Thank you for remaining consistently ignorant. You have purposely ignored facts, data, and statistics. In your warped mind instead of dealing with root causes of problems your logic is, if we don't allow abortions on a national level, then women will be forced to kill their babies with hangers?? Yet, these women should be protected?
Here is the crazy part that I have continuously stated. Abortions sre not banned everywhere!!! It is not illegal everywhere!!!
If your state allows abortions, then you are free to kill the baby. Simple. The same with weed, some states allow you to smoke weed, some don't. There are many other laws that vary from state to to state. Move to another state if abortion means that much to you.
Or, here is an idea..........just be more responsible.
You're honestly dumb as dogshit. You pantomime concern for the poor but don't understand at all what this rollback of rights entails for the less economically mobile women who are now going to have contend with the following realities:
i) they will proceed with abortions as they would have pre Roe (which is well documented in terms of maternal death rates and barbaric non medically supervised abortion efforts). Which has nary an effect on the ability of the economically mobile to seek treatment as necessary accross State lines as you so blithely suggest is their "right". Ignoring of course that these sick fucks are drafting legislation which criminalizes or financially disincentivizes efforts to do so...once again impacting the already economically marginal the most.
ii) and will have to scramble as
national abortion is on the table once these sick Dominionist fucks that think like you are back in control of all three branches, which is almost guaranteed given how weak and ineffectual Dems are.
iii) Also: the same rationale used to gut this law can
easily be applied to Brown v Board of Education, Griswold v Connecticut and any other rights to privacy that flow from the 14th amendment. Every single dumb nigga (like you) cheerleading this incredibly stupid bullshit will have a
conniption fit when the exact same rationale used to strike down Roe is used to limit your freedom even slightly. I'd bet every single dollar I have on that lol. You are completely full of shit and out of your depth on this stuff.
Lets face it the economically mobile and the rich-conservative-hypocrites who wring their hands about the unborn while supporting legislation that creats a hellscape for actual children in America have nothing to worry about under the current status quo. Meanwhile you have nothing to offer but platitudes. "Be more responsible!". Nigga you have no idea what you're talking about. STFU and sit your ass down