
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hate to be Negative Nancy (badut dut..) But if Asshole in Chief is not convicted...I say it will only worsen the turn-out. Fueled by cop-out we always hear from the folks that didn't vote... "voting doesn't matter..they will do what they want to anyway.."
At this point, second guessing things like turnout is irrelevant. I get why people worry about it, but... damn. If we can't be motivated to get this shitshow and everything connected to it out of office and get our own act cleaned up, then we deserve to be fucked. I hate to see it, but not doing your job and allowing shit to get worse makes less sense than at least doing your job and failing.


Transnational Member

It looks like Biden baited him, speaking openly about what he did. The press would have a difficult time getting documents or asking questions about the deal in the country.

It would take government pressure from the top to get any information. This is what can happen to reporters looking around in a country that is not big on press freedoms. I experienced many of these tactics in the U.S. myself.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This circus clown right here ….


Straight from the (religious fanatics) 700 Club, so we know the Religious Right is all in to protect Trump at any cost. This country is fucked if Trump is reelected!

Good thing I have my scout ship to get out of Dodge when the shit hits the fan.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hey if that's the case, then we may as well just give up and prepare for drumpf's 2nd term. If people are just looking for reason's not to vote, they're gonna always find a reason to not go to the polling place. Does anyone think that not impeaching will cause those same people to want to vote?

I hate to be Negative Nancy (badut dut..) But if Asshole in Chief is not convicted...I say it will only worsen the turn-out. Fueled by cop-out we always hear from the folks that didn't vote... "voting doesn't matter..they will do what they want to anyway.."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

At this point, second guessing things like turnout is irrelevant. I get why people worry about it, but... damn. If we can't be motivated to get this shitshow and everything connected to it out of office and get our own act cleaned up, then we deserve to be fucked. I hate to see it, but not doing your job and allowing shit to get worse makes less sense than at least doing your job and failing.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Pompeo subpoenaed by House committees for failure to produce Ukraine documents

CNN)The chairmen of three House committees subpoenaed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Friday over his failure to produce documents related to Ukraine.

"Pursuant to the House of Representatives' impeachment inquiry, we are hereby transmitting a subpoena that compels you to produce the documents set forth in the accompanying schedule by October 4, 2019," the chairmen of the House Foreign Affairs, Intelligence and Oversight committees wrote in a letter to Pompeo.
In addition to the subpoena, Reps. Adam Schiff, Eliot Engel and Elijah Cummings informed the top US diplomat in a separate letter that they had scheduled depositions for five State Department officials who have been mentioned in relation to the inquiry -- Ambassador Marie "Masha" Yovanovitch, Ambassador Kurt Volker, Deputy Assistant Secretary George Kent, Counselor T. Ulrich Brechbuhl and Ambassador Gordon Sondland.

The chairman of the three committees wrote to Pompeo on September 9 with a request for six categories of documents "related to reported efforts by President Trump and his associates to improperly pressure the Ukrainian government to assist the President's bid for reelection."

That initial letter requested these materials by September 16. After that deadline was missed, Schiff, Engel and Cummings sent another letter on Monday warning that unless the documents were handed over, "our Committees will have no choice but to move towards compulsory process this week."
The State Department had until Thursday to reply.
Pompeo has not publicly addressed the State Department's role in Rudy Giuliani's dealings with Ukraine and the State Department has not responded to numerous requests for comment about the situation.



Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
Hey if that's the case, then we may as well just give up and prepare for drumpf's 2nd term. If people are just looking for reason's not to vote, they're gonna always find a reason to not go to the polling place. Does anyone think that not impeaching will cause those same people to want to vote?

Not really... The point I'm making th
At this point, second guessing things like turnout is irrelevant. I get why people worry about it, but... damn. If we can't be motivated to get this shitshow and everything connected to it out of office and get our own act cleaned up, then we deserve to be fucked. I hate to see it, but not doing your job and allowing shit to get worse makes less sense than at least doing your job and failing.
I really don't know the correct as to whether or not they should proceed.. I'm just saying I don't think the case is strong enough to actually "demand" a conviction by the GOP. And as a fucked up fallout those assholes will have a huge amount of fuel to feed their propaganda machine..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even if they dont impeach this in over his head clown it's fun watching him lose it almost daily