Trump out here... Calling out Morning Joe and Mika on Twitter.. Shit is wild

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor

Oh shit!!!



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Here is a question for the BGOL lawyers and this has to be uncharted shit.

But if Mika really wasn't bleeding from her face due to Plastic Surgery... Wouldn't this be considered Libel?

A New york court dismissed a previous Trump Defamation suit, because the court ruled that Trumps Tweets were considered Opinions and opinions don't fall under defamation... but this appears to be a Clear statement.

The dismissed case was based on the history of Trumps Tweets up through December... At that point.. Yes his tweets were just opinions, but now Dude uses his tweeter to report news. His tweeter is considered a public record of the president. I think you have to view this shit under a different standard now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here is a question for the BGOL lawyers and this has to be uncharted shit.

But if Mika really wasn't bleeding from her face due to Plastic Surgery... Wouldn't this be considered Libel?

A New york court dismissed a previous Trump Defamation suit, because the court ruled that Trumps Tweets were considered Opinions and opinions don't fall under defamation... but this appears to be a Clear statement.

The dismissed case was based on the history of Trumps Tweets up through December... At that point.. Yes his tweets were just opinions, but now Dude uses his tweeter to report news. His tweeter is considered a public record of the president. I think you have to view this shit under a different standard now.

She would have to wait her turn as I believe Trump and his companies have a stack of law-suits etc pending!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It could be libel but would bring her entire medical history into play. Not worth trouble. Also difficult to sue a sitting president.

Here is a question for the BGOL lawyers and this has to be uncharted shit.

But if Mika really wasn't bleeding from her face due to Plastic Surgery... Wouldn't this be considered Libel?

A New york court dismissed a previous Trump Defamation suit, because the court ruled that Trumps Tweets were considered Opinions and opinions don't fall under defamation... but this appears to be a Clear statement.

The dismissed case was based on the history of Trumps Tweets up through December... At that point.. Yes his tweets were just opinions, but now Dude uses his tweeter to report news. His tweeter is considered a public record of the president. I think you have to view this shit under a different standard now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He was inaugurated on January 20, 2017.

He has only officially been president 5 months and 10 days.

And he has stayed absolutely consistent. There is nothing he's showing in his behavior that he didn't show before the elections and during the elections.

What's crazy is there is no CEO, Manager, Supervisor etc of any company in America(look at your boy from Uber) that can act in this manner and keep his job. Yet the President of the United States can?


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
And then we have the Coons...

But what I find even crazier is that his Base.... gives two shits...
They seem to excited about the fact that he fights back... His Base is stupid.

I'm on another forum going back and forth with someone who is glad he isn't so PC and can be himself. A Christian forum btw. They are bending over backwards to defend this fuckery. Not all but this one person. It's amazing to watch.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
It could be libel but would bring her entire medical history into play. Not worth trouble. Also difficult to sue a sitting president.

That's true and good point...but would it be worth it.

A sitting president can sued for their private actions... Nixon v. Fitzgerald set that up by saying.. "that presidents are not liable for damages in civil lawsuits if the litigation concerns their official acts as president."

His tweet is clearly not considered an official act as president.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I'm on another forum going back and forth with someone who is glad he isn't so PC and can be himself. A Christian forum btw. They are bending over backwards to defend this fuckery. Not all but this one person. It's amazing to watch.

On the real these people need to be kicked out the county. I didn't have any personal issues with the Repubs that supported Bush 1 and Bush 2. Back then it was purely political differences...

Bush Jr was stupid, but I never felt that dude was going to Destroy America. This Orange Idiot is completely different... I can't believe that there are people that breathe the same air that I'm breathing that can defend this guy. I don't care if Mika was on Morning Joe face straddling a Donald Trump Blowup doll.. The president of the United States can't be fucking commenting on this shit. I'm supposed to be the leader of the Free World. There are at least 1 million things that I have to deal with 24/7.. I don't respond to the media.

Hell look at George Bush Jr.. Dude was a fucking laughing stock. The Gif of him ducking the shoes is a Classic.. but did we ever hear one peep from him.. NOPE


I can't believe that fucking Cobra Trumpmander has got me fucking missing the George Bush years. This is where we are now people.... Cats and Dogs living together.. Mass Hysteria.