Wait. Is Kevin Samuels DEAD or is it a Rumor? Update: RIP Kevin Samuels


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Truth is most people that have issues with energy drinks are also taking cocaine and adderrall with it.
The others are mixing it with vodka and shit like that. Don't know where they thought that was a good combo.

Those energy drinks are murder on your body. People seem to be addicted to them too. :smh:


jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Truth is most people that have issues with energy drinks are also taking cocaine and adderrall with it.
The others are mixing it with vodka and shit like that. Don't know where they thought that was a good combo.


CPT Callamity

Titty Feelin Villain
BGOL Investor


BGOL Patreon Investor
Anyone is free to agree or disagree about Kevin Samuels' messages.

I feel like in the realm of public discourse there is room for varied points of view.

No one is 100% right all of the time and to some extent "right" is subjective, anyway. So of course, Kevin Samuels was not always right.

However, Kevin's was an important and necessary voice. He spoke out loud what Black men want and don't want from women. He spoke the uncomfortable truth about what things we give value to and what we don't value in a woman. The dominant society has always tended to more readily find fault with Black men and give more of a platform to Black women to air their grievances about us. It benefits the divide and conquer aspect of white supremacy if the image of the Black Man, the protector and provider of our race is tarnished and weakened. Oprah Winfrey many times assisted white supremacists in the character assassination of Black men.

Kevin provided a forum and acted as a spokesman for the airing of OUR- Black men's grievances. But I don't see it as hateful. "Tough love", for sure, but underpinning it was always love. He preached an ongoing sermon of wanting to see Black men and women give each other a chance, that for a Black woman a man who was of the status of the father that she loved should be more than worthy of being a fitting partner for her. He taught that "average" is not bad. In fact, it's perfectly fine and two average people could lead a fulfilling life together. As he would declare women to be of average looks, he put his own looks in the same category. Those women whom he was harsh with tended to be those who were entitled and who looked down on the average Black man and those who lashed out at or overtalked him. Considering that the average Black man whom they called themselves rejecting comprised the 96% of all of us who statistically earn south of 6 figures, correction in the form of a reality check was imperative.

Did he go overboard on occasion? Certainly. Was he blunt? Very. But on his show, Kevin Samuels held up a clean mirror to Black people- to men AND women and not just to women only as popularly misconceived. I believe he wanted to see US ALL succeed.

Peace, blessings and shelter to his mother, daughter, family and loved ones.

Rest In Peace, Kevin Samuels


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Anyone is free to agree or disagree about Kevin Samuels' messages.

I feel like in the realm of public discourse there is room for varied points of view.

No one is 100% right all of the time and to some extent "right" is subjective, anyway. So of course, Kevin Samuels was not always right.

However, Kevin's was an important and necessary voice. He spoke out loud what Black men want and don't want from women. He spoke the uncomfortable truth about what things we give value to and what we don't value in a woman. The dominant society has always tended to more readily find fault with Black men and give more of a platform to Black women to air their grievances about us. It benefits the divide and conquer aspect of white supremacy if the image of the Black Man, the protector and provider of our race is tarnished and weakened. Oprah Winfrey many times assisted white supremacists in the character assassination of Black men.

Kevin provided a forum and acted as a spokesman for the airing of OUR- Black men's grievances. But I don't see it as hateful. "Tough love", for sure, but underpinning it was always love. He preached an ongoing sermon of wanting to see Black men and women give each other a chance, that for a Black woman a man who was of the status of the father that she loved should be more than worthy of being a fitting partner for her. He taught that "average" is not bad. In fact, it's perfectly fine and two average people could lead a fulfilling life together. As he would declare women to be of average looks, he put his own looks in the same category. Those women whom he was harsh with tended to be those who were entitled and who looked down on the average Black man and those who lashed out at or overtalked him. That average Black man they were rejecting comprised 96%of us who statistically earn south of 6 figures. Correction in the form of a reality check was imperative.

Did he go overboard on occasion? Certainly. Was he blunt? Very. But on his show, Kevin Samuels held up a clean mirror to Black people- to men AND women and not just to women only as popularly misconceived. I believe he wanted to see US ALL succeed.

Peace, blessings and shelter to his mother, daughter, family and loved ones.

