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Saw this on NewsMAX twitter.....
I can't reemember. Which asshole was in this thread telling me that bringing up ectopic pregnancies and molestation was me changing the subject???
Cause its real interesting how we're seeing now that ectopic pregnancies and molestation are whats happening right now.
I agree don't JUST VOTE.
But the easiest simplest effective option IS TO VOTE.
And folk don't want to even do it.
March boycott protest write letters etc etc...
Do it, i've done it, it's effective
But I don't understand the not voting thought process.
Just sharing this find from brother VAiz4hustlaz
People are tired of showing up voting for democrats and watching Dems sit on their hands talking about they need 60 senate votes to get anything done
We all know they will never have 60 senators on lock, HELL THEY CAN'T EVEN GET THE 50 THEY HAVE ON CODE
It's not that folks want to not vote or are lazy, sadly some feel that not voting may be the only way to get democrats to see their base is not happy.
Just sharing this find from brother VAiz4hustlaz
People are tired of showing up voting for democrats and watching Dems sit on their hands talking about they need 60 senate votes to get anything done
We all know they will never have 60 senators on lock, HELL THEY CAN'T EVEN GET THE 50 THEY HAVE ON CODE
It's not that folks want to not vote or are lazy, sadly some feel that not voting may be the only way to get democrats to see their base is not happy.
More like white trash / white Christian fundamentalistsSounds like typical Republicans lol.
Just sharing this find from brother VAiz4hustlaz
People are tired of showing up voting for democrats and watching Dems sit on their hands talking about they need 60 senate votes to get anything done
We all know they will never have 60 senators on lock, HELL THEY CAN'T EVEN GET THE 50 THEY HAVE ON CODE
It's not that folks want to not vote or are lazy, sadly some feel that not voting may be the only way to get democrats to see their base is not happy.
All you fake woke virtue signaling MFs LOL
Then don't vote. I don't understand the anger here. If you feel that Democrats aren't doing anything, then find an alternative & back them. Whether it's a 3rd party or republicans. What's the point of complaining about one side & giving the other side a pass? I guarantee people who register republican are getting hit up for donations too.
I'm going to keep my ass out of that country for a while. For those that are going to get caught in the crosshairs of the idiocy. I have some thoughts & prayers for you.
Let the republicans win the upcoming elections. That'll be fun to watch. I wonder what people will complain about then. I'm certain all of those "freedoms" you think you have will magically disappear.
YOU'RE NOT VOTING HARD ENOUGH!!!Your tirade implies that voting is the cure for our ills. If only that were true. Black people have been voting for decades. Same shit
Some of these posters are mentally ill and need psychiatric help.YOU'RE NOT VOTING HARD ENOUGH!!!