Trump out here... Calling out Morning Joe and Mika on Twitter.. Shit is wild


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At this point Trump could fuck Ivanka on the Oval Office desk in front of the cameras and not lose support.

There are still people on this board supporting Trump or won't vote against republicans.

No hope for 2018 and 2020.

Crazy to say this but I don't think a lot of people truly realize how scary it is to have a President or any person in charge that "tells it" like it is or "does whatever" he wants. On paper, it sounds great and brave and bold and just what the country needs.

Now, Trump is showing them what that monster truly looks like and the reality is starting to sink. It's beyond scary and beyond dangerous.

Think about how close Trump is to the historical figure Hitler? He's not that far off and if it weren't for the few "rules" we actually have in this country. we would be right in front of that monsters doorstep.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is why shit ain't getting done in the White House he's too busy looking at TV CACs y'all brought this upon this country.

Man, can you imagine if this was O on this kinda bullshit? Then again we know O would never have gotten elected if he had 0.5% of Trump's nonsense going in.

This is White Power and Privilege on full display!


BGOL Legend
Here is a question for the BGOL lawyers and this has to be uncharted shit.

But if Mika really wasn't bleeding from her face due to Plastic Surgery... Wouldn't this be considered Libel?

A New york court dismissed a previous Trump Defamation suit, because the court ruled that Trumps Tweets were considered Opinions and opinions don't fall under defamation... but this appears to be a Clear statement.

The dismissed case was based on the history of Trumps Tweets up through December... At that point.. Yes his tweets were just opinions, but now Dude uses his tweeter to report news. His tweeter is considered a public record of the president. I think you have to view this shit under a different standard now.

I was gonna say...

Joe is gonna go OFF tomorrow morning and Mika is too!

But, if Mika didn't have a face lift at that time, or even better would be that she never had a face lift, she is going to go in on this piece of shit orange president!

I hope she has never had a face lift and if that's true, she needs to lawyer up and file charges on his cracKKKa ASS!! :yes:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Since Morning Joe is on MSNBC I wonder if any of the MSNBC shows like Hardball and Rachel Maddow are going to touch on this tonight

Man you know Rachel is just sitting there like..



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
But, if Mika didn't have a face lift at that time, or even better would be that she never had a face lift, she is going to go in on this piece of shit orange president!

I hope she has never had a face lift and if that's true, she needs to lawyer up and file charges on his cracKKKa ASS!!

Same here... I'm praying that she didn't have a facelift.... That would be pure libel.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Man these talking heads...

Panel spars over Trump's 'Morning Joe' tweets

President Trump's tweets attacking MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-hosts sparked strong debate between CNN Political Commentator Keith Boykin and former White House Spokesman for the George W. Bush administration Pete Seat.

Keith Boykin's Sugar Sipping self went off..


AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
Man these talking heads...

Panel spars over Trump's 'Morning Joe' tweets

President Trump's tweets attacking MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-hosts sparked strong debate between CNN Political Commentator Keith Boykin and former White House Spokesman for the George W. Bush administration Pete Seat.

Keith Boykin's Sugar Sipping self went off..

Yep Boykins went in, notice the lady on the top right who probably voted for that fool wasn't saying shit!:lol: :smh:


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
She may cover it, but Rachel usually tries to stay away from his tweets if they aren't a policy matter.

I think it's going to be hard for her not to talk about it.. since the President directly attacked two of her colleagues


Because it puts MSNBC directly in the center of a Breaking news story. I'd be shocked if this shit isn't talked about all day on every show on MSNBC.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Where so beyond this. I would assume the people that actually teach their kids respect and decency didn't vote for him.

However, The real question becomes

Those other people that did vote for him and have kids. What are they teaching those children?

You can't have it both ways and teach respect and decency and tell your kids I voted for this guy. Here is our role model. If you child is a girl/women it's even more ludicrous.

Then again cognitive dissonance is a very real phenomenon. People go about their lives every day with morally and socially conflicting ideas and pretend it's okay.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Where so beyond this. I would assume the people that actually teach their kids respect and decency didn't vote for him.

However, The real question becomes

Those other people that did vote for him and have kids. What are they teaching those children?

You can't have it both ways and teach respect and decency and tell your kids I voted for this guy.

I think that that is what he was really talking to.. the People that voted him and didn't vote at all.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Looks like Hannity and Trump won the press game today. No investigation or Healthcare bill discussion is what they really want. They really are not as crazy as people make them out to be. The same Republicans renouncing his tweets today will be sitting next him all smiles tomorrow if called to the White House. Fake outrage.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i guess this is the latest episode this week on trump tv , two tweets and endless hours of news just discussing it lol, what a time to be alive


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Looks like Hannity and Trump won the press game today. No investigation or Healthcare bill discussion is what they really want. They really are not as crazy as people make them out to be. The same Republicans renouncing his tweets today will be sitting next him all smiles tomorrow if called to the White House. Fake outrage.
They won nothing they just pissed more people off