Why not just ignore them?

I certainly dont want to take away from the movement.

But Im sorry its just not in me to stay quiet when i get attacked.

Not on some "get back" shit at all, i just think we should be able to talk things out amongst ourselves.

To be clear, i try to contribute positively. I try.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
I knew it was only a matter of time before the Diaspora Brigade showed up and completely RUIN another thread...notice they only show up in Reparations of ADOS threads raising pure hell.

It's our own skinfolk that need to understand it too so we can align and push for those rewards

All the objection I've seen is from ppl who are 1st or 2nd generation black but not from America

They always take it as an attack on their blackness and refuse to see it any other way

When really it's not. It's their brothers/sisters gettuge just due from the government that enslaved them

The cold part is

If their country of origin said we need to give those who were brought here or colonized by Europe reparations
We wouldn't see it as an attack on our blackness
We'd say hell yeah they owe you go get that money

This @ArsenalCannon357

They've muddied another thread


Sandy Darity, professor at Duke University and the go to expert on reparations for decades, has this simple criteria; you must be able to trace your lineage back to slavery via census data or other means and you must have identified as black via census data for 20+ years prior to any reparations resources being authorized.

That shuts down the $5 negroes, white people and others, we would inevitably see once resources are allocated.

The 1870 census is all one truly needs to document your lineage into slavery, fam. If you know your family tree, you can find it. The 1950 census will be available in 2022. The 1940 census is available now. Start there and trace your way back.

That's a reasonable way to identify folks as well. I see reparations as a 3 tier system. Tier 1 are the ADOS. Tier 2 are the Victims of Jim Crow (1877-1968). Tier 3 are the victims of redlining, mass incarceration and the drug wars. Some of our immigrant brothers and sisters are victims of systemic white supremacy, just not in all 3 tiers.

All of this. People keep questioning the logistics of this as if the research hasn't already been done. It has.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
At 15 my friend wasn't at school for a month. I called no answer. He came back to school i thought he was sick actually he had gotten his ass beat by the police so bad he was in the hospital for a couple weeks and then had to stay home so the swelling from the black eye could heal enough to go to school with his broken arm. AND NOTHING HAPPENED TO THE POLICE WHO DID IT they were still ON CAMPUS like it was all good.
I saw my friend get murdered in front of me at 16 mistaken identity
at 17 my friends popped got locked up after getting beat up by the police for some shit he didn't do spent a year in jail their senior year and missed their high school graduation
my girlfriend got killed by a stray at a house party at 18
same summer my friend drowned in the school pool
same summer my friend was pressured BY HIS MOTHER to hit a lick got caught and sentenced to 15 years in prison
and a good friend who had no family guidance got shot and killed on the very street we hang out on for NO REASON...over a girl.

It's not a positive I know what a dopefiend lean looks like
or that my dad had to take me around the city to identify the places i should and shouldn't go
point out where the track where the hoes are
where the crack houses are
the different turfs
the fucking LANDMINES in my own supposed "backyard" that i needed to avoid in order to have a chance at a life

and receiving ZERO COUNSELING for any of the shit that I mentioned because.....that's just the SHIT THAT HAPPENS when you come from where we come from like its OK

And then ask me how come I haven't done this or that or how come I get uneasy around certain things? lol

respect my brother.

and I mean my brother.


Rising Star

See this is the problem, they call it trickle down economics when only corporations or wealthy crackas get some exclusive income benefit. All boats are supposed to rise with that but when it's a plan for black america all of a sudden it's somehow exclusively beneficial to that community and wrong despite whatever positive societal benefit would come. At the end of the day all that would amount is a very slight rebalancing of the scales to begin the repair of the centuries long systematic oppression and labor abuses and to awarding us our blood rights. Our just due
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