Update: Deshaun Watson is suspended 11 games and fined $5 million dollars

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
I gotta ask what is he paying a fine for?? The NFL Players Union is trash.

For breaking the personal conduct policy.

That policy states you don't have to be convicted. If you bring any kind of negative attention to the NFL, you are in violation.

And I think we can all agree this has been negative attention.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

OJ wouldn't have had those problems with the women, because he would've just



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I knew it wasn't going to be a whole season with the Players Association. Figured it would be 10 or 12.

It's also good they're making him do therapy. Something ain't right with dude.

There's nothing wrong with him. He's just too cheap to pay for prostitutes and doesn't actually want to pay to see actual prostitutes. So masseuses are the closest to it that he can pay for

He got one happy ending and now he wants a happy ending at the start!:roflmao:

He uses massages as a disguise to get what he really wants.

Edit: He definitely has a problem with his ass play though! :lol:

But there's prostitutes that could've helped him with that too. But he didn't want to pay or risk get busted paying for prostitutes.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
There's nothing wrong with him. He's just too cheap to pay for prostitutes and doesn't actually want to pay to see actual prostitutes. So masseuses are the closest to it that he can pay for

He got one happy ending and now he wants a happy ending at the start!:roflmao:

He uses massages as a disguise to get what he really wants.

Edit: He definitely has a problem with his ass play though! :lol:

But there's prostitutes that could've helped him with that too. But he didn't want to pay or risk get busted paying for prostitutes.
For real. If something is wrong with him, the ALL of us are fucked up. We're discussing his sexual deviance on a fucking porn board.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That’s all bs. The man isn’t guilty of a crime period. He’s guilty of being a perve, a dumb ass. There’s no law against that

Trying to smear you dick in women's faces unsolicited.

Nutting in women's faces unsolicited and pulling women faces to your dick trying to get it sucked when they're simply just trying to do their job is kinda against the law.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trying to smear you dick in women's faces unsolicited.

Nutting in women's faces unsolicited and pulling women faces to your dick trying to get it sucked when they're simply just trying to do their job is kinda against the law.
Idk what happened but I will never believe just the woman’s side when this occurs. Whatever the fuck he did, it doesn’t warrant all this bs especially after 2 grand juries couldn’t find shit. Money grab !!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trying to smear you dick in women's faces unsolicited.

Nutting in women's faces unsolicited and pulling women faces to your dick trying to get it sucked when they're simply just trying to do their job is kinda against the law.

Quit making shit up. Sources or stfu.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Quit making shit up. Sources or stfu.

Now enjoy going and shutting the fuck up. Also know what you're talking about before you quote me, or don't quote me and stfu.

Remember you caused this reaction.

Deshaun Watson has been sued for sexual misconduct by a 24th massage therapist, and the details of the suit are graphic.

The alleged incident, in which Watson is accused of masturbating and non-consensually ejaculating on a woman who was giving him a massage, happened in August of 2020 at the woman's apartment.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Idk what happened but I will never believe just the woman’s side when this occurs. Whatever the fuck he did, it doesn’t warrant all this bs especially after 2 grand juries couldn’t find shit. Money grab !!

We're all men here and we're all intelligent enough to know what he was doing. He didn't want to actually pay for pussy so he got around it by getting happy endings with massages.

It's reported that he had 66 massage therapist in 17 months. The 20 or so that had lawsuits are the ones that didn't go along with the happy ending program.

40+ went along with the program and didn't file charges.

I do believe some jumped on board just to get paid, but we all know what Deshaun was doing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Media asked him why did he settle if he was innocent, they know damn well people settle all the time even if they are innocent.

Like someone said he didn't want to buy prostitutes so he was using those so called massage therapist to get pussy. A lot of them bitches weren't even licensed massage therapist... :smh: :lol:

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Idk what happened but I will never believe just the woman’s side when this occurs. Whatever the fuck he did, it doesn’t warrant all this bs especially after 2 grand juries couldn’t find shit. Money grab !!

