U.S. Supreme Court has voted to strike down Roe vs. Wade

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

I keep seeing this take from centrist Dems that goes "Republicans got here through incrementalism, progressives need to learn from their example and accept incremental change." It's been getting under my skin, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why until just now...

It gets down to one of my core problems: lack of vision or purpose from the Very Smart People™️ wing of the party.

Every Republican president since Gerald Ford has explicitly supported overturning Roe. They told the base "this is the goal" and so the base kept showing up.

The theory of change shifted over time - for Ford and Reagan, it was a constitutional amendment. But the federalist society model took over, and Rs sold the idea of judicial action. But the end goal, as stated clearly in the party platform since 1984, was overturning Roe

They told the base it was a game of increments, but the goal was always clear. Along the way, they had to load the lower courts to overtake the Supreme Court. And they kept the base fired up by passing trigger laws and pushing radical bills that were struck down

And every time a bill was struck down, the party made sure their messaging reaffirmed 1) look, we're right, we need to throw out these judges, 2) we're fighting for the end goal.

They gave passionate voters a clear goal and a consistent reason to keep showing up
Name one single comparable goal that Democrats have pushed forward.

You can't. There isn't one. Democrats can't even get together on wildly popular incremental ideas like expanding social security, capping Rx costs, or universal background checks.

When progressives put forward big goals, the response is "that's impossible" or "don't be silly." Then centrists collaborate with the Republicans to weaken our biggest accomplishments, or proactively cave to GOP messaging on everything from abortion to guns to taxes

Where the R establishment set a goal and pushed toward it, D establishment scolds progressives for being foolish if we put forward big ideas. They say we need to accept incrementalism, but never say towards what. Then they get mad when people don't show up for more of the same

Even in the wake of the Dobbs decision, Democratic leaders won't make a clear promise about what they'll do. Biden finally said we "should" have a filibuster carve out for Roe, but no concrete commitments, much less a vote count to say "with this many senators..."

And Court expansion is still off the table for the White House.

So what's incrementalism pointing us toward?

Until there is a clear goal for us to unite behind with party-wide unity, no, the slow Republican push that got us here is not analogous.

I've voted in every election since I turned 18. I understand harm minimization and the stakes of the fight. I will always vote blue in November and work to bring others along. But incrementalism is only motivating if there's a credible end goal and a fight to believe in.

Currently yelling at me over this thread: centrist Dems who think I'm living in fantasyland. Rose Twitter telling me I'm an enabler. Republicans high on Murdoch fumes. Gonna go ahead and mute, enjoy fighting in the comments lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Ya hate ta see it

The curtain is damn near pulled all the way back now but the bots and drones are still falling for the “Wizard of Oz”, “King with no clothes” Democrip games. There is no good coming from depending on them and the only reason the pro-whites like @donwuan / @dumbone and @Darrkman / @Dimman are begging for votes for the Democrats are because they are LGBT and/or immigrants and need the welfare to survive.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
But seriously, why can't we work on these issues?

The solution can not be that we force all poor people who will struggle to have abortions.

My god bro, are you legitimately retarded? Do you not understand that abortion for those who need it will legitimately now only be the purview of the economically mobile in these dumb Red States?? While the poor go back to the coat hangers and poverty stricken matrernal outcomes well documented pre-Roe, thus rendering your fake concern for the "poor" moot? You've (very fakely) suggested you're not religious but goddamn, you may as well be you magical thinking fuck lol.

I hate that you dudes who care THE LEAST about decency pretend to care THE MOST. Shit is so fucking weird. I legit wish some Alien 2 type shit on your asses... hope some spores make their way unwillingly into your guts and then you just have to bring them shits to term because a higher Prometheus type nigga bred y'all asses into it lol. I would legit sit by y'all dumb ass bedsides on some "take that, take that!" type Diddy pettiness lol.
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Truth Teller
My god bro, are you legitimately retarded? Do you not understand that abortion for those who need it will legitimately now only be the purview of the economically mobile in these dumb Red States?? While the poor go back to the coat hangers and poverty stricken matrernal outcomes well documented pre-Roe, thus rendering your fake concern for the "poor" moot? You've (very fakely) suggested you're not religious but goddamn, you may as well be you magical thinking fuck lol.

I hate that you dudes who care THE LEAST about decency pretend to care THE MOST. Shit is so fucking weird. I legit wish some Alien 2 type shit on your asses... hope some spores make their way unwillingly into your guts and then you just have to bring them shits to term because a higher Prometheus type nigga bred y'all asses into it lol. I would legit sit by y'all dumb ass bedsides on some "take that, take that!" type Diddy pettiness lol.
Thank you for remaining consistently ignorant. You have purposely ignored facts, data, and statistics. In your warped mind instead of dealing with root causes of problems your logic is, if we don't allow abortions on a national level, then women will be forced to kill their babies with hangers?? Yet, these women should be protected?

Here is the crazy part that I have continuously stated. Abortions sre not banned everywhere!!! It is not illegal everywhere!!!

If your state allows abortions, then you are free to kill the baby. Simple. The same with weed, some states allow you to smoke weed, some don't. There are many other laws that vary from state to to state. Move to another state if abortion means that much to you.

Or, here is an idea..........just be more responsible.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Just got finish listening to a lunatic Republican running for AG in MD on the radio. This CAC was talking about prohibiting and prosecuting abortion under murder laws. Keep in mind MD is a state that legalised abortion by popular vote.

Of course he also believes the election was "stolen." If there are "sensible" Republicans out there, they're being very quiet.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Here is the crazy part that I have continuously stated. Abortions sre not banned everywhere!!! It is not illegal everywhere!!!
If the right-wing gets its way it will be. The Thomas More Law Center has already argued that women don't have a right to travel to another state to seek abortion if they live in a state where it's prohibited. I'm pretty sure they believe the Constitution applies to the unborn.

From what I've read, they lose most of their cases but with this SCOTUS they only have to fail their way up to the SC to get a win.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I'm surprised they are candid about their views on the reasoning behind doing away with RvW. They are still stuck on "voting" stupid, which is disappointing but not surprising. Between the suicides, low birth rates, opioids, and the middle class caucasians leading abortions by the numbers, of course they want to maintain their rulership. Like I said, the 400 years are over and judgment is coming. The only thing that can stop it is black energy protecting them from judgement.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster

I was watching a Comedy Hype video and I was very disappointed to hear Capone and a female comedian blame Biden for all this.

It wasn't the first time he dropped some really misinformed sh*t on there

And its surprising how comedians are SHOCKED that there is a such a backlash

If you aint being FUNNY but just spouting nonsense

You supposed to be free of risk?

When the f*ck did that EVER happen?