
Rising Star
BGOL Investor



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Glad somebody is saying exactly this right now. It is the exact shit I have been complaining about since day one; Professional cacs repeatedly give him the benefit of the doubt over and over again. :smh: Why the fuck do military and intelligence agency cacs need to be "shown" how bad this shit is? I have been using this asshole to illustrate what exactly white privilege is to my nieces and nephews. :smh:

older version

A version older
Finally, this one might have legs

The sides must hunker down for a fight though. The Senate has said they will back him, but what comes out must be enough to kill public confidence. Clinton has proven that a president can be impeached by the House and it invigorates the base of that president if the base feels a different way about the story.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I'm talking outcomes. Simply going on what's going to fucking happen, not what you hope is going to happen off being emotional. About making strategic decisions, not knee-jerk emotional reactions.

How the fuck is someone who has always voted for democrats a fucking closet republican. Haven't even advocated for any republican policies in 20 years posting politics on BGOL. Swear some of you cats dense as fuck.
Again gene, you're not predicting outcomes as much as stating the fucking obvious. But shaking one sides pompoms while reveling in the defeat of the other side in literally every post you make except the ones where you get called out, and then 'how am I a republican when i xyz'. Like there's not a living fucking record of the shit I'm talking about.

Do you mane, it's just mad transparent my nigga. I don't even know why you hold that 10% back, just go full republican and be done lol fr


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again gene, you're not predicting outcomes as much as stating the fucking obvious. But shaking one sides pompoms while reveling in the defeat of the other side in literally every post you make except the ones where you get called out, and then 'how am I a republican when i xyz'. Like there's not a living fucking record of the shit I'm talking about.

Do you mane, it's just mad transparent my nigga. I don't even know why you hold that 10% back, just go full republican and be done lol fr

Lol gene cool
chea its obvious he got some maga socks
and matching birkenstocks


@gene cisco
Last edited:

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Donald Trump Actually Has 2 Whistleblowers To Worry About

Don’t forget the whistleblower alleging possible interference with the IRS audit of the president’s tax returns.
By Arthur Delaney
09/25/2019 03:50 PM ET

One whistleblower is alleging problems with Trump’s Ukraine call and another is alleging problems with Trump’s tax audit.
(Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)
WASHINGTON ― An intelligence community whistleblower has stunned Washington with possible evidence that President Donald Trump perverted U.S. foreign policy for his own personal gain.

But there’s another whistleblower ― one with possible evidence that Trump tried to corrupt an Internal Revenue Service audit of his personal tax returns ― who has received relatively little attention.

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The tale of two whistleblowers reflects the Democrats’ differing strategies, as well as the whistleblowers’ own approaches.

The intelligence whistleblower brought the complaint to the Intelligence Community Inspector General, who told Congress about the report but didn’t hand it over because of objections from the White House. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, immediately brought the case to wide attention.

The tax whistleblower, meanwhile, went straight to Congress ― specifically to the House Ways and Means Committee, which had sued the Trump administration for refusing to provide copies of the president’s tax returns in response to a formal request. Democrats say they need Trump’s returns to make sure the IRS properly enforces tax laws against the president.

But Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal (D-Mass.) is far less outspoken than Schiff, and his approach to the tax case has been cautious. He decided to stay focused on the lawsuit, using the whistleblower’s material to bolster that case.

In a brief last month, the committee told the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia that a “federal employee” had approached them with “evidence of possible misconduct” and “inappropriate efforts” to influence an IRS audit of the president. The document provided no further detail about the whistleblower, but in a footnote, Democrats offered to tell U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden all about it in private.

A spokesman for the committee said this week that McFadden, a Trump nominee who donated to the Trump 2016 campaign and volunteered for the Trump presidential transition, has so far not asked to hear more about the whistleblower. He denied a Democratic motion to speed up the case.

Neal declined to discuss the whistleblower this week, citing guidance from House lawyers. Other Ways and Means members who said they closely follow the tax returns issue have said they don’t know anything about the person.

“I think that Chairman Neal has appropriately kept that very close since that person’s job could be in serious jeopardy,” Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Texas) told HuffPost.

