Trump out here... Calling out Morning Joe and Mika on Twitter.. Shit is wild


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Looks like Hannity and Trump won the press game today. No investigation or Healthcare bill discussion is what they really want. They really are not as crazy as people make them out to be. The same Republicans renouncing his tweets today will be sitting next him all smiles tomorrow if called to the White House. Fake outrage.

According to Repubs they would rather the news talk about the healthcare bill and Jobs.

BGOL Investor
Man this fucking shit is fucking... INSANE... Isn't this the White House Director of Social Media.

Now this I agree with. They were making deals with Trump to be on their show and when that fell apart they turned on him. I'm putting them in the same boat as Comey.

Ya'll thought Trump was your friend.
Trump has no friends - only the people he's his daughter.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man these talking heads...

Panel spars over Trump's 'Morning Joe' tweets

President Trump's tweets attacking MSNBC's "Morning Joe" co-hosts sparked strong debate between CNN Political Commentator Keith Boykin and former White House Spokesman for the George W. Bush administration Pete Seat.

Keith Boykin's Sugar Sipping self went off..

This dude is me every three days. I'm just tired of this even being a thing. And not in a "I'm just going to let this go..." kinda way, but in a "How the hell do you keep defending this?" sirta way.

Sooner or later, something going to give.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Now this I agree with. They were making deals with Trump to be on their show and when that fell apart they turned on him. I'm putting them in the same vasjet as Comey.

Ya'll thought Trump was your friend.
that has no truth to it - at all

They started going in on Trump with the goldstar family and continued with the pussy grab
Trump had them over for dinner in the White House after the inauguration and the crowd bullshit shit

EVERYONE in the WH not named Bannon or Ivanka has leaked or is still leaking info to Joe, INCLUDING Trump himself!

This shit is WWE - except baby hands is an idiot and has no self control


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Man you know Rachel is just sitting there like..


Trump is always referring to a woman bleeding, which no one else ever sees. The man has issues.

next 2 weeks or so would be the perfect time for the piss tapes to trickle out


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Man you have hosts on Fox News talking about this was beneath the dignity of the White House. Everyone except for Good Ol No ballsack Mike Hukkabee

Hold up.. Are you fucking telling me that I can fucking Embed Fox News videos but I can't embed Pornhub? What the fuck is really going on.

Context of White Supremacy


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member

DL was unleashing... :bravo:

Also today I had a good talk with my Secretary today after she told me that she didn't vote because she thought that there was no way that Donald Trump was going to win. She said she voted when Bill ran and voted when Obama ran.

She said now she has learned her lesson, especially when it comes to local elections.

I'm going to put that shit on a T-Shirt "I learned my Lesson in 2016" on the Front... and "Vote!!!" on the back.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
DL was unleashing... :bravo:

Also today I had good talk with my Secretary today after she told me that she didn't vote because she thought that there was no way that Donald Trump was going to win. She said she voted when Bill ran and voted when Obama ran.

She said now she has learned her lesson, especially when it comes to local elections.

I'm going to put that shit on a T-Shirt "I learned my Lesson in 2016" on the Front... and "Vote!!!" on the back.
do it

BGOL Investor
So you never heard the leaked recordings where Meka and Joe were saying "they could help each other"?

Joe was saying that everytime he was in their show the ratings would spike. That all leaked during the election.

that has no truth to it - at all

They started going in on Trump with the goldstar family and continued with the pussy grab
Trump had them over for dinner in the White House after the inauguration and the crowd bullshit shit

EVERYONE in the WH not named Bannon or Ivanka has leaked or is still leaking info to Joe, INCLUDING Trump himself!

This shit is WWE - except baby hands is an idiot and has no self control
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
So you nevee heard the leaked recordings where Meka and Joe were saying "they could help each other"?

Joe was saying that everytime he was in their show the ratings would spike. That all leaked during the election.
yeah - what I just posted is that relationship is still ON!

but dimwit that is the president - his skin is too thin and ego too big

read my last post again


Been here longer than you think!
Platinum Member
I can't believe this country is being led by this buffoon. He thinks he is the only president that has been criticized. I saw a clip of Glenn Beck drop a Obama bobblehead in a jar of what was presumed to be urine. I was so upset at the time I saw that I wanted to go to the White House and offer my services to Obama to take Glenn out. Even though it was highly disrespectful, Obama never addressed it.

If sensitive ass Trump received even a small percentage of the shit Obama went through he would hang himself.

DL was unleashing... :bravo:

Also today I had a good talk with my Secretary today after she told me that she didn't vote because she thought that there was no way that Donald Trump was going to win. She said she voted when Bill ran and voted when Obama ran.

She said now she has learned her lesson, especially when it comes to local elections.

I'm going to put that shit on a T-Shirt "I learned my Lesson in 2016" on the Front... and "Vote!!!" on the back.

I have a really good friend who is a die hard republican but he keeps it cordial. For some reason this election touched a nerve with him. He hate Hillary with a passion. When Trump won he actually bragged about it which was out of character for him.

A couple of weeks ago he reached out to me and told me something in confidence. He said he never thought that it would get this bad. He says he though the people around Trump would be able to control him. He sees now that Trump is a huge liability to the country. He didn't go as far to say Hillary should have been president, but he did admit that Trump needs to leave. He is hoping Pence takes over.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't believe this country is being led by this buffoon. He thinks he is the only president that has been criticized. I saw a clip of Glenn Beck drop a Obama bobblehead in a jar of what was presumed to be urine. I was so upset at the time I saw that I wanted to go to the White House and offer my services to Obama to take Glenn out. Even though it was highly disrespectful, Obama never addressed it.

If sensitive ass Trump received even a small percentage of the shit Obama went through he would hang himself.

I have a really good friend who is a die hard republican but he keeps it cordial. For some reason this election touched a nerve with him. He hate Hillary with a passion. When Trump won he actually bragged about it which was out of character for him.

A couple of weeks ago he reached out to me and told me something in confidence. He said he never thought that it would get this bad. He says he though the people around Trump would be able to control him. He sees now that Trump is a huge liability to the country. He didn't go as far to say Hillary should have been president, but he did admit that Trump needs to leave. He is hoping Pence takes over.

A child vs an adult.

A President vs. an imposter.

Someone that worked for everything vs. a silver spoon.

Someone that has the love of family vs. a sad man-child that no one loves or respects.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Side note.... if this Wall Street journal story that Rachel maddow is talking about right now is true... then Flynn is fucked and Trump is fucked if it is found that Trump really did fire Comeey to protect Flynn.

The white house's statement on this Story is very interesting.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Side note.... if this Wall Street journal story that Rachel maddow is talking about right now is true... then Flynn is fucked and Trump is fucked if it is found that Trump really did fire Comeey to protect Flynn.

The white house's statement on this Story is very interesting.

Post it!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
They won nothing they just pissed more people off

No one is really pissed off. They weren't pissed off when he said John McCain was not a hero, grab them by the pussy, attacked a gold star family, and said Putin was a good guy. Pissed off people take action. They didnt then and are not going to now. This is nothing but a distraction. Two Trump bills passed today with no issue. U been posting about Trump everyday for 7 months straight. He is not going anywhere. Republicans love him and if the Russian investigation goes nowhere he will be made even stronger. If we want Trump gone, we have to get people in our community to actually go vote in local, state, and Presidential elections.