That's cool but it's a hell of a lot of people out here faking and acting like they were big Nipsey fans like they even knew who he was or was riding with him before he died. The shit just aint genuine at all. I'm sure he gained some genuine fans after his death but damn..
I understand what you saying and you not wrong.
But I feel like that happens to a lot of celebrities after they die especially now with social media.
But he was one of those figures in hip hop who if you were really a hip hop fan?
You KNEW him.
He put in so much work and lived up to his name.
It's hard to explain
I was never a big fan like that but I KNEW what he was about and especially when he focused more on black entrepreneurship investing community improvements etc etc
It was the $100 mix tape and jay z buying them all up, the name, the way he looked so much like snoop, being cool with YG, lauren london, the store, the slogan, the investment into bitcoin, real estate, gang unity etc etc.
And again I wasn't even a FAN but I knew all this outside the music.
I think being so multi-faceted he touched so many different groups and the WAY HE WAS MURDERED.
it resonated and it hurt.
I can't speak for the creepy dudes out here claiming Nip
But that is just my opinion on how to explain how a relatively lesser known rapper's death is treated like Big Pac and Easy.