George Zimmerman was found to have not committed a crime when he killed Trayvon. So that means you think Zimmerman is innocent too?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Now enjoy going and shutting the fuck up. Also know what you're talking about before you quote me, or don't quote me and stfu.

Remember you caused this reaction.

Deshaun Watson has been sued for sexual misconduct by a 24th massage therapist, and the details of the suit are graphic.

The alleged incident, in which Watson is accused of masturbating and non-consensually ejaculating on a woman who was giving him a massage, happened in August of 2020 at the woman's apartment.

That's the civil suit allegation. What did the federal judge find? Big difference. Important difference.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
We're all men here and we're all intelligent enough to know what he was doing. He didn't want to actually pay for pussy so he got around it by getting happy endings with massages.

It's reported that he had 66 massage therapist in 17 months. The 20 or so that had lawsuits are the ones that didn't go along with the happy ending program.

40+ went along with the program and didn't file charges.

I do believe some jumped on board just to get paid, but we all know what Deshaun was doing.

Man, I don't know why this is hard to understand. These guys know what's DeShaun was doing. But they hate women to begin with and they think it's ok.

I don't think every woman that accused him was telling the truth, but they weren't all lying either.

But I don't think he objected to paying for pussy.

I think he got off on pushing boundaries. There are many, many, MANY happy ending spots in Houston. If that's all he wanted, he could have arranged them to meet him somewhere discreetly.

There is no one in this situation to blame but him for being a dumbass.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
That's the civil suit allegation. What did the federal judge find?

I, therefore, find that the NFL has carried its burden to prove, by a preponderance of the
evidence, that Mr. Watson engaged in sexual assault (as defined by the NFL) against the four
therapists identified in the Report.29

And "as defined by the NFL" means unwanted sexual contact.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Goodell bitch ass made sure to have him back against the Texans for ratings.
Probably gonna be the most watched game of the NFL season.
Massage parlors around the country gonna have tvs in the lounge with that game on.....:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I don't know why this is hard to understand. These guys know what's DeShaun was doing. But they hate women to begin with and they think it's ok.

I don't think every woman that accused him was telling the truth, but they weren't all lying either.

But I don't think he objected to paying for pussy.

I think he got off on pushing boundaries. There are many, many, MANY happy ending spots in Houston. If that's all he wanted, he could have arranged them to meet him somewhere discreetly.

There is no one in this situation to blame but him for being a dumbass.

I agree 100%


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's the civil suit allegation. What did the federal judge find? Big difference. Important difference.

Bruh, there's no video or physical evidence of Deshaun doing anything so in my eyes he's innocent of everything.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
And "as defined by the NFL" means unwanted sexual contact.
Cool. My point is what exact acts are in report 29? Busting a nut is a different thing than a garden variety assault/touch. The judge only gave 6 games for a reason.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Cool. My point is what exact acts are in report 29? Busting a nut is a different thing than a garden variety assault/touch. The judge only gave 6 games for a reason.

The report is out there my man.

"Watson has not testified that he had erections and inadvertently touched the
therapists here; instead, he has categorically denied the allegations against him, including that he
ever developed an erection during a massage. It is difficult to give weight to a complete denial
when weighed against the credible testimony of the investigators who interviewed the therapists
and other third parties.

Moreover, the totality of the evidence (including the undisputed facts
relating to Mr. Watson’s use of towels, his focus points, and the not uncommon experience of
massage therapists to have contact with the erect penis of their male clients) lends support to my
conclusion that it is more probable than not that Mr. Watson did have erections and that his erect
penis contacted the therapists as claimed by them.

