
Rising Star
BGOL Investor
At his point, it's not even fair. They get the dems to go for something, deny it, then give it to them, then nothing comes of it and the republicans like :D

This shit is like watching road runner cartoons. Trump is the road runner. Dems Wylie. It's like I'm literally watching them open the ACME box right now.

I swear the next politician resign over an extramarital affair needs their ass kicked. Game is so much different now.

The hilarious thing to me is that the woman Trump may actually hate the most is one of the few politicians on the left that gets this. Omar literally is/was fucking a married cac, acted like it didn't happen and now the "scandal" is over. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No there is third party involved and that’s the whistleblower and trust me for Nancy Pelosi to do this today he has hard evidence

I agree. No way she suddenly comes around on this without already having a good understanding of the evidence that will be presented.

We are going to war with Iran Friday night.

:yes: Like I said before, they moved those extra troops to Saudi Arabia so the next drone attack would be an "attack" on US troops and an act of war. :smh: I don't think some of these dumb ass cacs cheering this shit on understand that war with Iran will not be Iraq or Afghanistan...:smh:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I agree. No way she suddenly comes around on this without already having a good understanding of the evidence that will be presented.

:yes: Like I said before, they moved those extra troops to Saudi Arabia so the next drone attack would be an "attack" on US troops and an act of war. :smh: I don't think some of these dumb ass cacs cheering this shit on understand that war with Iran will not be Iraq or Afghanistan...:smh:
You are correct I keep telling people that Iran is not the easy country to fight


Rising Star
My money is on this type of shit here ...




This mudafucken FOOL right here !!!



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Republicans and Democrats are like Good Cop vs Bad Cop.

There both in on the hustle that’s why nothing good for the average American citizen rarely gets done.

Democrats can put on a show but they know they don’t have the balls to impeach trump!

Fuck yeah!! Big picture thinking escapes most of the populous. How long have people been arguing about abortion? It's still a talking point. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Why do you need to subscribe to someone that has to be for or against it? I'm not allergic to peanuts...I can still support a friend or family that has an allergy to them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
@Spectrum yoooo Adam Schiff sitting on info that’s not even in the public sphere yet.. They got trump by the balls with rock solid evidence

Lol Trump is making
Fuck yeah!! Big picture thinking escapes most of the populous. How long have people been arguing about abortion? It's still a talking point. If you don't like abortion, don't get one. Why do you need to subscribe to someone that has to be for or against it? I'm not allergic to peanuts...I can still support a friend or family that has an allergy to them.

Just bullshit distractions to keep the populous divided

While the parasitic elite slips their hands in our wallet


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
And don't forget … Russia tapes the calls going to and from the Ukrainian presidents office ….. don't think that Vlad don't got Trump's balls in a vice too ...



It's a trap. Moscow mitch has been protecting trump from go. Now the gop join in with dems calling for the release. They know something.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In case you didn't know

Bullshit wars are how the wealthy Rob the populous.

While everyone is mind fucked in watching the war fireworks display..

Amused like lil boys and girls

They dont realizw everytime an over priced bomb blows..

The parasitic elite are singing in unison

Cha ching$$$$

They just suckered the american people out of billions

Thanks military

Love the way u check and balance your spending...

A war with Iran only serves isreal and Trump
.while we pay for it

Wake the fuck up

Take our money back....

Say no to stealing our money to fight enemies they conjure up

And sent the parasitic elite an invoice with a DEADline...

Lets really make America great again..

Like it was pre thebNina the Pinta and Santa maria days


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Panic tweeting is in full effect ... he's gonna break hois fucking thumbs by the end of the week ... :lol:



Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
When this loser "select committee" ass can only make a minute and a half weak ass reply .... you know that the fat lady is singing ...