The tax returns issue has dogged Trump since he refused to release his returns during the 2016 campaign ― and now it could wind up as part of an impeachment proceeding. Democrats moved toward impeachment this week largely as a result of information related to the intelligence whistleblower’s complaint, which is still secret.

Ever since Congress caught President Richard Nixon underpaying his taxes in the 1970s, the IRS has followed a policy of automatically auditing the president and vice president every year.

Trump is the first president since Nixon not to voluntarily disclose his tax returns ― which detail income, charitable donations and taxes paid ― to the public. The New York Times has reported that in the past he fraudulently avoided paying taxes.

In a court brief this week, Ways and Means Democrats repeated that they had evidence from a whistleblower, which they said suggested the regular IRS audit “may not be functioning effectively, in part because of the absence of safeguards to protect IRS employees and the audit process from improper influence.”

The White House has declined to comment on the tax matter. Republicans in Congress have said they don’t know anything about it.

In her Tuesday announcement that the House was officially investigating whether to impeach the president, Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said the oversight committees, which include Ways and Means, would submit evidence to the Judiciary Committee as it drafts articles of impeachment.

Jeff Hauser, director of the Revolving Door Project, an anti-corruption advocacy group, said the overall impeachment case would be stronger if Democrats could show that the Ukrainian shakedown wasn’t an isolated case.

“The House Ways and Means Committee must figure out a way to make the public aware of the serious cause to worry that the IRS might have been corrupted by Trump,” Hauser said.


Rising Star
Y'all giving @forcesteeler a workout tonight....

Workout? Democrats are not going to due shit. They having you guys worked up for the pass 3 years and came up empty handed. :)

I did not want to admit it but trump is officially the Untouchable Teflon Don.

Democrats are weak and they just gave the GOP a talking point for the 2020 election on Joe Biden with his son getting $50,000 per month from the Ukrainians and also killed a probe while he was vice


My favorite key is E♭
BGOL Investor
Workout? Democrats are not going to due shit. They having you guys worked up for the pass 3 years and came up empty handed. :)

I did not want to admit it but trump is officially the Untouchable Teflon Don.

Democrats are weak and they just gave the GOP a talking point for the 2020 election on Joe Biden.

We'll see.


Rising Star
We'll see.

lol :) I can see you guys don’t know how the system works.

I read the full transcript. There is nothing that the GOP is going to go with the democrats and impeach trump.

Stop getting hustled and wasting your energy and smell the coffee.

This is some #MullerReport2.0 bullshit that is not going anywhere.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
If the people claiming that the White House set a trap for the Dems, the transcript is doctored etc. etc., then I can't wait to see the Whistleblower Complaint and see the testimony.
When the Republicans are Being very quiet for the most part and the impeachment number for the Democrats jumped this is the real deal

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Lol gene cool
chea its obvious he got some maga socks
and matching birkenstocks


@gene cisco
Man, I just find the shit funny.

My stances on the pigs, criminal justice system, social programs, abortion, systematic racism, Kaepernick, the anthem, war, social safety nets, crooked politicians, Trump, and bankers might stand in the way of me being a republican. :eek:

I can't do groupthink, especially when it's wrong every fucking time. I know of all posters you understand that shit. And I'll sell the fuck out some MAGA socks. Put that money with the rainbow shirt profits. :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I just find the shit funny.

My stances on the pigs, criminal justice system, social programs, abortion, systematic racism, Kaepernick, the anthem, war, social safety nets, crooked politicians, Trump, and bankers might stand in the way of me being a republican. :eek:

I can't do groupthink, especially when it's wrong every fucking time. I know of all posters you understand that shit. And I'll sell the fuck out some MAGA socks. Put that money with the rainbow shirt profits. :lol:

Hell yea get some red maga socks and just do the toe pink

And put a fag burning in a tiki torch as the logo


It's crazy tho how Trump is really a Democrat...

And just morphed into the king of delusional pink toes is some shit

History will talk about for years to come.

The next big thing is watching Trump and England in trade talks ...

If Trump cuts a deal with England where we stop being their tax whores...

Then he will get some real support.

Especially if he goes after the irs...