
Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
The WH release feels like the Barr summary redux. Media should be careful not to fall into this pattern of allowing Trump and his cronies to set a false narrative ahead of the full disclosure owed to Congress. This is a game this admin excels at and we've seen how things went down with Mueller report.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
The WH release feels like the Barr summary redux. Media should be careful not to fall into this pattern of allowing Trump and his cronies to set a false narrative ahead of the full disclosure owed to Congress. This is a game this admin excels at and we've seen how things went down with Mueller report.

Yep. Trump shouldn't even have the whistleblower report. And they said it's going to be redacted. He's probably gonna try to get something out before the whistleblower meets with Congress so that he can try to shape the narrative.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The WH release feels like the Barr summary redux. Media should be careful not to fall into this pattern of allowing Trump and his cronies to set a false narrative ahead of the full disclosure owed to Congress. This is a game this admin excels at and we've seen how things went down with Mueller report.

Power and proximity to power corrupts...Look at Maggie Haberman...Happy to be an useful idiot for trump provided she has unparalleled "access"...


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member

They playing right into the fucker's hands.... This isn't going to yield anything but a united Republikkkan front. Dems are falling for the okie doke...


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor

They playing right into the fucker's hands.... This isn't going to yield anything but a united Republikkkan front. Dems are falling for the okie doke...
This is not a trap and like I said with the other person who said that remember the name (Dan coats)


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
This is not a trap and like I said with the other person who said that remember the name (Dan coats)
Like Jigga said... oooh-k. We will see where the cards land.. Trust that I would LOVE to be wrong and see this asshole go down. But I see a picture..One of them playing with the Dem's emotions and state of being over zealous at the thought impeaching him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

They playing right into the fucker's hands.... This isn't going to yield anything but a united Republikkkan front. Dems are falling for the okie doke...

Sadly have to agree. :smh: Every morning news show and newspaper is going to report that the Republicans are "fully cooperating" by releasing a transcript. When it comes out that it is fake or a fucking summary, none of those same outlets are going to cover it. This is the Barr summary of the Mueller report part II...


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Yep. Trump shouldn't even have the whistleblower report. And they said it's going to be redacted. He's probably gonna try to get something out before the whistleblower meets with Congress so that he can try to shape the narrative.
They said that it wouldn't be redacted is what I've heard since it was announced …. now that doesn't mean that it won't be parsed and cherry picked

EDIT: I stand corrected as per @easy_b

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BGOL Investor

They playing right into the fucker's hands.... This isn't going to yield anything but a united Republikkkan front. Dems are falling for the okie doke...

Breh stop it... the inspector general of the IC who’s a trump appointee said the whistleblowers complaint was urgent.. now why would the acting DNI go straight to the DOJ in how to proceed? Then the DOJ informing the WH? The whistleblower report has nothing to do with the DOJ.. By law the complaint has to be referred to congress.. so the fact that the WH and the DOJ tried to keep this secret should tell you all you need to know..


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
Breh stop it... the inspector general of the IC who’s a trump appointee said the whistleblowers complaint was urgent.. now why would the acting DNI go straight to the DOJ in how to proceed? Then the DOJ informing the WH? The whistleblower report has nothing to do with the DOJ.. By law the complaint has to be referred to congress.. so the fact that the WH and the DOJ tried to keep this secret should tell you all you need to know..
Bruh... The point is this shit will die at the Senate. They will not convict him..then they will say it was a baseless attempt to sabotage Stump's campaign... They will dig up some other bullshit to pile on top of it...Not to mention the whole Wag the Dog shit they are trying to start with Iran... and just empower these assholes. Pelosi didn't want to do this shit...Check her body language and demeanor. She already knows what the deal... but she was basically out of options to hold her party back.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ukraine: Hello
Trump: Hello? Hello. Is this..? Hello! I love hellos. So much better than goodbyes, which, when you think about it, are not hellos. Not good.
Ukraine: What?
Trump: is this thing on?
Ukraine: Mr. President? This is—
Trump: I don’t like these phones. Too bulky. Don’t fit in my hand. They don’t. Look at this. Funky, right. Weird. I don’t like weird stuff. I’ll use my T-Mobile. Believe me.
Ukraine: Mr. President, I would like to—
Trump: This chair is squeaky. When it does this it squeaks. Hear it? Like a mouse. Ever heard a mouse squeak?. Harrible. So harrible. Like Jews.
Ukraine: What? Hello...?
Trump: I can’t say this guy’s name. How do I say it? Does anybody..? I’ll wing it. I’ll wing it, don’t worry. Carlos? Is this Carlos? I should roll my R’s. RRRRRRRRRR! Sounds like a car when I do it. Watch me do it “RRRRRRRRRR”
Ukraine: I am going to hang up.
Trump: Do I have time to dooky? Need to, bad.
Ukraine: Goodbye!
Trump: I don’t wanna dooky in here if Obama dookied without a birth certificate. These pants; look how they fit. The worst. Probably the worst pants, the Likes of which the world, and possibly other planets in the world, has ever seen.
Ukraine: Fuck this guy. Seriously. Fuck him.
Trump: I think that went well. Better than, probably, any meeting with a foreign country ever since whenever, right.

big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
like i keep saying trump is his own worst enemy......on one end his people is battling to restrain his ego and on the other end he is not willing to
learn about the job because his ego is almost basically running the country i mean he really dosent know how to keep his fucking mouth shut....


BGOL Investor
Bruh... The point is this shit will die at the Senate. They will not convict him..then they will say it was a baseless attempt to sabotage Stump's campaign... They will dig up some other bullshit to pile on top of it...Not to mention the whole Wag the Dog shit they are trying to start with Iran... and just empower these assholes. Pelosi didn't want to do this shit...Check her body language and demeanor. She already knows what the deal... but she was basically out of options to hold her party back.
The senate don’t matter at this point, the whole purpose of articles of impeachment is to put all the info out into the public sphere and show the people the corrupt and illegal shit he’s doing that he can’t refute.. Mueller already stated once this clown is out of office he’s cat food in them streets


Transnational Member

This has been an accepted practice of sharing information between government for years which Congress has not imposed any restrictions. The government can accept information from foreign government about you, which would be illegal if undertaken without approval from a FISA court. Why not politicians facing the same system imposed on us? They still have not proven whether President Trump had received any information, just that he asked. This could be a political ploy to bring to light Biden blocking investigations into corruption regarding his son.

By making payments to his Biden's son, did Ukraine receive some type of favorable deal?

Kwame Killpatrick employed a similar scheme when he was mayor of Detroit. By entering into consulting contracts with his father, a company would magically win business with the city. By going international, was Biden trying this same scheme? I pretty sure it happens all the time, you just can't overtly express that actions taken by the government are contingent upon enriching the children of a high level government official.


My interest is the President Obama racial cover scheme that may have been used on me which has now shifted to the legislature, he attacked President Obama directly with criminal allegations and gets a special prosecutor sic on him. Now he going after the people surrounding President Obama, showing their law breaking and criminal intent such as James Comey and is now facing a impeachment inquiry.
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BGOL Investor

They playing right into the fucker's hands.... This isn't going to yield anything but a united Republikkkan front. Dems are falling for the okie doke...

That's what Nancy Pelosie was trying to avoid by stonewalling. But at this point she has no choice, either they do this as a matter of record or they don't and it goes down in history that "the rule of law" means nothing. Of course he won't be impeached by the Senate (neither was Clinton) but they have to do something because history will frown on their actions if they don't.


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor