AP 2nd Team All-American
BGOL Investor
That shit gon' be fake photoshopped and all edited as hell



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
Republicans are so much better than Dems at setting the frames. To the point that some Dems were calling for this transcript rather than the full whistleblower complaint which may have included more context and multiple calls. Crazy shit. "Urgent" whistleblower referral that Congress hasn't seen a month plus later. This is what authoritarianism looks like. Get used to it :smh:


Rising Star
Republicans are so much better than Dems at setting the frames. To the point that some Dems were calling for this transcript rather than the full whistleblower complaint which may have included more context and multiple calls. Crazy shit. "Urgent" whistleblower referral that Congress hasn't seen a month plus later. This is what authoritarianism looks like. Get used to it :smh:

Republicans and Democrats are like Good Cop vs Bad Cop.

There both in on the hustle that’s why nothing good for the average American citizen rarely gets done.

Democrats can put on a show but they know they don’t have the balls to impeach trump!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This DOJ can not be trusted under Barr

It's fucking wild because this has NOTHING to do with the DOJ. This is strictly between the Congress and their oversight of the intelligence community.

The DOJ inserting themselves into this just proves how fucking brazen and corrupt this administration is and why Trump must be impeached.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
stop being distracted:

Lol as soon as Trump says he's gonna release the transcripts, the whistleblower says he wants to testify

If there is wrongdoing, hopefully he doesn't fucking pussyfoot like Robert Mueller


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Lol as soon as Trump says he's gonna release the transcripts, the whistleblower says he wants to testify

If there is wrongdoing, hopefully he doesn't fucking pussyfoot like Robert Mueller
If he testifies won't the complaint be shown at the trial ? There won't be any pussy footing then …. they be using the transcript to question him ... :dunno:



Wait for it.....
OG Investor
:smh: Amerikka got what it wanted. Now we are no longer the shining city on the hill, we are now "Whites only pie" in a fucking shack protected by trillions our reparation money.:smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate to call anything a diversion, but this is a diversion. The actual complaint is most likely far more significant than any one call, which has already been steam glossed over by Rudy and co. the past few days so that all of the right pundits can call it a nothing burger.

Although this might be something. if nothing else, Mitch might be starting to feel like he doesn't have the cover he needs to keep running defense.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let me guess:

Trump Transcript ..
More cheese
Okay, now mushrooms. But only on one side.
Are you still there? Take off the pepperonis.
She always does this. Always.
Now how much is it?
Do you deliver?
I can’t tell you the address; it’s a secret.
Can you drop it off near here?


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Let me guess:

Trump Transcript ..
More cheese
Okay, now mushrooms. But only on one side.
Are you still there? Take off the pepperonis.
She always does this. Always.
Now how much is it?
Do you deliver?
I can’t tell you the address; it’s a secret.
Can you drop it off near here?
This would be 150% believable if you had made this a McDonald's/KFC pick up order


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Republicans are so much better than Dems at setting the frames. To the point that some Dems were calling for this transcript rather than the full whistleblower complaint which may have included more context and multiple calls. Crazy shit. "Urgent" whistleblower referral that Congress hasn't seen a month plus later. This is what authoritarianism looks like. Get used to it :smh:
At his point, it's not even fair. They get the dems to go for something, deny it, then give it to them, then nothing comes of it and the republicans like :D

This shit is like watching road runner cartoons. Trump is the road runner. Dems Wylie. It's like I'm literally watching them open the ACME box right now.

I swear the next politician resign over an extramarital affair needs their ass kicked. Game is so much different now.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Trump & Barr bout to clown our asses again

Now this would be wild as fuck, America would shut down for a day or two :eek2: :lol::lol::lol:
No there is third party involved and that’s the whistleblower and trust me for Nancy Pelosi to do this today he has hard evidence