
BGOL Investor
You motherfuckers are as gullible as a bunch of church hoes if you actually believe Trump can be impeached over that transcript released today

That report was some bullshit. It can’t be the whole thing. Whistleblower said Trump asked 8 times and the transcripts only show twice.

Also if he does get impeached? How much worst is Pence going to in be in oval office? This whole situation sucks.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Again gene, you're not predicting outcomes as much as stating the fucking obvious. But shaking one sides pompoms while reveling in the defeat of the other side in literally every post you make except the ones where you get called out, and then 'how am I a republican when i xyz'. Like there's not a living fucking record of the shit I'm talking about.

Do you mane, it's just mad transparent my nigga. I don't even know why you hold that 10% back, just go full republican and be done lol fr


BGOL Investor
Again gene, you're not predicting outcomes as much as stating the fucking obvious. But shaking one sides pompoms while reveling in the defeat of the other side in literally every post you make except the ones where you get called out, and then 'how am I a republican when i xyz'. Like there's not a living fucking record of the shit I'm talking about.

Do you mane, it's just mad transparent my nigga. I don't even know why you hold that 10% back, just go full republican and be done lol fr
Why you arguing with that clown ass nigga :lol:


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor
Workout? Democrats are not going to due shit. They having you guys worked up for the pass 3 years and came up empty handed. :)

I did not want to admit it but trump is officially the Untouchable Teflon Don.

Democrats are weak and they just gave the GOP a talking point for the 2020 election on Joe Biden with his son getting $50,000 per month from the Ukrainians and also killed a probe while he was vice
:confused: .... yeah ur getting a workout aiight ..... just how the fuck do you misspell a two letter word ? .... :smh:



Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
The senate don’t matter at this point, the whole purpose of articles of impeachment is to put all the info out into the public sphere and show the people the corrupt and illegal shit he’s doing that he can’t refute.. Mueller already stated once this clown is out of office he’s cat food in them streets
In a normal circumstance, I would agree. However..If all of the fucked up shit he has done up to this ..right in the eyes of the public, hasn't mattered to these crackas and self hating coons out here... This shit definitely isn't going to have a positive outcome for anybody but himself... He has the Ukrainian president in his pocket, on t.v. coppin pleas for him because they need that aid.. The will spin this shit like a top! I'm saying this shit isn't strong enough to make an undeniable case in the eyes of the backwards thinking assholes who will definitely vote for this bitch again.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It can have the effect of getting some of those people who didn't vote in 2016 to get out and vote though. That will be key.

In a normal circumstance, I would agree. However..If all of the fucked up shit he has done up to this ..right in the eyes of the public, hasn't mattered to these crackas and self hating coons out here... This shit definitely isn't going to have a positive outcome for anybody but himself... He has the Ukrainian president in his pocket, on t.v. coppin pleas for him because they need that aid.. The will spin this shit like a top! I'm saying this shit isn't strong enough to make an undeniable case in the eyes of the backwards thinking assholes who will definitely vote for this bitch again.


Tensei - Admin
Staff member


Transnational Member
§30121. Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-

(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-
(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;
(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or
(C) an expenditure, independent expenditure, or disbursement for an electioneering communication (within the meaning of section 30104(f)(3) of this title); or

(2) a person to solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of paragraph (1) from a foreign national.

This could infringe on free speech, freedom of the press. This could encourage politicians to go overseas to do their corruption with other countries. His son has every right to work with this company but it just looks bad, as a voter I would want to know what is going on. There are plenty of domestic companies he could have sat on the board.

A corrupt or unethical politician is a form of tyranny. I had experience with these clowns stealing intellectual property, illegal surveillance, or sending goons to intimidate you to curry favor with donors. The minute you see them doing anything shady, you need to run them out of office.

President Obama just did a shake down of Netflix, Monique claiming racism publicly and than President Obama shows up with his hand out asking for a lucrative deal.
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darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Sure he can be impeached.... convicted is another thing, but he can be impeached. Clinton was impeached, but he wasn't convicted. As long as the votes are there in the house, he can be impeached.
One thing folk forget, repugs used that impeachment of Clinton against gore in 2000.

They ran that restore honor to the white house rhetoric into the ground.


Dancing with the devil in the pale moon light...
Platinum Member
It can have the effect of getting some of those people who didn't vote in 2016 to get out and vote though. That will be key.
I hate to be Negative Nancy (badut dut..) But if Asshole in Chief is not convicted...I say it will only worsen the turn-out. Fueled by cop-out we always hear from the folks that didn't vote... "voting doesn't matter..they will do what they want to anyway.."


Rising Star
Like Trump said 3 years ago. He can walk down 5th ave and shoot somebody in the head and will still have supporters. lol :)

All this impeachment talk is just rallying is base and donors. :) Democrats are not going to do shit and the senate will just not even call hearings on the floor.


big enos burrnet

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
trump is a very desperate man he knows he can leave the white house,,he knows he cant go back to new york,,he knows the c.i.a and f.b.i
is not going to let russia help him win again,,and he knows dammn well he gone have to open up his mouth and directly ask for himself...
he knows he is fucked....