Trump supporters behaving like the bags of ass that they are


Cripto millonario vampiro
BGOL Investor
I need your dead mommas booty hole.. i miss going deep in her ass
I guess you could... get a lil respect ....In a sort of way you got OG status here ..... the legendary ockings of you no doubt kept every member here entertained and brought in possibly dozens of new members to the board you sausage lipped clown.... you're an OG of getting ocked



BGOL Investor
The black female guard who got punched by the white woman and defended herself

Hello. My name is Ashanti. I am a 28-year-old Black woman who lives in the DMV AREA. I recently was assaulted, attacked and harassed by a group of Trump supporters on Black Lives Matter Plaza in DC on January 5th, 2021. A video has surfaced where I was surrounded by a group of Trump extremists, and I honestly feared for my life. The video makes me look like I am the aggressor, but it does not show what happened prior to my defending myself. People shoved me, tried to take my phone and keys, yelled racial epithets at me, and tried to remove my mask. I asked them to social distance and stay out of my personal space due to COVID. They refused, and I was afraid of being hurt and harmed. After being assaulted, I defended myself. I am now facing criminal charges. I have also been relieved from my employment pending an investigation, which places me in a hardship. I am asking for support and help with funds for my legal fees and to maintain the essential things that I need to survive during this time. Any amount of help is truly appreciated.

Thank you in advance.
We got you sis


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wouldn't be surprise if they ALL get a slap on the wrist. Many are in law enforcement. They might act stupid but they are not stupid.

The issue that I see get pointed out is, they all committed a felony and 5 ppl now have died as a result of the commission of that felony......

If no one gets charged for murder / life......

There's a lot of people that are gonna be PISSED at the clear hypocrisy and bias

You got mfkrs doing life because a cop killed their accomplices, because the home owner had a heart attack during the break-in or because a passerby caught a stray bullet from the cops shooting....

So keep that same energy now
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aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

With this enabled......(which I'm sure most govt computers are)....they can power this machine on remotely from anywhere in order to locate it.
If anyone is smart.....if u steal a govt computer.....remove the harddrive and discard it the laptop.
Chances are, the only other obstacle u will have to get around is the encryption.....which u probably won't.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Cori Bush, Newly Elected U.S. Congresswoman From Ferguson MO.

This is the America that Black people know
Opinion by Cori Bush
Jan. 9, 2021 at 6:43 p.m. CST


Cori Bush, a Democrat, represents Missouri’s 1st Congressional District in the House.

My skin burned for 22 hours after I was pepper-sprayed. The memory of that burn stung with a new kind of pain on Wednesday as I, now a newly sworn-in member of Congress, watched in horror and disbelief as an insurrectionist mob overran the Capitol.

Back in July, we had been protesting at the police station in Florissant, Mo., where a police officer had recently run over a Black man with his car. The police had been beating protesters for weeks. They tear-gassed us to the point of suffocation for painting “Black Lives Matter” on a road, arrested us for putting our fists in the air and beat those who they’d taken into custody.

That night was no different from any other night. The officers rushed out of the station in riot gear, slapping their batons against their shields, holding shotguns loaded with rubber bullets and chanting commands. They chased us into the middle of the street, forcing us to backpedal blindly in the dark. The police were pushing with such force that people began falling to the ground all around me, finding themselves swarmed by officers who began hitting them with batons. I reached in to try to pull a woman away to safety.

They sprayed us with mace. It wasn’t your average mace, either. I used every trick in the book to try to make the pain stop — milk, water, dish detergent. But my skin did not stop burning for 22 hours.

On Wednesday, as I sat in the House gallery listening to my colleagues debate the certification of the electoral college votes, something prompted me to get up and leave. I left the chamber and quickly went to check on what was happening outside. The doors were locked, but as I stood on the second floor of the Capitol and looked out through windows in the doors, I could see Trump flags and Confederate flags gradually moving closer. I froze in disbelief. The next minute, my staffer was rushing me back to my office.

Once I was in my office and we secured the door, I felt a different kind of burn — this time inside. Watching on TV, we saw white supremacists stroll past Capitol Police, untouched and unscathed. Just minutes after we had locked our door, the mob entered the House Rotunda. The rioters broke windows, sat in the House speaker’s office and invaded the Senate floor

There was no way to avoid the comparison or to duck the obvious answer: Would this have happened if the rioters were there to fight for Black lives rather than white supremacy? We’ve been tear-gassed for much less, beaten for much less and shot at for much less. We’ve been assaulted by law enforcement for much less.

But it’s clear to me that top law enforcement leaders on Capitol Hill had little interest in preventing this attempted insurrection. Videos have emerged of police taking selfies with protesters, walking them down the stairs and even opening gates for them. The front line of officers were not in riot gear, they were not wearing gas masks, they were not holding guns loaded with rubber bullets. And, above all else, there were no police dogs.
We faced police dogs when we fought for justice for Mike Brown in Ferguson in 2014. There were police dogs at protests for Black lives this year, from the East Coast to the West. The president himself tweeted in May that the “most vicious dogs” awaited protesters standing up for Black lives at the White House.

But there were no police dogs awaiting the white supremacists who gathered outside the Capitol. It was no coincidence that this tool of racial control was absent Wednesday, as rioters carried the flag of the slave-catcher’s Confederacy — and its modern manifestation, the Trump flag — through the House Rotunda.

Many have said that what transpired on Wednesday was not America. They are wrong. This is the America that Black people know. To declare that this is not America is to deny the reality that Republican members of the U.S. House and Senate incited this coup by treasonously working to overturn the results of the presidential election. It’s to deny the fact that one of my senators, Josh Hawley, went out of his way to salute the white supremacists before their attempted coup. It’s to deny that he appropriated the sign of Black power, the raised fist, into a white-supremacist salute — a fist he has never raised at a march for Black lives because he has never shown up to one. It’s to deny that what my Republican colleagues call “fraud” actually refers to the valid votes of Black, brown and Indigenous voters across this country who, in the midst of a pandemic that disproportionately kills us, overcame voter suppression in all of its forms to deliver an election victory for Joe Biden and Kamala D. Harris.

This is America, and it will continue to be America, until white supremacy is dismantled. Justice starts at removing each and every representative who incited this insurrection. I’ve unveiled my first piece of legislation that would do just that. We cannot denounce white supremacy and allow its endorsers to continue serving in our government.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
It must feel very lonely being the only one, and no one has your back...

To be this man. I would have opened up an entire pallets worth of whoop-ass. I would have pulled my gun and unloaded every single bullet I had before I picked that fucking baton back up

He had the open opportunity to kill racist white people to eliminate as many racist white people as he had bullets. Do you know how heartwarming that would be? Who cares about racist white people but other racist white people?

I would have been like:

999 racist white people in the hall 999 racist white people
Shoot one down load another round
998 racist white people in the hall
998 racist white people in the hall 998 racist white people
Shoot one down load another round
997 racist white people in the hall
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Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
She would have been better off shooting a black person in the back. At least she would have been put on administrative leave.

I'm wondering how the veterans are feeling about all this sh*t especially Black vets and ex cops...

How are THEY feeling right now about trump, the current administration and sacrificing their lives for THIS?

And the ones who were mad at Kaep...

What they thinking now?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

MTA has got a strong union.....

An employee told me a dude was driving a subway train drunk (possibly injured others, I can't remember all the details), was suspended and eventually got their job back.