Trick Daddy to Black Women: 'Tighten Up' Before 'Spanish and White' Women Make You 'Useless'


Rising Star
See, why is it that our own blk brothers speak ill of sisters dependent on their lowest common denominator?

Our blk women are much more than ass and titties and frying chicken and going to the club. Maybe just maybe, Trick needs to try and broaden the pool of blk women he interacts with.

And there are PLENTY of ain't shit lousy white and Spanish women.


Rising Star
OG Investor
be easier to boycott his shows than major corporations that actually have multiple products folks use, but they won't even do that lol


waking people up
BGOL Investor
3 ways I can respect a black man with a white woman:

1- He don't say shit about black families or bad mouth black women
2-he's doing it for spite and getting his reverse Thomas Jefferson on. Pimping her out if needed. (Take pics for stormfront)
3- she's been down since the jump when you were struggling and you were in a mostly white environment (college, job assignment, military)
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I'm sure he's right as far as hoes are concerned, as for "normal" or healthy women he's far off the mark.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Spanish broads already won, y'all can have your Serena Williams and Lupita. Asian birches are coming up too, Asians no a days aren't the skinny no ass asians we grew up with, these Asian millenials are thick with ass and titties


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Firstly off the goddess will never be useless only the ones who cease to behave as such will be useless. Other women are no match.

Secondly a name like "Trick Daddy" and positive black women don't vibe. Tricks are associated with heauxs.

Thirdly expand social horizons, time to get away from base hood shit.

Fourthly if spanish and anglo women are his thing then leave the sisters out of it.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Not really into White Girls

Spanish Girls are heaven sent

But I have never said about any race but black girls about how awesome a female can be.

Its a lot of bullshit black girls out there, but nothing beats an amazing black woman, its just to bad those types are never fucking single cause niggas know who to cuff.


Rising Star
mitochondrial dna, is the reason why this

Is a NO!

SCIENTIFICALLY, the black woman is the only organism that
possesses the mitochondrial DNA that has all variations possible for
every different kind of human being on this Earth (the african,the
albino, the european, the middle eastern,ect) When the DNA of a black
woman mutates all other types of human beings comes about. You can
research this topic & it is true. This is called the “Eve Gene” and
is ONLY found in black women!

What about the Latina women of African descent?

Multi - Personality

Rising Star
Registered be fair he's talking about Bitches and Hoes out if you a White, Black or Spanish hoe or bitch then...tighten up. If you are a pure bred your thing on your own terms and don't listen to Trick Daddy and hopefully you'll find you the right man to live a long life with.....

My two cents......


Rising Star
Pleasantly surprised, noted and appreciated. :yes:

See??? We can be hard on black women but black women ARE OUR WOMEN!!!

So fuck the fuck shit that bitch nigga was saying. IMO, black women were not nor ever will be in competition with other women. We just want black women to be better because we want our women to be better....for us.

*two cents *



Urban Renaissance Woman
BGOL Investor
In black women's defense, I see tons of black women every Tuesdays and Thursdays, when I go running, "tightening up." Grandmas, single women, newlyweds, college girls taking care of themselves and ensuring their health for the future. This dude is a lame... He needs to get the fuck out of Miami where no woman's body parts are to be trusted...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is nothing better than a Black woman who takes care of herself. It's too bad that obesity is an epidemic amongst all of us but it adversely affects Black women more.


Rising Star
In black women's defense, I see tons of black women every Tuesdays and Thursdays, when I go running, "tightening up." Grandmas, single women, newlyweds, college girls taking care of themselves and ensuring their health for the future. This dude is a lame... He needs to get the fuck out of Miami where no woman's body parts are to be trusted...
Yeah but i hate that think it's for them. Or they try to talk about our health. They. Don't. give. A SHIT. About a black woman's health. Not a lick.