With respect to whether the contact was intentional, the matter of intent generally must
be inferred from circumstantial evidence in the absence of an admission. In this case, Mr.
Watson reached out to women whose professional qualifications were unknown and unimportant
to him. He insisted on using a towel, increasing the probability of exposure. He insisted on
having the therapists focus on areas of his body that not uncommonly triggered erections. And
he engaged in this pattern of conduct multiple times. I find this sufficient circumstantial
evidence to support the NFL’s contention not only that contact occurred, but that Mr. Watson
was aware that contact probably would occur, and that Mr. Watson had a sexual purpose – not
just a therapeutic purpose – in making these arrangements with these particular therapists.27
Finally, I find that the NFL has produced sufficient circumstantial evidence to prove the
last prong of the test, that Mr. Watson knew such sexualized contact was unwanted. Of course,
there is no indication on the record that even experienced therapists “want” such contact, and Mr.
Watson certainly did not seek out the most experienced therapists. Moreover, there is credible
evidence that one of the therapists expressed her discomfort of the unwanted contact to Mr.
Watson during the sessions, and another of the therapists ended the session early.

Given that none of these therapists accepted Mr. Watson’s invitations to engage in further therapy sessions,
I find the evidence sufficient to demonstrate that Mr. Watson knew, or should have known, that
any contact between his penis and these therapists was unwanted."


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Bruh, there's no video or physical evidence of Deshaun doing anything so in my eyes he's innocent of everything.

Nah, then it's word against word. But the burden of proof is on the accuser. I'm saying that it matters exactly what conduct he was found to have committed. was he felony bad or misdemeanor bad? Not what is alleged, but what was found by the judge acting as an arbitrator.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The report is out there my man.

"Watson has not testified that he had erections and inadvertently touched the
therapists here; instead, he has categorically denied the allegations against him, including that he
ever developed an erection during a massage. It is difficult to give weight to a complete denial
when weighed against the credible testimony of the investigators who interviewed the therapists
and other third parties.

Moreover, the totality of the evidence (including the undisputed facts
relating to Mr. Watson’s use of towels, his focus points, and the not uncommon experience of
massage therapists to have contact with the erect penis of their male clients) lends support to my
conclusion that it is more probable than not that Mr. Watson did have erections and that his erect
penis contacted the therapists as claimed by them.

With respect to whether the contact was intentional, the matter of intent generally must
be inferred from circumstantial evidence in the absence of an admission. In this case, Mr.
Watson reached out to women whose professional qualifications were unknown and unimportant
to him. He insisted on using a towel, increasing the probability of exposure. He insisted on
having the therapists focus on areas of his body that not uncommonly triggered erections. And
he engaged in this pattern of conduct multiple times. I find this sufficient circumstantial
evidence to support the NFL’s contention not only that contact occurred, but that Mr. Watson
was aware that contact probably would occur, and that Mr. Watson had a sexual purpose – not
just a therapeutic purpose – in making these arrangements with these particular therapists.27
Finally, I find that the NFL has produced sufficient circumstantial evidence to prove the
last prong of the test, that Mr. Watson knew such sexualized contact was unwanted. Of course,
there is no indication on the record that even experienced therapists “want” such contact, and Mr.
Watson certainly did not seek out the most experienced therapists. Moreover, there is credible
evidence that one of the therapists expressed her discomfort of the unwanted contact to Mr.
Watson during the sessions, and another of the therapists ended the session early.

Given that none of these therapists accepted Mr. Watson’s invitations to engage in further therapy sessions,
I find the evidence sufficient to demonstrate that Mr. Watson knew, or should have known, that
any contact between his penis and these therapists was unwanted."
Thanks for the assist. This is what I mean though, if this is it she did not find he nutted on anyone. That would be arguably felony level. She found what she said there, and that makes sense to me for 6 games.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
George Zimmerman was found to have not committed a crime when he killed Trayvon. So that means you think Zimmerman is innocent too?
We all know that's 2 different situations. A black kid vs a white dude, we all heard the 911 tapes. Zimmerman should be dead. Don't confuse the 2, no one died with these hoes. They weren't forced to do shit. No real massage therapists go IG looking for clients. IG models with side hustles do that shit, while slinging ass on the side. They didn't go to the cops first, they went looking for a lawyer to cash in, period. I'm not saying he isn't wrong for what he did but all this hoopla is bs.