Rest In Peace, Kevin Samuels

Too many pussy whipped sissies In the world... today...Fuck any woman that wants me just for my cash....and fuck Any nigha..that didn't fuck with the blood's teachings....dam GODD posting....Killamayne out.. brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone is free to agree or disagree about Kevin Samuels' messages.

I feel like in the realm of public discourse there is room for varied points of view.

No one is 100% right all of the time and to some extent "right" is subjective, anyway. So of course, Kevin Samuels was not always right.

However, Kevin's was an important and necessary voice. He spoke out loud what Black men want and don't want from women. He spoke the uncomfortable truth about what things we give value to and what we don't value in a woman. The dominant society has always tended to more readily find fault with Black men and give more of a platform to Black women to air their grievances about us. It benefits the divide and conquer aspect of white supremacy if the image of the Black Man, the protector and provider of our race is tarnished and weakened. Oprah Winfrey many times assisted white supremacists in the character assassination of Black men.

Kevin provided a forum and acted as a spokesman for the airing of OUR- Black men's grievances. But I don't see it as hateful. "Tough love", for sure, but underpinning it was always love. He preached an ongoing sermon of wanting to see Black men and women give each other a chance, that for a Black woman a man who was of the status of the father that she loved should be more than worthy of being a fitting partner for her. He taught that "average" is not bad. In fact, it's perfectly fine and two average people could lead a fulfilling life together. As he would declare women to be of average looks, he put his own looks in the same category. Those women whom he was harsh with tended to be those who were entitled and who looked down on the average Black man and those who lashed out at or overtalked him. Considering that the average Black man whom they called themselves rejecting comprised the 96% of all of us who statistically earn south of 6 figures, correction in the form of a reality check was imperative.

Did he go overboard on occasion? Certainly. Was he blunt? Very. But on his show, Kevin Samuels held up a clean mirror to Black people- to men AND women and not just to women only as popularly misconceived. I believe he wanted to see US ALL succeed.

Peace, blessings and shelter to his mother, daughter, family and loved ones.

Rest In Peace, Kevin Samuels
Its going to be interesting to see who fights to fill that void.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

its not about race of the woman

its about the confused

govt zaddy

state manipulated

reality mindset of a woman

that ultimately works against her

in the long run..

she wanted out the kitchen

she got out the kitchen

and that comes with freedom

at the expense of our youth

to wander through life with a mother

who chose things

instead of

Last edited:

Multi - Personality

Rising Star
Bottom line, these women bashing Kevin's death right now will not listen or change their lifestyle and will keep going around that merry-go-round until they find themselves alone by their own doing and will still not take accountability for themselves.

With that ghostly echo that will haunt them while still being angry...

".... Die alone...."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know but I know he was always drinking it, I stop drinking energy drinks about 15 years ago. I had a big ass Monster one time and my heart rate went up fast, I could feel my heart beating fast as fuck, that's when I said I'm done with energy drinks.

R I. P

monster is the fucking worst its a

liver killer all chemicals

redbull is really just carbonated b

vit drink with chemicals but not as fucked up

as monster energy..

fun conspiracy fact...

The M on monster energy drink is NOT an M

but actually

3 Six's


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Yes red bull kills
also from the ny post



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
Keep in mind, like Kevin, the female who almost died on the beach with me recently overcame cancer, and even though she was fit and looked good on the outside, according to her doctor friend, her insides was not 100% and with her she was working out, swimming, and dieting, and this according to the doctor, was a perfect cocktail of death. I don't know Kevins eating habits, but I do know he worked out, so if a younger woman in her mid 20's could almost pass out and die from drinking redbull under similar circumstances, to me it's plausible to think the same thing could happen to a lot older Kevin.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Keep in mind, like Kevin, the female who almost died on the beach with me recently overcame cancer, and even though she was fit and looked good on the outside, according to her doctor friend, her insides was not 100% and with her she was working out, swimming, and dieting, and this according to the doctor, was a perfect cocktail of death. I don't know Kevins eating habits, but I do know he worked out, so if a younger woman in her mid 20's could almost pass out and die from drinking redbull under similar circumstances, to me it's plausible to think the same thing could happen to a lot older Kevin.

What in redbull could kill anyone?

Ingredients Carbonated Water, Sucrose, Glucose, Citric Acid, Taurine, Sodium Bicarbonate, Magnesium Carbonate, Caffeine, Niacinamide, Calcium Pantothenate, Pyridoxine HCI, Vitamin B12, Natural and Artificial Flavors, Colors